reasons to be thin

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  • I thought it would be motivating to start a thread where you list reasons to be thin. Here are mine:

    I can wear cuter clothes
    I can swim in a bikini without constantly feeling insecure
    not having to worry about random jerks making comments about my body
    Being healthier
    having more energy
    feeling better about myself, which will increase my confidence
    I am 26 and I don't want to grow old AND fat. I want to be thin!
  • I like those, but I would add:

    I can wear cheaper cuter clothes.
    Instead of having the opposite sex look away, they will look at me in a longing way.
    I am 25 and want to experience being both young and thin at least once.
    And you know what, for once, I want to be the hot girl.
  • For me, in order of importance:

    Being healthier. I don't want to get diabetes and go blind like my father. I don't want to have to use the riding scooters as Walmart.

    Being able to by clothes doesn't have two or more XX's in the size. There simply are more fashion choices for the moderatly sized.

    Having a chance of having a guy think I'm attractive. I miss that.

    Not feeling guilty about having let myself go.

    Being fat just simply feels _bad_ to me.
  • My most important reason is to ***Gain SELF-CONFIDENCE***...
  • Ohh, I agree with everyone!
    • to be healthier
    • to feel better about my appearance
    • to boost my self-esteem and confidence
    • to feel sexy
    • to wear any type of clothes I want (better size choices)
    • to feel good in a bathing suit

    I love this thread already.
  • 1) I don't want to be "thin" I want to be toned and lean and muscular

    2) I hate getting the extra attention from men, I feel less self-confident now than I did when I was larger.

    3) I want to be lean to put the fear of god into people who I spar with! I want to LOOK like I can do what I can do, rather than surprising people with my athleticism or surprising people when I pull punches. I want people to know I'm good just by looking at me!

    4) Oh and I want to wear a bikini without bits of flab bulging over the seams!
  • I agree with all of the above I also want to look good WITHOUT clothes on. I want to rid my bottom half of these satellites (my grandmother's name for cellulite
  • As in my sig, I want to be a hottie for once and as selfish as this sounds, get the attention from waiters at a restaurant instead of my thinner friends getting all the attention...

    Paying attention to guys KNOWING that they will flirt back. At this point, I have no self - confidence.

    To wear a skirt that doesn't make me look chicken legged.

    To wear shorts in hot weather and not feel bad.

    I'm with the poster above who said she wanted to be 24 (in my case) and toned for once!
  • Hummm I dont know what to add really, everyonw has pretty much hit the nail on the head!!!! maybe i would add....have a round tight tushy!!!!
  • I want to be healthier and stronger and get rid of some of these body pains ie. knee, ankle, back.

    I want to be young AND thin (well really smaller, don't necessarily want to thin but don't want to be fat.

    To be able to wear shorts again. It's been years!

    To feel sexy.

    To have my confidence and self esteem back.
  • I want to rub it in the faces of my former classmates/coworkers when I see them around town (especially the ones that were thin and now are gaining weight!)

    Only lots of plastic surgery will get me in a bikini unfortunately, but I don't think I'm the bikini wearing type anyway.

    AND the being thin and in my 20's is also up there on my list. It's one of the main reasons I decided to lose the weight NOW because most 20-somethings are thin. And it's easier when our metabolisms haven't yet begun the downward spiral.
  • It's so much easier to cut my toenails now I still don't have the body to rock a bikini (loose skin on my stomach) but I love wearing cute clothes!

    I eat healthy and I feel wonderful, so much more energy now.
  • I want to me much healthier than I was. I want to live to play with my children and grandchildren. I want to be able to get off the floor or ground without assistance. I want to be able to grocery shop or go to the mall without looking for a bench to sit on. I want to be able to park at the back of the parking lot without being too exhausted to go in and shop. I want to look good in my clothes. I want the much older men (70's) to keep flirting and smiling at me. I want my DH to be proud of me and my accomplishment. I want to wear stylish clothes in smaller sizes. I just want to feel comfortable in public and not feel out of place. I want to be seen, no more hiding at home. I want to do down on my medications. I want to never have to take insulin again. Basically, I want the life back that passed me by while I was home , eating to my hearts content. I want to live a long time and be able to enjoy it.
  • I enjoy the absence of aches and pains, shortness of breath.
    I love the extra energy I have!
    I have long hair, and I want to dress like Xena for Halloween.
    I don't want to miss out on any more cute fashion trends.
    I want to look nice for my sister's wedding.
    I want to no longer have to put some cheesy phrase on my online dating profile that addresses my weight ... "rubenesque" or "pleasantly plump"? ha ha
  • I've always told myself that being overweight was a temporary condition. Well, it's been 20 years, and I need to make that belief come true! I've spent 2 decades being *temporarily* overweight. It's time to let people see the real me again.