Hey There! I am new here and looking for a friend...

  • Hey!
    I have been yo-yo dieting for too long now and i am really sick of it. I have decided that it is finally coming off. The only thing is that about 7 pounds into my new motivation i break my hand in a nasty fall off my bike and break up with my boyfriend who decides to tell me at the end of our 8 month relationship that he thinks i am fat. So... any advice for someone low on confidence and motivation? Maybe a friend out there too?
  • Wow! I just had a flashback to my undgraduate days when reading your post - its seems we have had a similar path, except maybe the broken hand thing, mine was a stomach surgery instead.... Nonetheless, I totally relate!! I definitely went through a phase when I was in college and dating a total L-O-S-E-R (didn't know it at the time though). I gained alot of weight between age 18 and 21, mostly because of lack of excercise, college drinking, and the college diet. It was around then I believe the big Loser I was dating decided I was too fat for him....

    As for confidence and motivation....One of the best things that ever happened to me was having the guy who thought I was 'fat' leave me. Not only did being freshly single give me great motivation to lose weight, but I also realized what a spoiler this guy had been to all my diets. He was constantly ordering pizza and buying pints of ice cream. He hated restaurants and home cooked meals and only liked fast food - what a weirdo! Having someone in my life that criticized me for being overweight and at the same time undermined my plans to lose weight was terrible. Looking back, I now see even though I loved him, he was really bad for me. And the moral of thes story is.........Within 4 months of us breaking up I lost over 40 pounds! It was a great way of expressing "Eat your heart out, Loser-boy!"....tee-hee

    That was 6 years ago. I've since found a wonderful and brilliant man who supports me in my weight loss endeavors and loves me at the same time - fat, or otherwise. I've never gone back to the old weight I was but have struggled with maintaining. That's why I'm on this site. I'm getting married in September and want to look ravishing on my wedding day (as any bride does!).

    I just started my diet plan about 2 weeks ago. If you want to buddy up I would love to have a partner. You seem pretty motivated, and so am I! I am guilty of the yo-yo too. All that does is make me feel like I'm on a diet permanently and then guilty and worthless for never sticking to it. It would be so much better to just lose the weight and be able to maintain, both for mental and physical reasons. You are off too such a good start - 7 pounds is great! Imagine how great the next 7 will feel! I'm sure you can already feel the difference, and it's only going to get better. Let's do this together!!!!

    Send me a message anytime.


    I am new to this site too and definitely need a few buddies also.
  • hi,
    Hi cereschick and Angela,

    Can i join can i Join i could definitly use a couple of friends.

    I am 33 Married to a Wonderfull man who has seen me put on 60lbs in the last yr and half and still calls me beautifull and i Have 2yr (Makayla).
    So My problem is not with man but with the death of my mom my mom passed away oct /04 due to cancer and i haved been in a deep depression ever since. My mom and I were very close after she passed away i ate my way from 150 to 210.

    So 2 weeks ago i decided it was enough and i was taking control of my eating - I joined WW and curves. And has you can tell by how much i have lost which is zero. I have not been doing so great. I have not started anything.

    So i defenitly could use a friend or two..... Together we can motivate eachther to a healthier us....

    bye lizS
  • Hey Ladies,
    Do you know what this means? We now have our own group of 3 fat chicks on a diet! And you know what? We can do it together! Here's to us and to new friends!