just bought a points calculator!

  • I'm planning on joining WW in August when my financial aid comes in (I'm a college student) but I am already very excited about changing my eating habits. I just bought a WW points calculator in Ebay! I eat reasonably healthy now, but I want to drop 20-30 pounds before I get married in June 2007. I just wanted tot ell somebody
  • Hey there Hood! I have a points calculator and I absolutly love it! It makes it so much easier for me on the go. Is it the black one that looks like a palm pilot and keeps track w/ how many points you use? That's the one I have and they actually don't sell it @ WW anymore and I had to buy my 2nd one (yes second one lol i dropped and broke the cover off the first one) off of Ebay. Thank goodness for Ebay lol!!! I hope you have a great day!!
  • I'm heading to e bay now to see about one of those points calculators. I just love gadgets and tracking gets boring for me. I'm starting back this week. I'm a life timer who has gained all weight back for a number of reasons, main one, just can't keep food out of my mouth..
  • Do you mind me asking how much you paid for it?
    I've been watching the calculators and they seem pretty pricey. What would be a fair/good price for one?
  • That sounds like a great gadget! I'm new and I want to figure out how many points are i the things I eat. Is there a site I can go to?
  • New Points calculator
    AT last week's meeting our leader showed us a small point calculator that was $9.99. It is differnt than the palm pilot one. Has anyone tried one yet? She said it was good for figuring big number like recipes.
  • I didn't get the newest '06 calculator because it only calculates pts and does not store them. The version before that you can track your water, veggies, APs etc. I love that version!
  • OH! I love gadgets. That sounds cool. Off to check out eBay too. =)
  • I would love one of those!! I have never seen one...
  • Quote: Do you mind me asking how much you paid for it?
    I've been watching the calculators and they seem pretty pricey. What would be a fair/good price for one?
    I paid I think 25 for mine but it was sooooooo worth it! I love it and the new one's that they came out w/ I just dont' think it does it justice lol. Because of the fact you can't keep up w/ points with it. I get in a hurry and I can't always write down stuff (lol don't tell my WW leader lol) so I can just record how many points I ate with that. It's awsome!
  • I have a points calculator from when the Pts first came into being. How is the new one any different?
  • The new one doesn't keep up w/ your daily points. It's only a points calculator/reg. calculator.
  • I have been thinking about buying one!