
  • Ok this is for when I lose some weight howdo you move the slide thingy to show a loss?

    Also I have sent off for a GI diet book I should get it in a coule of days. Now just in case I get confussed with it is there anyone out therewho could help out? I am not always graet at workning stuf out and if someone is using it they can often make it simpler to understand?

    Has anyone herad of the Hay Diet plan? Is that easier or is the GI better?
  • If you get any problems just ask - I've being doing low GI for a few months so I'll try and help if I can.

    Don't bother with the Hay diet - I found it very hard to follow. Its healthy enough - but the combining is a bit strange so you find yourself cooking specific meals just for you rather than eating what other people in your house eat and its very difficult to have a meal out.
  • Quote: Ok this is for when I lose some weight how do you move the slide thingy to show a loss?
    Click on User CP, choose edit signature, then change the last number in the code from 0 to whatever you've lost.
  • Thanks for the advice. I have got my book from Amazon today and the GI Diet by Anthony Worral Thompson will arrive son as it has been posted today. The GI guide is very good and it does not seem too confussing.
    It looks as if you eat more of the low Gi and less of the high Gi foods whilst still watching portion size.
    It also looks as if proccessed foods is out completely, not a problem as they were out anyway.
    Carbs are still in as long as the pasta is wholewheat and the rice brown. I need to watch my carbs I love baked potatoes and pasta. (not together though LOL)
    Years ago I was told not to eat carbs with my evening meal as the sugars do not get used up. So maybe that would be a good thing to do and have carbs during the day when I will be more active.

    Hopefully I wil be able to put in a figure soon that will be a minus on the scale. Thanks for telling me how to do it, I would probably have worked it out but it is easier to ask and get it right first time.