Not Hungry, But Calories to Low

  • So lately or for couple of days, I have lost my appetite, or I have eaten bad things ( not so bad but high in cal), that have allowed me to lose my appetite. Should I force myself to eat to get near my 1600 intake, because lately I have ended my days with way less then 1000 cals eaten and I exercise heavy daily, I Just don’t know if that is healthy. And I want my weight lost to be able to maintainable.
  • Hi again love, I am happy to see you didn't take heed to my response

    But when I'm low on my calories (and I rarely get hungry) I throw in a couple of protein bars. I really like them, they remind me of eating candy bars, and they have added vitamins. I know some of the others consider them junk, but I like them and if you eat 2 of them, then it's an extra 400 calories. Most people have the opposite problem we have: they met their caloric intake and they are hungry!! So we should consider ourselves lucky that we struggle to meet our calories.

    I would at least aim to go above 1200. And remember if you have a bad eating day, then those lower calorie days will balance out.
  • thanx harpo... Yeah, i thought about it but my metab is slow enough, i thought it might of lowered it more. bars.... like zone bars???
  • I eat Balance and Pure Protein mostly. But I'll eat any kind as long as they are around 200 calories, I leave the higher calorie ones alone.
  • Quote: I have ended my days with way less then 1000 cals eaten and I exercise heavy daily, I Just don’t know if that is healthy. And I want my weight lost to be able to maintainable.
    That is definitely not healthy. If you feel full, try to eat nutritionally powerful food that is high calories - cook with olive oil, put a few slices of avocado on a sandwich, eat nuts or trailmix.
  • I have been having the same problem.. i think alot of it is least for me.. the heat/// I just don't tend to be as hungry.. although.. today I had a picnic to attend and really did not monitor myself .. ate alot of stuff i don't usually eat.. my calories were way way over where they have been and i avg'd it out for the week and my calories were still well under.. so time will tell whether my body adjusts this extra calorie..(balances) or if it just tries to store it like fat.. but i will not give up.. I am continuing to exercise and it will get me better results regardless..let me know how it going.. kim
  • One or two days won't hurt anything, but don't let your body adapt to a regime that will hinder your loss. I think our bodies let us know what we need and what we don't-it's our minds that won't cooperate!
    If you're genuinely not hungry for a few days, make sure what you ARE eating is nutritionally satisfying, and don't worry too much about it. Going beyond that amount of time not filling close enough your caloric needs will only slow your metabolism, and therefore your weight loss-and when you do start eating normally again your body will just store "starvation mode" if you want to know more about the's definitely bad news. It's an instinctive process that happens as part of our self preservation, and it will definitely make what you do lose harder to maintain.
    I hate to say "make yourself eat". This is all about listening to our bodies telling us what we really do/do not need, but in the end, you do NEED the calories. Until we can learn to abide by those internal cues, we have to map out plans for every day that we know are healthy.
    Don't let yourself make it through the whole day before you realize you haven't had enough fuel. It's always best for the metabolism to have smaller, more frequent meals, so keep healthy snacks handy. I don't like the protein bars, and my tastes change like the wind-lately I've been keeping apples or small ziploc bags of pretzels on my kitchen counter so that I can get a snack in without the "fridge wander" that inevitably leads to bad choices.
  • I know exactly what you mean with not getting in enough calories. It has been so hot here, today being about 118F, that I'm hardly eating, just drinking tons of water!
  • If I am a *little* low for maybe a week at most I don't worry about it. I remember how many days I was eating 3k-4k calories of fast food and chocolate. If I have had a recent high-calorie day that will often result in my hunger dipping, therefore if I am being "good" it will end up a low calorie day. Another thing, the exercise could be curbing your appetite (which is a good thing). Make sure you are PLANNING regular, small, healthy meals. That helps as there are times of day when I am just not hungry, and others when I am starving. I make it through the starving hours only to be not hungry and under for the day. If you are anything like me, you will break out of it before you know it and be battling higher-than-you-want-calorie-days.