Need Help!!!

  • Ok, I could LIVE off of pasta, of any kind! And I know that I need to cut back on it. I've tried the WW Pasta, and even that isn't working! I try to portion my pasta, but it never seems to work! I'm a Pasta-aholic.... They need to invent a support group for people like me! I'm not really a fan of any other carb (bread, potatoes, rice, etc) Just Pasta!!!!

    Anyone have other things that I could replace pasta with....
  • Have you tried the whole wheat pasta yet? If you must eat pasta, at least you'll be getting a more nutritionally complete kind.

    I used to be a pasta junkie myself. And I still eat it every now and then. I just make sure it's all counted in with daily calorie allowance.
  • I'm with LLV. Try the whole grain pasta. It's tasty and the fiber helps make you feel full.
  • Me too....
    I also love pasta and would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could. I try to eat it only occasionally now, and when I do, I usually mix it w/a lot of veggies and chicken (or tuna) to cut back on the amount I's not as good as eating a big 'ol bowl of spaghetti alone, but it's a good substitute!
  • What brand of pasta do you eat? I also agree that pasta regularly is not a bad thing if you are keeping the portions in check. Think of pasta dishes as a side rather than the main coarse.

    I loooooooooove pasta too.