how can i change my weight tracker?

  • i want to update my weight changes but it won't let me. i copy the codesbut can't paste in the right spot. can anyone help me? i have now officially lost 10 lbs. i hope the rest comes off easy. i also broke the 240 mark. i weigh 238! it only took 3 weeks. i don't see much of a difference yet. when will i be able to fit in different sizes? let me know your thoughts everybody and good luck to you all! shantel
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  • Shantel,

    No cutting and pasting necessary. Just click on user cp, then click edit signature, then scroll down till you see the box w/ the computer language in it, the last line will contain your stats (the ones that look like this 240/232/170), hilight the one that signifies your current weight, change it to your new weight, scroll down a little further and click on accept changes and you are done. Let me know if that isn't clear enough.

    Congrats on the 10 pound weight loss. Sounds like you are off to a great start.

  • that worked thanks. but i kinda meant i wanted to change that ruler that shows start weight, losses or gains and your goal at the end with a keep going! you get to change the icon andstuff. the thing after your profile that shows the baby chicks? how do you change that?
  • How about I do it for you and then tell you how to change it as you lose more. It'll be my good deed for the day! Do you want the chicks or something else?
    You could also check out how to add a tracker if you've not already done so.
    I'll be online for another half hour or so so let me know, OK?
  • ?
    i already have a tracker, i just need to update it. but its not changing.