My New Trick: Going to Bed Early!

  • I'm a calorie counter, but not the most disciplined person in the world. In general, I've been doing pretty well lately, but yesterday I managed to talk myself into buying "Skinny Cow" ice cream sandwiches at the grocery store. Needless to say, I'd eaten four of them within an hour of returning home before I threw out the other two. Then I had a beer. Grand total: 700 calories! Luckily, this was an hour or two after dinner and I budget two post-dinner snacks at 300-400 calories each. I knew that if I went to bed at my usual time (around 2!) I'd end up getting hungry again and needing to eat more. So instead, I went to bed early (10:30) and finished my day with the proper amount of calories! (<2500 calories for me.) It was a little hard to sleep, but well worth it.

    Now I don't recommend eating four ice cream sandwiches and going to bed early every day, but in a pinch, going to bed early might be one way to save a day after eating some "bad" foods.
  • lol, I remember doing that for months in the beginning :P I think ts a great was to avoid binging when those evening cravings set in