Mottos to Live By...

  • Share some of your favorite quotes or thoughts that have helped you with your journey.

    My Most Used Motto:

    Aim for Progress, Not Perfection

    A new motto I thought of today:

    It's not about saying "No" all the time, it is about NOT saying "Yes" all the time.

    Share yours!
  • My motto is "Slow and steady wins the race." I've been on a million diets in my lifetime and have always freaked out about not losing weight fast enough. This in turn caused me to get discouraged and to give up every time. This time, I'm in it for the long haul. If it takes me 3 or 4 or 5 years to lose this weight, who cares? At least I'm headed in the right direction and when I finally get to goal I'll be able to better understand what it takes to maintain.
  • "Quitting is not an option!"

    I will not gain the weight back this time! Like Quirky1, I'm in this for the long haul - slow but sure. It's taken me 2-1/2 years to get this far and if it takes another 2-1/2 years to reach my goal that's fine with me.
  • " I can do this!!!!"

    No matter what, you have to believe in yourself. I'm in this for the long haul too. I didn't gain all this weight over night. Whether it takes me 6 months or maybe even a year, I believe in myself and I know that I can make this happen. I know that I can do this!!!!
  • My favorite has always been "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels".
  • "Decide what you want; decide what you're willing to exchange for it; establish your priorities, and go to work." --H.L. Hunt

    I got this quote from I'm not sure who H.L. Hunt is but the quote exactly expresses how I feel about losing weight. I have decided that being thin and healthy is more important to me than being able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and leading the life of a couch potato. I could also apply it to a lot of other things in my life as well.

    - Barbara
  • I saw one at Curves yesterday.

    "The difference between impossible and possible lie in a person's determination."
  • Eat clean and move.
  • "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" - very helpful at the gym when you are doing something that takes you way out of your comfort zone.

    "little by little - step by step" - I try to remember that all the time, when you have a long journey in front of you, it's important to keep yourself in the present and not bite off more than you can chew!