Anyone else get crabby...

  • I've been doing well food wise but I've been awful crabby lately. I keep thinking I'm getting ready to start "that" time of the month but nothing yet. Now I'm thinking it could be my diet.

    Anyone else?
  • Aren't diets supposed to make you crabby?!?!?!? Hehehehe!!! Just kiddin! I find that if I don't eat enough, I get blood sugars get too low, and after I eat something I'm fine....
  • I used to get crabby all the time..but I've been doing this since January and realized now I only get crabby when I havent ate. So as long as I snack every 2 hours or so I'm fine.
  • I was very anxious and crabby when I first started my new WOE. I'm better now but it did take a couple weeks to start with.
  • Me too
    I get really b*&^%y if I go too long between meals or snacks. I agree with the other ladies- try eating a little snack when you get crabby.
  • Me, too! Yes, if I have gone too long since a meal I can get a bit crabby. Usually something as basic as an apple or a mozzy stick will hit the spot, it doesn't have to be a whole meal or major snack. Good luck!

  • I, too, find that a small snack really helps when I get crabby -- usually late afternoon. An apple, yogurt or piece of cheese usually really helps me get to dinner...