Please! Help! Advice! Something!

  • Ever since finals of last quarter, I've been VERY slowly gaining my weight back. I started at 150, and with the help of 3fc and fitday, got myself down to 132 and am currently at 142.

    I didn't pay too much attention to eating during finals - I knew that once they were over I'd get myself back on track.

    But I moved to LA with two other classmates for my internship, and now we share an apartment and they like all the foods that I crave and dive for when my willpower is weak. The end of every day is always my weak time, and it always includes one of them getting their favorite snack, and me craving that snack, even though I'm not hungry at all. I can't ask them to not eat the food around me, because there are only two rooms in our apartment - the livingroom/kitchen and the bedroom. Unless I squester myself in the bathroom, then I might have a fighting chance at averting these cravings.

    Ugh - I'm so frustrated. I've tried to repeat what i did when I first lost the weight, since it seemed comfortable and nice, but that required me being in a much more independent living and working situation. I'm such a social eater...

  • Why don't you suggest that the three of you start cooking meals together? That way you can focus on cooking healthy foods, and you still get the social aspect of it. you could even buy a healthy cookbook, like Self Dishes or something, and suggest that you guys try stuff out of there. Otherwise, I guess work on portion control, or make your own snacks (have cut up veggies in the fridge, etc) that you can eat with them. Or, out and out tell them that you're trying to lose some weight and can they please help you. You're not asking them not to eat it in front of you, but this way they can say something if you're going back for a second handful of chips. I did this with one of my friends who eats a ton of junk food, and now she's like the voice of my willpower. She can eat whatever she wants, but she helps me stay on track. You'll get back to where you were - good luck!
  • Maybe you can arrange your daily menu so that you have a healthy snack at the times they eat their unhealthy one? I'd maybe try to figure out something to do during that time, like go for a walk or hit the library for a few hours when they bring out their snacks? Hope that helps.
  • ashlie - this is something I did, send a before photo and a photo of someone whose body/fitness you admire to walmart and get it printed out wallet size. Everytime you want to cheat look at these photos. They have diffused my binges numerous times. May work for you.
  • 1. Allow yourself portions of their snacks and keep other healthy snacks around. Keep a big bucket of raisins on the counter so you can scarf those when they bring home the fried chicken (whatever).
    2. Be strong and be determined. Make sure you have choices. Eat wheat crackers at work right before you leave for the day (or the aforementioned raisins) and you will be less hungry when you get home and therefore less likely to eat their food.
    3. Why not try reading a magazine or a book? I've always found eating when reading or doing my crosswords to be highly annoying (can't use both hands freely) and I put the food away and concentrate on my puzzle.
    4. Go for a casual walk (tell yourself it's not exercise) when they come back and stay out for an hour (or however long it takes them to finish their snack).
    Above all, you have to be inventive and come up with ways to keep your mouth and appendages busy if you're going to get through this.