Better Self Image After Working Out?

  • So for the past few days i've really slacked on exercising and even ate some fried chicken today. When i was looking in the mirror I just felt so BLAH looking at myself. So tonight I pushed myself out the door and went for a mile run...

    When i got home and looked at myself in the mirror and started to feel better about myself again.

    Does anyone else notice they like themselves a bit better after working out?
  • yup i think so... my posture is better... my lungs feel "clean"..odd yup lol...

    and i feel like i have actually done something... quite important for me at the mo as i have been unable to do "normal" stuff for about a year due to an accident...
  • Oh yeah - I ROCK baby!

    Even sore muscles make me feel good! I'm such a gym rat!
  • I think part of it is that exercise makes us feel better in general. It's a natural high Plus you aren't feeling the guilt you might feel when you don't exercise. I know I feel rather guilty when I don't!!
  • Yeah...after I get some good exercise in, I will look in the mirror and my eyes will 'airbrush' what it sees. Definitely makes all the difference!
  • I always feel better after working out really hard for a few days. I feel like my stomach looks more toned and I just feel a lot trimmer/sexier. For a while I had gotten to the point where I did not care what my scale said because I just felt better.
  • I've noticed the posture thing too. As with lots of girls with the bigger breasts, we get a hunch back, either from trying to de-emphasize them growingup, or just the plain weight of the dang things! So, I am pretty hunchy most of the time, but after coming back from the gym--espcially after doing ab crunches/back extensions, I stand up straighter, stick those girls out and walk proud.
    I also just feel 'tighter' in general, all around, but again, mostly in the ab area. I definitely preen in the mirror after going to the gym.

    Hmm, and I thought it was just me...
  • Absolutely, positively, YES, I have a better self image after a good workout