newbie feedback

  • I am kinda new here. For about a month now I have been reading the forum at this website and checked in regularly. Mainly, I was reading about the diet pill EPH 200 and what the dieters here thought about it.
    Well I bought it a while back and thought it would be unfair if I didn't give back my info so I finally registered with this wonderful website :

    I took the pills exactly how the directions told me to, and nothing happened! hahaha nothing. I laugh because I really thought this was the diet pill from the way the advertising made it sound. I thought I was going to lose all this weight in time for my one year wedding anniversary in Las Vegas. Nope. I had a great time anyway, but I am so silly to have thought this was going to be the answer to all answers.
    Instead, I have taken up running for 20-45 min a day. I'll work on my diet in baby steps (i'm a chef and am around food constantly... )
    Hopefully, this helps anyone looking into it. If anyone has any questions or anything, I'd be more than happy to help.

    Hope to chat with ya'll soon!
  • New and Need Support
    Hi! I am new to the site. I am attempting for the 100th time to concentrate on losing weight and being more active. I would love to have a buddy to discuss and encourage me on my journey to a new me. I would love to share their successes also.
  • hello to all
    we all have the same newness to overcome. I have been checking out this site for about a week now. I like it. I am trying to follow George Stella's WOE. Write back when you can and hopefully we will all be able to reach the goals we have and encourage each other along the way!

  • Hi Lally! Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the 3FC's family! I'm glad you're here.

    Best wishes,