newbie looking for a buddy

  • Hello all

    I am new here and I am looking for a buddy, I have hypothyroidisim I am 27 married w/2 kids and I am looking for any help I can get in reguards to losing weight and getting out this place I am in.
  • Hi, I am new here too - sort of, I signed up about 3 months ago and then let it laspe and now I am back in. I am married, 33, with 2 kids two. I did weight watchers after my daughter was born and lost 45 pounds. I gained 50 with my son, lost 10 after birth and 20 to joining weight watcher again. I have 20 more to lose but I am now counting my calories on I don't know much about hypothyroidism but I would love to buddy up with you.
  • Like Rose, I'm "new" again - I signed up a year ago, then things got crazy in life and I got mild depression, but I'm OK now and have 30-35 lbs. to lose total.
    I'm 26, married, no kids. I'd like an email buddy, since I can't always get on the forums but I can access personal email during the day at work. I'm doing calories too, and right now substituting one meal w/ a slimfast to try to jumpstart 5 lbs. off for my cousins wedding in 2 weeks.

    Send me a private message (PM) if you want to exchange email addys.
  • Hey!

    I am new here also. I totally understand where you are coming from--the "place" you are in. I have been struggling in the same "place" now for a couple of years. I am a 32 year working mom with 2 children. I don't have hypothyroidism, but my mother does and I keep thinking that one of these days my doctor is going to tell me my thyroid is out of whack. I am currently counting my calories and it seems to be working. I am planning on adding exercise next week. What have you been trying? Are you a stay at home mom or a working mother? Talk to you later!
  • Hi, I power walk or jog on my lunches. It seems to work the best for me. I try to workout at night but I don't have much success. I used to jog every other night but then I fell and hurt my back. I am slowly getting back into it. It still feels weird to type "I jog" because I never thought I would be jogging at any point in my life but it seemed like a natural progression from walking and surprisingly, it suits me.
  • I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you, I don't get to get on here as much as I would like, with work and kids & hubby & all but I feel with lots of support we can do this....
  • Hi there!

    I am a mother of a 10 month old daughter, I also have hypothyroidism, and take that little pill every day. I am 33, happily married and have about 80 lbs to lose. Let me know if you would like to be buddies!
  • Oh my gosh Do I belong to this group. I was also diagnosed 3 years ago with hypo. I have been everywhere on the charts with it. I finally found a pill I think is working and am ready to combat the weight issue. I do 0need all the support I can find. It sounds like this thread we are all motivated and ready to roll. Not sure which route I am taking? I may 9do weight wacthers or count cals. What are you all doing???????I was on this site in oct and lost about 14 pds..... whooo, but I have since gained it back and need to change my signuture. I am really good at staying in contact..... summer may be a little hard. I have 2 children that keep me busy. I try to work out a lot but work out more in the school year... I say we set minii goals and go from ther....I am so glad I found a thread that starting new....
  • Hey there GA, Im 26 and just started on here. But last spring i gained 40 lbs. in 4 months, due to hypothyroidism and had a goiter so i was sick and felt like crapola. I had a thyroidectomy and since then ive had no metabolism, we're stillllll working on the right dose of synthroid. So i know how hard that is. This website is great and already has helped me stick with it.