Tuesday Chat June 6

  • good morning gang

    how is everyone this fine day?

    all is well here but very very busy.

    Hope everybody has a BLESSED DAY!
  • I'm depressed. Maybe too much. I worked my BUTT off this week only to gain over 5 pounds!!!!!! I don't do weights, only cardio, and even still, I don't do enough cardio to make my muscles gain 5 pounds. I'm sad, sick to my stomach and crying. I can't do this anymore. Okay, I CAN, but today, I just feel like being sad about it and tomorrow I'll pick myself up but for today, I'm throwing the towel in. I was only TWO POUNDS away from my mini goal and now I'm a million pounds away.
  • Hey Shawna,

    I understand how you feel but I wonder if maybe a "reality check" from a friend wouldn't help.....you are not a "million pounds away" from your mini goal - sounds more like only 7 lbs away if I am figuring this right - (2 lbs away plus 5 lb up on the scale = 7).

    We all get so wrapped up in the numbers - believe me I know - I have been a prisoner to my scale many times - getting on and off every morning every night and letting that number dictate my feelings for the day - but no more.

    Shawna - there are lots of things that could be affecting the number on your scale - water weight, monthly cycles, and yes even muscle too, a low battery in your scale, a temperamental scale (i've had one of those before) and yes - it is even possible that you have gained a few pounds for whatever reason.

    If you need to throw the towel in for today, well that is fine, some times we need to forget about it for a minute, but the main thing is that you stay on track (or get back on track tomorrow) making healthy choices for yourself. I mean when it comes right down to it, are we doing all of this just to get to a certain number on the scale, or are we doing this to be healthy and be the best that we can be?

    I hope you receive this in the spirit it is given - in love and concern and support.

  • Thank you. Yes, I will keep your words to heart. I'm keeping myself busy today by cleaning and I don't know about anyone but cleaning makes me sweat a bit and it is actually not a bad form of exercise, plus it gets the house looking good.

    I will be in a better mood soon.
  • Well I'm having a struggle to get back on track after over a month of stuffing my face with junk! I can't seem to stay motivated. I've been so stressed lately, and I know that's a trigger for my eating habits. Also I was at a platue (sp?) for over 2 months before all this and no matter what I did, ate, how much I exercised, cut my calories, nothing worked to move me out of it! So that got really frustrating. I haven't tracked what I've eaten for over a month now, not that I was good at it before this, but it seems like I can't get back into healthy eating mode. I get mad at myself, but yet it's still not motivating me to make the changes needed.
  • Good Day !!

    Sorry I can't do personals, but I did read and ladies... hang in there, better days will come... it will be worth it.

  • Quote: Well I'm having a struggle to get back on track after over a month of stuffing my face with junk! I can't seem to stay motivated. I've been so stressed lately, and I know that's a trigger for my eating habits. Also I was at a platue (sp?) for over 2 months before all this and no matter what I did, ate, how much I exercised, cut my calories, nothing worked to move me out of it! So that got really frustrating. I haven't tracked what I've eaten for over a month now, not that I was good at it before this, but it seems like I can't get back into healthy eating mode. I get mad at myself, but yet it's still not motivating me to make the changes needed.
    I know exactly how you feel. I did the exact same thing. I used to be rabid with my notebook and pen and making my meals and then making sure I only ate what I was supposed to be tracking and then one day it all went kablooey...and here I stand 50 lbs heavier and dejected. So I picked myself back up and renewed my vows...only to discover I had not motivation for it. What happened, I kept wondering. I beat myself up about before I finally just decided I needed some encouragement from others...and then I came her. So far this has been the best thing yet. Venting here and at least having someone on the other end who can relate helps, and it motivated me to get it together because I want to do this, I know I can do this...

    As cliched as it sounds "the journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step". And its true...You didn't gain it all back in one night so don't expect it to disappear in one night, take is slow and steady and build back up again.
  • Hey everyone!

    Off to bed! Must catch up another time!

  • Good luck to those of you who are stuggling. Remember "this too shall pass." What seems to help me when I'm out of control is to approach it again in baby steps. Like today, I just want to get all my water in, next week, I'll add writing everything down, etc. vs. having to be 100% on track the very next day after a let down (be that a binge or the damn scale). Hope this helps.

    Thinking of ya'll,
  • 1 step back, 2 steps forward, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, think long term.
    Something i do, if i see sudden unexplained weight gain, is to think if i'm bloated by sodium, take like 2 days drink water, low sodium, and lost of times, those unexplained pounds dissappear, i personally only do good to weigh myself 1 time a week, in my undies and bra, same time, before breakfast,
    God Bless you
    Don't give up...you are too close