WATP Questions

  • My Mom and I are looking at getting into this together, but have never done these dvd's before and have a few questions.

    1) How long have you been doing WATP, and how much have you lost since starting??

    2) What DVD is your favorite, and why?

    3) What would you reccommend for a beginner??

    4) Are you happy with the workouts???
  • WATP is my favorite exercise of all! I am not currently using them or any exercise video at this time. But when I get back into the swing of things WATP is what I will be doing. My favorite one is the 4 mile express. It is awesome. And with that one you get 4 different exercise videos in one! You can do 1 mile or 4 miles, it is up to you. It is awesome. When I first started WATP I lost 30 pounds within roughly a 6 month period. And I was not a person to break a sweat ever!! I think this is the best thing for beginners and advanced users alike. Good luck. Hope I helped.
  • 1) How long have you been doing WATP, and how much have you lost since starting??

    I have been doing WATP for about 6 weeks, and since I started, I have lost about 20 lbs.

    2) What DVD is your favorite, and why? Of the ones that I have, I love the Walk/Kick and the one with the 1, 2, and 3 mile walks on it.

    3) What would you reccommend for a beginner??
    The 1 Mile Get Up and Get Started is where I began....very gentle, yet effective.

    4) Are you happy with the workouts??? Very happy! I love it!
  • 1) How long have you been doing WATP, and how much have you lost since starting?? I started using the tapes in November. Since I changed what I've been eating since September, I've lost 80 lbs.

    2) What DVD is your favorite, and why? The 3 mile express. The length is good for me and it goes pretty quickly - 45 minutes.

    3) What would you reccommend for a beginner?? The one mile/two mile DVD. The one I've used is just the plain old Walk Away the Pounds, but it has a one mile and a two mile on the same DVD. Check at your library, you may be able to borrow it to see if you like it before you buy it.

    4) Are you happy with the workouts?? Very happy - I'm very uncoordinated, but it doesn't matter. Leslie does a great job preparing you for the next moves.
  • Walmart has one dvd that has the 1 mile get up and get started, 2 mile high calorie burn, and 3 mile Super Fat Burner, all on one for about $18. I love this dvd and I think it's the best for a beginner and will keep you busy for quite awhile. I have been doing WATP for about 1.5 years, but just recently again started watching what I'm eating. Last year, I had lost 40 pounds and I only used this one dvd. I think you will love it!
  • Thanks!!! Sounds like you are all impressed with it, and the results! That's wonderful! We also don't have alot of room do exercise in, so this may just be what we are looking for!
  • I love my WATP tapes. They have helped me tremendously. I used to live in Washington state where it rains ALL the time and I just couldn't get out and walk (had a baby). Now I live in sunny Las Vegas and get out as much as I can. The WATP tapes have helped me shed my 80+ pounds and I even got my sister using them. She has lost nearly 30 pounds. When I was using them, I liked the 2 mile walk. I did it twice a day. Now when I use it, I use the 4 mile walk. I recommend the 1 or 2 mile walk for beginners. Whichever tape you start with on WATP- Good luck and let us know how you and your mom is doing!!!
  • Thanks ladies!!! I so appreciate your replies!!! I'm going to head to walmart today to check out which ones they have! I'm also going to buy her book that has a walking diary in it....just for that extra incentive!
  • Her books are awesome too!!! I just ordered her second book. She now has 2 books out! Leslie Sansone (WATP) is so inspirational!! You will love her!