Back On Track

  • I've had a bad couple of weeks. I weighed in last week and was up 4.4 pounds. I have been fairly good the last couple days and hopefully I'll be down a couple when I weigh in on Friday.

    Life has been so hectic. My son has been for difiant lately. He doesn't care about school, won't study and I have to fight with him to do any homework. He's only in grade 8 and he needs the constant "nagging". We are in the middle of doing some renovations on the house so that is kinda puitting me off also. Hopefully this past couple of days has taken me out of the rut I'm in. I have stayed within my points and exercised yesterday and today. I'm actually in the middle of doing my ellipitical now and had to take a break for a minute. I'm doing nights the next couple of nights so the eating will be under control.

    Thanks for letting me vent and everyone take care.

  • Good for you Kim for getting back on track! I know how you feel, family stressors always through me for a loop too. I've just recently got a "new" mindset and am back on the wagon as well. I'm tired of being stuck at the same weight for the last 2 months

    Let's keep this good vibe going and get these pesky pounds off!
  • I am going to get back on that track with you!