Back in Kindergarten #11 :)

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  • Back again for a few are right...but I still like to have that one on one communication with friends. I know so many have gone to the internet and email but too, I enjoy sending cards and writing letters also-something that seems to becoming almost non-existance now days. Used to complain about the post office raising their prices all the time but now I understand. With the internet they have lost lots of business. Anyway...glad you heard from Rocky and he cheered you up and you are always welcome for the hugs.

    KATY...okay, saw that today is your last day of VBS and that you will be going out of town. DUH! I do read everything ladies...just miss a lot when I go to post and try to keep up going back and forth. Can't believe that the fourth is already upon us. The tent to sell fireworks went up behind us and all along that highway this past week. they won't start selling them until I thought they said the 27th.

    BEP...also forgot to mention I hope you have a nice time with your company tonight.

    JULES...glad the doc gave you some meds, hopefully that helps. I've had a few anxiety attacks and they are no fun at all. That was a few years ago and haven't had one since. It really feels like you are having a heart attack, or what I imagine having a heart attack feels like. Anyway, yeppers, I did get measured and I am losing inches but for me that's not good enough. I just don't understand not losing pounds, even one or two, ugh! I've always lost weight in the past by walking that's what I don't understand. Just need to stay off the scales. Other than starving myself I don't know what else to do to get the scales to move, very frustrating.

    HI SHAWNA Hope you get a break from work soon!

    GINNY...would love to hear from you.

    Well, I rented more movies and will spend part of the weekend watching them. Actually, DD and I will watch two tonight and then we'll watch another tomorrow night. Not sure what V has planned for tomorrow, don't know if he has to work or not. He will probably work the whole weekend since shut-down starts next Friday. He will be home for 2 weeks without pay. Plan on starting the pergola then. Anyway...rented The Hills Have Eyes, Date Movie, War of The Worlds (even though I can't stand Tom Cruise, ick), Transamerica and Syriana with three of them being due back Sunday.

    What are your plans for the weekend? Anyone has special plans? What about the Fourth of July? What's everyone doing then? I know Katy is going to see her mom, which is nice. I hope you guys have a great time!

    Well, guess I am outta here for now. I'll chat with you ladies later. Take care and have a good weekend!
  • Our system is down - boo hoo.

    I will take a 10 minute mental break. Munching on white chedder puffs, so good - just 2 cups.

    I love cards too Cristi. Just hard to keep track of stamps and get in the store to pick out a card and some are 3.50!! I almost didn't put a fathers day card in the casket - sad - I did though. After all that you have to find a post office which usually is just beyond the construction and nothing ever gets sent.
    I have 2 letters going out to my sister and Rocky. It takes planning to do for me at least. And I really don't have people over to my place. If I have a moment I usually like to relax with a movie (Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan are my favorites to watch) or spend time with the girls...I guess if I had a guy we could match up with another couple...*sigh*....most of the ladies I know are married.

    anyway, 10 minutes are up!! It is going to be really hot here this weekend...I don't know what I am going to do yet....survive, I guess
  • CRISTI... Thank you SO much for your emails! The cards were SO cute! You are a very kind thoughtful person who I really admire as a very good friend! Try not to skip any meals at all. I've always been told by doctors that it's best to eat 5-6 times a day, but smaller amounts. I still always do my three main meals and try to get in one snack, and never eat past 6:30 at night. From all the exercising you've been doing, you could be gaining muscle, but I know that it's very frustrating!

    JULES... I went through the same thing as you before. I really felt like I was having a heart attack. I was put on meds for anxiety and muscle relaxers, but I didn't like the relaxers because I almost felt paralized from how relaxed I got. It's amazing how stress can cause so many symptoms in a person's system. I know when I'm down I need to come here and talk, but I really just felt like nobody would want to hear about it again, and I also had a migraine which wasn't good to look at the computer. Thank you for your kind words!

    SUSAN... I'm very sorry what you're having to go through with Doug and all of the money issues. That's so nice of Rocky to lend you some money until you get the insurance money; he's a lifesaver for sure! You need to move over here and I can see you sometime girlie! Thank you for all of your (((((HUGS))))) and prayers and I send the same back to you!
  • BEP... Thank you for all of your kind words also! You're doing SO good with all of your exercise. I hope everything goes good when all of your company makes a visit tonight!

    KATY... There are several people working on my mom's information right now, because she has even bad mouthed my sister so bad when she was trying to step in and help. I have been so upset with no call even returned, that yesterday I wrote her a letter and put some pictures in the envelope from when my grandma was here visiting. You just don't even know what is going through her mind right now.

    TRIXIE... to this wonderful group! You will find out just how special and supportive all the girlies are here!

    My daughter and I just got home a little while ago from Target and then she asked if we could go to Olive Garden (not a good choice). We did split a meal and so I didn't feel overly full or bloated. Now my DD is laying out in the sun in her new swim suit. I'm dreading the hot weather we have on our way here!
  • MICHELLE...thank you, and you are welcome for the cards! Thanks for the advice also. I definitely need to do something different. And I do know you are not supposed to skip meals, but I felt like I needed to do something different. I just don't understand why the scales are not going down at all. It's killing me because I am taking my vitamins, drinking my water, eating right, well, except for this past week skipping a meal a day, and exercising/walking. Before I didn't try so hard and was doing everything except It Figrues, was just walking and the weight was coming off. I know the lady at It Figures told me not to get discouraged at first if I gain or don't lose that eventually it will come off. But when???? Ugh! I should have lost at least 10 pounds by now. Oh, Olive Garden sounds so good right now. Glad I didn't go anywhere except to get movie's...may have ended up binging just because. Glad you and DD had a nice lunch though.

    SUSAN...your box is full again missy and I can't pm you. You know, since leaving CA I've not really had any friends other than you ladies. Went through some stuff with in-laws that just turned me off from meeting people so I haven't met anyone since being here. That and trust issues from when DH#1 passed away. I've not allowed myself to form any friendships for fear of getting hurt. Well, there was a lady I met through V's 30th class reunion, think it was the 30th. We keep saying we will get together but it never happens. I do have some close friends but left behind in CA so it's not the same. We have stayed in touch and I think always will but it's hard when you are 1200+ miles away. It's really weird for me too because with DH#1 we were always socializing. Always had people over to our house...I loved cooking for others. Anyway...go empty your box missy!

    I am outta here ladies...V will be home in a few minutes and want to spend some time with him. Actually, I here him opening the door now, lol. Have a good one ladies.
  • Michelle big can always come here for a hug and a chat...I really hope this gets better soon. If your mom has some chemical imbalances, then maybe there's some meds that can help her...I just feel for you right now...I am glad you are doing your best to take care of's the last you thing you probably want to do, but it is so important.

    Cristina - yes - VBS is done...I am tired, but it was alot of fun...I don't go to Mom's til next weekend, so I'm not rushing off right away. I may extend the road trip and go north to visit the relatives in Yakima...we'll see.

    Jules - Ok who are you voting for for BB..I can't believe I get into that show - last season it was soooo trashy, yet I loved Kayser and Janelle - I hope they get back in the house. I did go and vote ( such a sucker) I voted for Nakomis, Danielle, and I think Evil Dr. Will ( tho I think he's pretty much a lock). Personally, I think last season had such yucky people on it, that CBS really needed to redeem the show with an Allstar version - just my two cents. My other reality shows are Survivor and sometimes American Idol. But it wouldn't be summer if I couldn't go onto Survivor Sucks and read the live feed transcripts for BB, lol! It's an eye opener.

    Susan - Sorry Doug is pms-ing on you ( yes I think men do that, too) tho he's probably having hot flashes :snicker: just teasing. Rocky is such a doll....take the loan, sister! I like Gladstone and the schools have a good rep. A nice small progressive school district... I did some student teaching and subbing at the middle school. 'Course this was 13-15 years who knows.

    I am in need of a trip to a yarn shop - need a new project.....maybe I'll sneak out this afternoon and get a little fix ,anad I'll have a project to work on when we are gone over the 4th. I just finished knitting and felting a big project bag that turned out pretty nice. That used up all my little odds and ends. Now I need something. I decided against Tubey ( the pic I posted last week) 'cause I can't find colors I like in an affordable yarn. So I'm on the hunt....

  • CRISTI... Have a nice visit with your DH. Are you going to be going anywhere or just staying home?

    KATY & JULES... I love BB also! I saw the show Wednesday night and I'm excited for it to start again. I really hope Janelle is on again, because I think she's a big flirt and keeps things going. I also love American Idol and my DD and I are going to their concert when they come here on Sept 1st. I also love Survivor, and too many other reality shows also; I'm pretty addicted to every one of them!

    SUSAN... My DD's best friend switched schools last year, even though she still lives in OC, and goes to Gladstone High. She said that she loves it there and it's like a big home with everyone there.
  • Hi all! I have logged on a few times today and am trying to keep up with reading all the posts, but I don't have time to reply right now. I have been busy all day getting ready for company. I am serving smoked ribs, smoked pork tenderloin, herbed baby red potatoes, corn on the cob, yummy dinner rolls, and dessert is caramel-white chocolate brownies alamode. MMmmmmmmmmmm...........something tells me I will be getting a few extra cals in tonight!

    Chat latter...if not tonight, then tomorrow.
  • BEP... You are a good cook! I would like to come over tonight and be part of your company LOL! Have fun!!!
  • howdy
    hey everybody,
    sorry ive not been here for a couple days. been working my butt off lol. also, i dont know if any of you have ever had pleurisy but i tend to get it off and on. i think all of the lifting ive done this week has aggravated it. i slept with a heating pad on my chest last night to try to loosen it up. it felt a little better this morning but the more i stood up today the more it hurt. so i left work at 7came home had some pizza for dinner ......which surprisingly the one that i got for myself only has 230 calories for half of the pizza....wooohoo. the pleurisy just has to run its course so i get to put up with not being able to breathe normal for a couple days which fatigues me.....blah. so off i go to lay with my heating pad and drink some more water.
    night yall
  • Good morning!
    Cristina - I hear you about feeling the need to do something different. I am stuck, too, and I think I need to just change something to kick this into gear....I haven't tried skipping meals. I've considered meal replacements, but I feel fuller if I eat the same amount of calories in real food. When I look back at the times when I was successful, it was when I could stick to 1400 cals or so a day...I'm trying to figure out why that is so hard for me right now....we're in it together!

    Shawna - what is the name of that pizza? We get the take and bake from Papa Murphy's which run 200 something per slice. They are good; it's tough to limit myself. Last night I had two pieces of canadian bacon and pineapple and a big salad.

    Michelle - oooh I am such a little reality tv fan! the latest one we were hooked on was American Inventor....whole family got a kick out of that one. I hope Janelle gets in, too. She was flirty and "buxom blonde" and all that, but I thought her to be very smart, too. She's a pretty popular guess is that if she doesn't get voted back in, CBS is going to put her in.

    Bep - oooh your dinner sounds yummy - have fun with your guests

    I am messing around on the computer for a few more minutes. I go to aerobics this a.m. then we'll see what the day brings. It is supposed to be hot today, and my little DD has the sniffles We'll most likely hang out here and splash around in the kiddie pool. I'll BBL have a good day everyone!
  • Cristina--the gaining muscle/losing inches versus losing actual pounds is very frustrating--but we can't quit because if the muscle weighs more than fat when we quit exercising there will be more fat I lose weigh very slowly--have no problem with maintaining as long as I exercise.....

    SuzyQ--sorry for all your frustrations--How are the girls? When is the camp you are going to?

    Katy--A co-worker got me started on BB3 and I always say I will not get back into it but I do--The season with Nakomis I watched very little--but I really liked her. Yes, last season got really trashy but I loved Janelle. I don't buy the 24 hour live feed but there are enough websites that tell you what they are seeing. There is ALOT that never makes it on air. There is one called that has alot of links to several different reality shows. I voted for Danielle, Janelle, Erica & Nakomis. I really liked Lisa but I think if any who won their season gets back in they will be the first ones voted out. It seems like the final 12 will end up being mostly women!! The cattiness will undoubtly begin especially if Allison & Dana get back in.

    Michelle ma belle--I think both Janelle and Kaysar will be voted back in--everyone loves the two of them. What a good idea to spilt a meal with your DD--restaurant portions are so huge anymore.

    Bep--instead of Martha we will have to call you Betty Crocker--your meal sounds really good!

    Shawna--when I got promoted to manager there were no store openings at first so I was sent all over the district to different stores--I loved it!! Hope they don't overwork you!! Have you tried the asthma inhalers that are sold OTC at Walmart and several other stores--they seem to help DD who has the tendency to catch chest cold. She had pneumonia when she was 8 and has never been the same. I get on her for smoking--neither DH or I do but her ex did. He smoked three cartons a week himself. Smoking can't help if you already lean towards having a weakness for chest colds.

    Where are Trixie & Sassy? And Mrs June Cleaver, Mari and Sunny and soem others have definitely been MIA!!

    The muscle relaxers are way too strong for me--I am supposed to take 3 a day but I would be a total zombie!!! I think I will take just half a one at bedtime. I can't wait to get the anxiety pill on Monday--I am hoping it will help with the "edginess" I have been feeling.
  • Happy Saturday, Ladies!
    Hiya Ladies

    KATY...I definitely need to change something! Thinking I will try counting calories and see what happens. Skipping a meal is not a good thing I know. I just felt like I had to do something drastic...but that didn't help, lol. Just can't get too frustrated though...gotta keep in mind that it is for my health and to stay motivated...easier said than done. Hope little Miss. Leigh doesn't get to feeling too bad. Supposed to only be 86 here today but when I went out to get the paper it sure felt hot then. Are you going to share a picture of your recent craft? I love seeing all the things you do, you're so crafty. Where do you get your supplies? Splashing aroung the Kiddie pool sounds fun!

    MICHELLE...we just hung out around the house. He ended up going back into work for a while and DD and I ended up watching Syriana and The Hills Have Eyes. He's working today also and has to work tomorrow too! But he gets off at 1:30 so...we'll have the rest of the day together. How are you doing today missy? Are you feeling better?

    BEP...mmmmm, dinner sounded soooo good! Sorry I missed it! Hope you guys had a great dinner/evening with your company.

    SHAWNA...hope you get to feeling better soon. I've not ever had that but it doesn't sound very good. Take care of yourself and try to have a realxing weekend. Yes, what kind of pizza was that? That is sounding good for dinner, pizza and a cold glass of wine. careful with those muscle relaxers. Oh, I don't plan on quitting. Some days I think what is the point? But I can't and won't quit. Or at least I don't think I will. I am trying not to get too frustrated so that doesn't happen. Just gotta get it in my head that whether I lose or not I am doing something good for myself. Have you seen that picture of fat and muscle? OMG, that is so gross! Imagine that in your body, ick! I too lose slowly but I have been at a point where I have lost 1-2 pounds a week and I think that is what is killing me. Because I walked and just watched what I ate. Now I am exercising more and eating less and nothing. Anyway, I'm gonna keep on truckin'. I've got that Patti Labelle song in my head and I am trying to keep it there...seems to help. I've got to keep this 'New Attitude' to keep going. think it went down the tubes yesterday when I weighed, lol!

    SUSAN...what's up with you missy? Are you feeling better today? We miss you when you are not here. Any special plans for the weekend with the girls?

    Hi to everyone else and anyone reading this. Feel free to jump on in, we would love to have you.

    Not much planned for today. Think V and I are going to hit some nurseries and see if we can find a tree to replace the one that died in the back. Nurseries seem to be quit expensive...we're not wanting too big a tree otherwise we will have to dig up everything planted around the one we are replacing. We may have to wait until the fall when there is more available-just hate seeing a dead tree in the middle of the back ugly. We are going to do some yard work also...some sprucing up if you will. Other than that, I am going to read some and vacuum, not necessarily in that order of course. Did do some straightening and dusting yesterday but didn't vacuum. Also, going to go to the park for a walk this evening. I have gotten so lazy as far as getting up early to walk. If I don't get up early to do it then I wait until the evening when it is not so hot. This darn humdity is what gets ya. Anyway...hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
  • Good Morning Girlies -- Not much going on here today, but some house cleaning, laundry and getting groceries. I'm not wanting to get outside too much because it's supposed to be in the 90s today, and the 100s tomorrow and Monday! I DO NOT handle the heat well at all, anything past 80 is horrible!

    CRISTI... I'm feeling much better today, and thank you again for the cute email card; those are just the cutest things! Your day sounds some like mine, but I do need to get some walking in also when it's cooler.

    KATY... It will feel good to get out in the kiddy pool today for sure! My DD and I also watched American Inventor and some of those people were very strange, but there were also some very good ones.

    SUSAN... Okay girlie, long enough, WHERE ARE YOU??? Hope everything is going good for you and you got everything cleared up with Doug!

    JULES... I know exactly what you mean with those muscle relaxers! I didn't like the feeling of them at all! Hope you can relax and just take it easy.

    SHAWNA... Please take care of yourself! You work so hard and hardly ever have any relaxation time.
  • Come out, come out wherever you are! Where is everyone? Pretty quiet around here ladies. post from you today...hope you are all right. I worry about you when you don't post, as with everyone else too of course.

    MICHELLE...yeppers, sounds like we almost had the identical day! I actually did get something done today, yay, lol. Not really what I wanted to do but at least the house is clean. Glad you are feeling better today.

    Hi to everyone wherever you are and whatever you are doing!

    Just jumped on the 'puter for a quick minute to look something up and thought I would drop by and say HI. Hoping all is well with you all in your little corner of the world. Chat with ya later. Nighty, night!