The Special K Challenge

  • Honestly, I think people are thinking Special K has some kind of mystical ingrediant in it that makes you loose weight

    The diet works but the cereal is nothing! Buy generic plain flakes and you get the SAME results plus you save yourself a few quarters.

    Has anyone tried the special K challenge? If you dont know what it is, it's when you eat 2 servings of Special K cereal in replace of 2 of your meals. At the end of two weeks, your suppose to loose 6 pounds or and inch or two off your waist. You have to eat this cereal with skim milk

    My opinion? Try the same diet with normal cereal and you will get the same results. dont bother looking for the cereal. it tastes plain and there is NOTHING special about it.
  • Sure, if all you are looking for is temporary weight loss. However, if you are wanting health and good nutrition, this plan sure isn't worth much.
  • Smoke and mirrors. Sure, if you replace two meals a day with bowls of Special K, you'll probably lose weight. Reason? Chances are, the 150 calories you'll consume in one serving of Special K (serving = 1.25 cups cereal, .50 cup skim milk, no sugar) is far less than what you would typically have spent on some other breakfast and lunch.

    Simply a matter of fewer calories consumed.

    You could probably do the same thing with Twinkies (coincidentally, a Twinkie is also 150 calories!). Have a Twinkie for breakfast and a Twinkie for lunch and a "sensible" dinner, and I bet you'll lose weight. But Twinkies don't have that sexy, "health-food" image that Special K is trying to create.

    By the way, the 3rd ingredient in Special K is sugar, the 5th ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. Um, hello?

    Pass the oatmeal, please .
  • On top of that, is eating two bowls of day and one meal honestly a plan you could stick to forever? That's the key to successful weight loss is changing your life in a manor in which you can stick to it forever! So many people seemingly lose sight of that!
  • I don't think I could stick to it for a day even. A bowl of special k fills me up about as much as a piece of gum does. And the gum is probably healthier.
  • Got to love the (sugarless) gum. Chew it long enough and you can end up with negative calories! Yeah, baby!
  • You're probably right sweet lovin. I don't know about everyone else, but Special K doesn't come close to fillng me up. I went on the Post cereal diet for a week and didn't lose a thing! I switched to slim-fast and lost 5 pounds in the first week.
  • This is the embaressing moment where I admit to doing it!
    I went through a brief stint last year and went with Special K. I think I did really well on it, but as everyone's pointed out, not through rocket science and mystical voodoo on the cornflakes but simply fewer calories.

    I think the may reason I let it slide was the sheer boredom of it and I never took it seriously as a real way to lose weight.

    I can stand it as breakfast, at moment I'm loving the strawberry one, but breakfast and dinner is just too much.
  • Quote: You could probably do the same thing with Twinkies (coincidentally, a Twinkie is also 150 calories!). Have a Twinkie for breakfast and a Twinkie for lunch and a "sensible" dinner, and I bet you'll lose weight.
    I smell a book deal coming on!
  • I actually really liked Special K as a kid - like most cold cereal in my house, definitely a RED LIGHT food in that both Jim and I tend to eat way too much of it - which is why we're both doing oatmeal mostly now (although he prefers the oatmeal packets to the Old Fashioned type...I've been buying him the low-sugar versions, thank goodness they're out there!).

    Don't know if you've noticed this, but Special K is by no means the ONLY cereal doing this kind of diet promotion...I've seen it on Shredded Wheat, Grape-Nuts Flakes, and some others...of course it's just a matter of portion control - if you have a (normal sized) bowl of Special K with milk, that's what, around 200 calories - instead of a big ol' hamburger for lunch, then one is BOUND to lose weight...
  • Quote: On top of that, is eating two bowls of day and one meal honestly a plan you could stick to forever? That's the key to successful weight loss is changing your life in a manor in which you can stick to it forever! So many people seemingly lose sight of that!
    I definitely know my husband could live on cereal! although he would eat MUCH more than just one bowl at a sitting...
  • Actually, I really liked Special K as a kid, too. But, have you noticed that the recipe has changed over the years? I remember tiny little dense flakes. Now they seem much larger and fluffier. And they have a lot less flavor. Or is it just me?

    Same thing with Cheerios. Definitely one of my all-time faves as a kid. And I most certainly could have lived on Cheerios 3x a day back then! Yum yum! Good eatin'! But today's Cheerios just don't seem to be as hearty. They're... fluffier and seem to have less flavor.

    Have my taste buds changed? Or have the recipes changed?
  • MrsJim-I buy the less sugar flavored oatmeal packets as well for DH and the kids. My son loves oatmeal, but only if there is stuff "in it", so I am also glad that it is out there.
  • Quote: Actually, I really liked Special K as a kid, too. But, have you noticed that the recipe has changed over the years? I remember tiny little dense flakes. Now they seem much larger and fluffier. And they have a lot less flavor. Or is it just me?
    I remember the "old" Special K when I was a kid, it was like little round pieces...however back in March when I was in London, I had Special K for breakfast while waiting to board my flight back to the States and I swear it was just like the old stuff I remembered as a kid!!!

    Most food companies do change their recipes over time, for various reasons...
  • I lost 7 pounds in one week doing the special K diet. ALthough I did not use special K. I used all bran or life. Special K hardly has any fiber in it. I have not gained the 7 pounds back and I did this in January. I really should do it again for a week, but my motivation is waining. (did I spell that right?)