e-BistroDiet - unbelievable!

  • Go to e-Bistro.com. It's based in Boston but can be shipped. For once, this is real food, even fairly fancy food, frozen, breakfast, lunch & dinner plus 2 snacks, all at 1,250 calories a day with only 15% of calories from fat. My nutritionist put me on it - I never thought I'd eat health food, but this is diet health food. I lost 15 pounds my first month and was never hungry. I'm determined to lose 50. I've tried everything else - this is night and day to the rest. I'm so excited I can't wait to share.
  • Hi Juniper. How much does the food cost plus shipping?
  • Your post about this diet was so intriguing I went right to the website and read everything there. I ended up ordering the 2-day sample diet. I've always thought a gourmet pre-packaged food diet would be great and I hope this food tastes as good as it sounds! I can't wait for the sampler to arrive. Thanks for the info.
  • Saggy - sorry it took so long to answer. I was on holiday. Gained a few pounds but I'm back on the diet and determined to lose another 15 pounds during September. A one-week kit costs $99.95 plus shipping, depending on where you live from Boston, it's somewhere between $10 and $25. There are now three of us on the program in my office and we're all losing weight and feeling great. (It may be the super healthy food, but it may also just the relief of not having to shop or cook any more. - Hey, everyone deserves a break now and then.)
  • e-bistro really works
    I am also on this diet. The food is great. I like interesting things (not meat and potato) and they have it. Lots of vegetarian stuff, low fat, complex carbs, grains, just good healthy stuff crammed into 1,250 calories a day. No counting. Finally. Just do it.