Fun to do...and fat free

  • My weight crept on over the course of about six years. My closets were bursting with skinny clothes, not so skinny clothes, definately not skinny clothes and then the dreaded "plus" size clothes. I have stuff from size 8 up to size 20. I always kept everything "just in case" I ever lost the weight. My low point was when I realized how much I was spending just trying to find fashionable plus size clothes. (PS Side Rant here... We larger gals want to look good too, can't someone make something other than a giant teeshirt or moomoo for us that does not cost twice as much as a "regular" size????)

    Anyway, the past two weekends, I have been trying on different things in my closets. How good it felt to try things on and realize that they are too big and baggy. How great it felt to try on things that I bought, without trying on in the store, and that sat in the closet because I couldn't fit into, only to find now that I can!. I was even able to fit into a non-plus size pair of jeans (okay- they were stretch jeans, but they still should count ).

    It was fun! I packed up the big and baggies and donated them. I have a ways to go but what a pickme up! Try it yourself and you will see.

    Have a great weekend- I am off on vacation!
  • Your closet sounds like mine! I try on things daily to see if it is going to fit or be too baggy. I'm getting a nice size pile on my bedroom floor (for the second time) that will be donated to a local charity! It is a great feeling!

    Now I need to realize that I can stop going into the plus size shops and actually get into a large size shirt and a size 8/10 jean. My mind size hasn't caught up with my physical size yet! Do you ever get there?! I'm still stuck in the "I'm fat" mode.
  • I have bought a few things lately that are too big. I know what you mean about thinking smaller. I am now a size medium in pants, skirts, nightgowns, and jammies, so why to do I keep carting home size large stuff?
  • I haven't been able to give up anything yet, but snug fitting clothes are starting to feel loose; due to forgetting to do laundry yesterday, I had slim pickings this morning. I found a pair of shorts and put them on and they were comfy. 6 weeks ago they were skin tight and unwearable. Feel so good!
  • The bad thing about keeping all those skinnier clothes, is that if you don't keep tabs on them, you shrink right out of them. I found some flannel shirts that I just loved when I could wear them. By the time I can wear them again, weather wise, they will be too big. I was going to sell my really nice clothes on ebay and donate the rest. The ebay thing hasn't gotten any farther than in my head and the boxes of things to donate are taking over the closet under the stairs!!! I am keeping one pair of my biggest weight jeans to remind me that I do NOT want to go back there again!
  • Hey Deb-I've had the same problem with all my clothes that have been stacking up in my 2nd bedroom for the last year. I have no idea how to do ebay and not sure I want to learn-so I found a plus size resale shop and took a bunch of stuff in today. They didn't take a lot of the stuff-clothes have to be in practically perfect condition-but they did take some and I made a little money on it. The rest will go to Goodwill or something . . .