Back in the saddle....

  • Hello lovely people.....

    Well, I'm back in the saddle again. I must confess that I left the Beach and went to the pool along with a Corona, pizza, tacos, you name it! I gained the pounds I had lost and feel/see the bloatness. I am here to say that I am coming back to the Beach and will stick to it. Oh, I can say so many excuses (4th of July, graduation parties, birthday parties, etc.) but that's what they are; excuses. more excuses back to the drawing board. Not looking forward to the 3-4 days of moodiness but I'm prepared now and know what to expect. After that, it's a flatter belly and inches lost. Definitely worth it!

    Nothing big but just wanted to share my words. That way I am held accountable in the web world. Rock on South Beachers!
  • Welcome Back Chickie!!! That's what so wonderful about the beach, you can always come home!
  • Hey Patstrin- I am also back to the beach as well, day one for me yesterday. I actually made it through the day with no headaches or moodiness I can only hope for the same today. Best of luck- have a great day.