Do you ever get this response?

  • I got a lot of people noticing my weight loss this weekend at church. Everyone was coming up to me and saying how great I looked .

    Of course they asked how did I lose the weight, but it's funny how surprised they are when I tell them that I started exercising and that I was a runner. It's like they were expecting some big weight loss secret, or that I was on a diet program. LoL

    I guess some people don't realize that if you simply add exercise to your life, you can make a big difference in how you look and feel.
  • All.The.Time.

    They would come up to me and lean over, look at me very sharply and say, "How did you do it!!!". I would lean over to them, look at them sharply and go, "I got off my butt, put the fork down, and MOVED". They would then get this shocked look on their face as though I had told them that I had run over the Easter Bunny. And then they wouldn't believe me.

    I think most people know what a struggle it is to lose weight, especially the hard way and it sucks to just have the old "diet and exercise" bit re-affirmed. Again.
  • Quote: I would lean over to them, look at them sharply and go, "I got off my butt, put the fork down, and MOVED".
    - way to go!

    i agree that everyone is expecting some brand name or the like to go along with weight loss "oh, weight watchers, or billy banks". people know the equation of calories in and calories out = weight loss but for some reason, people want a miracle answer or to believe that you needed a personal trainer or custom foods to get you to lose the weight. maybe its because if its that simple, there is no reason why they can't do it themselves so the excuses are gone.
  • its so true
  • Yep. I don't think they want to hear it! They want to be told about some easy, simple "magic" solution...never, ever want to hear diet and exercise! Those are "bad words" and both take dedication, commitment and effort! Some aren't willing to do either, let alone both.

    I've even had one girl at work ask me multiple times even though I've described, in length my diet ( good carbs according to the GI scale, fresh not processed foods, wheat not white etc ) and 1 hour of exercise each morning ( w/1 day off for rest ) and weight training 2X per week. I think she just keeps hoping that I'll change my story and all of a sudden tell her "I found this little pill at the local pharmacy! It's cheap, healthy for you, and I woke up thin!"

    I've decided long ago to save my breath. I used to "share" with those that were interested. I don't waste my time and energy when someone isn't willing to do the hard work I've done to get to where I am. I find it almost insulting to listen to all the excuses. Actually, most of them could apply to me also ( work, family, time ) The difference is I want I'll do what it takes to get there. If they don't...then don't waste my time. I'm not the "diet patrol"...
  • LOL I get the same thing!!! When I say I am eating right and moving my butt they look like it can't be done that way and even start suggesting "diet" programs to me. Especially since there is a First Place diet group meeting at church and I do NOT go!

    And tee hee the looks when I say my support group is "3 Fat Chicks."
  • I know exactly what you are talking about. They expect you to say that you had an "in" with some mad scientist and managed to get your hands on a magic pill or something. That or, they think that you have come across this fantastical new diet that makes you lose 1lb a day or something.

    When people ask how I lost it I get vaugely embarrased and just say "Hard work."
  • Whenever people ask me what my secret is i say "my running shoes". It's the truth but ironically it does always seem to shut down the conversation. Though i can remember when i once asked one of my coworkers who'd lost a lot of work how he did it and he said running. (He said that he always has his running gear in his car with him so that if he sees a nice park on the way home he can stop off for a run. I was so interested. I had just started my own running and though the weight loss hadn't really started to show yet i was already hooked. His answer seemed completely logical and simple and i was really interested. I know that when someone is still interested after my "running shoes are my secret" answer, that they're for real in their weight loss attempt.

    There are so many ways to lose the weight and it is so personal. To be honest, unless you're in my "inner circle" i really don't want to talk about my weight with you (with the exception of all you ladies in this forum ). Therefore i kinda like how simple my running shoes response is and i really don't mind at all that the weight loss interrogation usually ends right then and there.
  • YES YES YES!!!

    People are constantly asking what my "secret" is, and when I tell them that I no longer eat junk food, and actually EXERCISE, they just look at me as if I grew an extra head or something.
  • Quote: I think she just keeps hoping that I'll change my story and all of a sudden tell her "I found this little pill at the local pharmacy! It's cheap, healthy for you, and I woke up thin!"
    LOL so true! And I know what you mean about the excuses why it is easier for ME to do it than for THEM! LOL my butt aches just as much as theirs does when I get off it and move it... and I have the same 24 hours in a day they do!