Sponsor question

  • I am to the point that I need to be looking for a sponsor. I am a little nervous about this. I am very worried about making the 'right' decision. Is it okay to ask a potential sponsor about their views of HP before choosing one? What if you choose one and it doesn't work out for whatever reason? I don't know why I am stressing over this so
  • Water,
    These are all good questions. I was nervous too. If a sponsor isn't a good fit, then you choose a new one. It's okay. You aren't rejecting the first sponsor, you are finding a tool that better works for you. I think it's okay to ask your sponsor what their views of an HP are. But they're probably going to tell you that it doesn't matter what they think. It matters what you think--how you decide to view your HP.
    It's normal to want to analyze all the parts of the program, dissect them, figure out how to best make them work. But I think that's one more example of us trying to maintain the control.
  • Water,
    One thing that I thought seriously about (and why I'm waiting to pick a sponsor) is because I want to listen to this woman speak a few more times. She has been nothing by kind to me since I first joined, and her stories are truly inspiring to hear. But I want to make sure of myself before asking her... because that is a huge leap for me!
  • I really, really wish I could go to a f2f meeting. I am a little leary of talking to a total stranger. I know I should be looking for a sponsor, but on the other hand I want to take my time and pick the right one. Thanks for info Marny. It makes me feel better to know that I can change sponsors if I need to (but of course I hope that will not be necessary!). It is a hug leap for me too Jac (((HUGS)))