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  • Hey Ellis and any other runners-

    I'm still running. It's getting easier. I average between 1/2 mile and 3/4 mile. Depends on how I'm feeling.

    How's the running club?

  • I'm here, Marny! Just got back from the cottage. I've got to run today... I've been slacking off a bit. And tomorrow is my running class.
    I took my running shoes up to the cottage, but I just never got around to it. Actually, the bugs were wicked, so...

    Wow, you are doing GREAT, hon!!
    I'm still doing the walk/run thing, which is fine with me for now. I'd like to let loose and run longer, but I know I need to pace myself.

    If anyone else wants to join in, you're most welcome!
  • Hey Ellis--
    My usual is to walk 1/4 mile, run 1/2 to 3/4 mile, then walk until I've gone a mile. I'm usually done in about 20 minutes. I currently have to motivation to go any further, any faster, or any longer, but I know in time the motivation will come.
    Went to my weekly OA meeting tonight. It was great. We had a couple of new folks.
    I had a lady at my daughter's preschool take note of my weight loss and ask "How are you doing it?" So, I shared with her that I joined OA and that since it's a 12 step program in involves getting my whole life in order. I invited her to come.
  • Marny, how wonderful that you made a connection with someone re: weight loss! And how nice that she noticed your weight loss!!

    I think you're doing great with the running! It is hard to push ourselves to do more. But just doing it is success!

    I did run last night.
    10 minute run, 2 min walk, 3 min run, 2 min walk, 3 min run. It's a huge help to me having an MP3 player now. The music makes me feel stronger, you know?

    Have a great day, Marny! (and others)
  • Marny, are you running?

    I skipped my class this evening. It's SO hot and humid out, and I decided to run on my treadmill instead. I'm glad I did, because I'm dying. I didn't do as well as yesterday. I ran 10, walked 2, ran 3, walking 6.
    My thighs are killing me. I think a hot bath is in order. And bed.
  • Hey Ellis-
    Yeah, I ran yesterday. I'm glad that I did since I didn't take very good care of myself at the 4th of July party last night. At least I took care of myself in the morning.

    How are your thighs feeling today?

    I'm taking it easy today. Usually I have yoga, but I've got a tickle in my throat and think I need to give my body some rest.
  • Hi, Marny!
    Good going on the run! I hope that tickle didn't turn into anything.

    My thighs are better, although I'm starting to wonder if my legs will ever be the same again. I don't remember them hurting all the time 15 years ago!

    I've got to run today... I must remember that it's only 25 or 30 minutes out of my day, and that it's good for me...
  • Hey Ellis-
    Thankfully the tickle went away. I ran yesterday, and went to yoga class today. Feeling good.

    Yeah, funny how when 10-15 years go by our bodies decide to change! This isn't the same body I had 10 years ago, and having a baby 5 years ago only added to the drastic changes. Yikes.

    Keep running!
  • I'm glad you're feeling better, Marny!
    Congratulations on the run and yoga!

    I didn't run last night. I can't seem to get myself in gear. I'll make a real effort today. It's just so hot, and I'm a wee bit (okay, a LOT) cranky.
  • Hey cranky-
    Is there any way that you could run indoors on a treadmill with air conditioning? That's where I run. I don't like being hot.

    You feeling any better?
  • Quote: You feeling any better?
    I didn't run yesterday. I do have a treadmill, and it's in the basement where it's nice and cool. I'm feeling not quite right... I'm still adjusting my meds, and my doc's on holiday, and I'm not sure what to do.
    Maybe I'll ask my DH to make sure I run today. I hate relying on others like that, but sometimes it's what I need, you know?
  • Ellis-
    I know how it feels to not be motivated. Sometimes it helps to work back up to it in little steps. Perhaps, give yourself permission to not run today, but instead walk. Go downstairs, get on the treadmill and walk. On day at a can walk today.

    I'm cheering for you!!
  • Marny, thank you so much. That's such a great suggestion... I'm going to do it!
  • Congratulations to both of you! You two are doing great! I hope to join the two of you 'officially' in this thread one day!
  • Water, I hope you do! The more the merrier.
    Well, okay, the truth is, I need encouragement from a LOT of people to get me to move my butt.