checking in

  • Hi guys.

    I'm checking in.

    Amazingly, food is currently the easiest part of my life. I can't believe it. I've got so much other personal growth stuff going on with my step work, therapy, church, and working with my sponsor and sponsees, the food has lost it's place of importance. I move through my food plan each day with ease and predictability. I keep my abstinence out of habit and fear of losing my sanity. For the first time, food is the least of my worries. It's a miracle.

    I'm enjoying my smaller body. I haven't seen these shapes on my body for 6 years. It's like looking at somebody else in the mirror. I can even buy clothes at a really cool store in town--they carry my size. I just threw out my Lane Bryant coupons that were collecting dust on my dresser. It felt good.

    My daughter really wanted to make jello today. I tried to talk her into getting the ready made stuff...not a chance. She was set on grape, and that was the only flavor that they didn't have in sugar free. So, we got the full sugar grape. Just watching her stir the purply sugary water made my teeth hurt. I could only imagine what all that sugar would feel like on my teeth, and the idea was really unappealing. When it finally set up and I was helping her spoon some into a bowl, I found that much of the sugar hadn't dissolved and created a sort of crunchy layer on the bottom. It was so gross. I'm so glad that my brain didn't want any part of it.
  • Hi, Marny! I joined 3FatChicks last year and then never posted. I've been in OA for almost 4 months. I truly think it has saved my sanity if not my life. I'm also involved in a group through church called The Straignt Path - it's based on the 12 steps and is for all addictions. I have the honor of being both a compulsive overeater, and an alcoholic (11 years, 2 months sober).

    I like the idea of being able to check in on the internet. I don't think my sponsor really wants late night phone calls.

    Hope everyone has a great night.

    Desiree, Colorado
  • Hey Desiree!
    Big Welcome! It's great to have you here!

    I agree, it is great to be able to check in online. It's one more tool in my OA toolbelt. The internet is here anytime of day! If you don't already know, there are online OA meetings every 3 hours around the clock.
    Those are especially great for those late night needs.
  • Hi Desiree, and welcome! It is always so nice to meet other people who have found success with OA!

    Marny, you are always such an inspiration to me. I know you probably get tired of hearing me say that I have not yet reached the point of serenity that you have, but it is so wonderful to see how it is truly working in someone else's life and to know that if I keep at it I will reach that point in my own life! Thank you!
  • Marny & Water Water, thanks for the welcome. I went to my meeting tonight, but will miss my Friday one (good for me to start and end the week) and probably my Sunday small group because I have family coming from North Carolina and New York this week. I'll try to check this board and also check out an on-line meeting.

    It would be good to see more people on here. I told my sponsor about it - she's semi-house bound with health issues and might find it useful.

    I don't have much else to say tonight so that's all for now.

    Desiree, Colorado
  • water--
    who gets tired of hearing that they're an inspiration?????????????
    That I have serenity is a miracle in itself. When I think of the hurdles that I've mounted such as fear, honesty, and control, I am in awe of God's grace.

    We'll be here when you need us. Will having family around make it tough to keep your abstinence?