Dieting With Diabetes - The Long, Hot Summer

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  • I hear you, Rosey . . . I could never do the splits either.

    Jeanne . . . Hi girl, We've missed you. Know what you mean about the humidity. So far we haven't been too bad, but I know it's coming.

    Glad the elevator was fixed, Rosetta . . . Maybe things won't be as bad as you are expecting after all. Like that quote, too.

    We've lost the sun again but I'm pretty sunny on the inside . . . the Fairy-Fat-Mother visited me last night and took another 1.8 pounds with her when she left. . . Yippee

    See you soon, gang.
  • Morning!

    I have my LEEP rescheduled for this afternoon, so I will probably be down for the count... I have to work this morning... gotta run!
  • Morning everyone..yippee for you meowee.. wtg.. i like that ole fat fairy..wish she would pay me a at a stand still but thats good too for now..still rainy here.. and the old back lets me know its there.. not so much in the am but by evening ouch josian.. hope the procedure goes smoothly and u arent in to much discomfort..take it easy on your catching up on laundry today.. have agreat day everyone(((((((hugs))))) rosey
  • Hi all!

    Procedure went pretty well. Was a bit shaky and luckily I had my DF there to drive me home. I slept all afternoon. I have to drive out across the state today, and sitting is the worst position, so I may be taking more frequent stops this trip.

    Talk to everyone soon!
  • Morning everyoneits still cloudy today.. i had agreat night of sleep so am feeling better today..hope everyone finds this new set up..josian sry that you have to sit so much today. glad your procedure is over..take some rest time for where is everyone else not sure what's on my agenda today..thats what so great about being retired everyday is an adventure..and there's always tomorrow to do what needs doing today ((((((((((((hugs)))))))) rosey
  • Hi, all. I slept little last night and about 5:30 a.m. I felt my heart atwitter. Turned out it was an earthquake! lol. Landlord made his first move yesterday. See a lawyer tomorrow. So it begins. What a way to have to live.
    Josian - glad your procedure went well.
    Rosey - at least somebody got a good night's sleep. Wish I were retired now too but I have about 10 years to go if my body and mind holds up.
    Be well.
  • Hi Josian . . . glad things went well for you. You really should be taking a couple of days off instead of going out of town again. Try not to overdo things.

    Hi Rosey . . . glad you are feeling better today. Hope everything stays great for you. Retirement is wonderful isn't it.

    Hi Rosetta . . . glad the earthquake was only mild. What did the landlord do to send you all scurrying off to lawyers?

    Do you guys find it very quiet around the boards this week? Seems wherever I go, things are very slow. Hope it picks up soon.

    We are having rain again . . . our little tail-whipping from Alberto . . . at least I don't seem to have an aching head, but everything else (including my stomach) has been noticing the dampness. Hope it all goes away soon.

    Have a good one, kiddos. See you again really soon.
  • Hey ..everybody...

    Glad to hear Alberto and earthquakes and medical procedures aside, that everyone is doing pretty am I..

    I've never heard of the fairy -fat- mother ..but I like it!! I imagine her to look like that slighlty plump, wicked fairy god mother in the second Shrek movie..But in this case if she takes our fat away..she can't be all that bad ..I wish we had an emoticon for her .............that's kinda close......

    Had our ladies garden party for church it was very was cool ..surprisingly, this is Georgia. Food wise, I had saved eating a snack for the day and combined it with dinner...tried to have plenty of protein and veggies but did have small serving of dessert and small portion of wine.. I probably ate less than I would have before but don't know how it will affect my weight loss a little extra exercise in yesterday to compensate as well.....went swimming (dog paddling really) in addition to my usual.. joints are feeling a little achey...even though i'm exercising almost daily and feel better....i still feel out of shape when i'm out walking in the "real world"...

    take care all...tomorrow is weigh in day..i'm on the once a week only on the scale plan.....cuz I can't deal with the scale..get obsessed over it...
  • Morning everyone.. i will be glad to see the sun again..its still raining was 109 this am and im feeling fine after another good nite of sleep..i did some sewing yesterday and lots of laundry..washing bedding etc for company coming..except for last mint things im pretty much ready for everyone.. there will be 4 generations staying here and i plan on taking lots of pictures..we will have 12 people staying here(glad i have a big house).. and the big b-q on the 2nd i will host 50 if everone comes..can hardly wait..soooooooooo whats on your agenda today..hope you are all fine as frogs hair (((hugs)))) rosey
  • Wow, Rosey . . . You are really going to be busy, busy, busy. Glad the sun has come out to help you finish up all the last minute 'get-ready-stuff'. Hope you are going to have a great, great time.

    I'm a 'once-a-weeker' too, Goddess . . . I cannot handle the daily fluctuations. I'm not too sure what the Fairy-Fat-Mother looks like either. She's elusive, kind of like the tooth-fairy, but older. Whatever, she looks like, I'm always glad to see her.

    Alberto cleared out overnight and left us with a gorgeous day. Lots of sun, no humidity and temperatures in the low to mid 70's. Supposed to be much the same again tomorrow. I do think he took a couple of my roof shingles with him, though. The light fixture in my computer room started to leak about bedtime last night. It did this once last year and then was fine again so I'll just have to wait and see what happens the next time it rains. But it is starting to sound like a roof job will be in my future. $$$$$$

    Have a great evening, sugar-babes. Keep on doing the good stuff and the rewards will surely follow. See you soon.
  • Morning everyone.. its not raining im still doing laundry and managed to make 2 new blouses for myself to look spiffy for kids call it my iniform.. pretty flannel tops and sweats and tennis shoes..hey when you are over fifty you where what u want and thats comfort for me.. besides we are very casual up today agenda is more laundry and sewing and dishes sigh a womens work is never done..hope you are all having a great day ((((((((hugs))))))) rosey
  • We are having an absolutely gorgeous day . . . although the temperature is in the high 70's/low 80's (just about the very top of my 'tolerable zone') . . . it's sunny and there's no humidity to speak of, and there's a lovely gentle breeze so I don't mind it at all.

    Sorry you are having rain, Rosey . . . At least it's a good day for getting stuff done. I'm with you. At my age, comfort is the foremost thing I ask of my clothing choices . . . that, plus clean, of course. Stylish is way down the list.

    Well, other than our new buddy from Sugar Busters, Monet, it doesn't look like we've picked up a bunch more sugar-babes with our new sub-forum status. At least not so far. As a matter of fact I wonder where some of our regulars are hiding out????

    Hpe to see everybody soon. Keep on moving and shaking, gang.
  • hi gang. happy father's to your hubbys my bs wa 5.5 today and 6 last night.
  • Hi Glen . . . Haven't seen you for a bit. Those are good readings. Wish I could stay that level throughout the day. Did you notice we have progressed to our very own sub-forum?

    Have a great day, everybody, wherever you are hiding.
  • Morning everyone just checking in to say hi to you all..soooooo where is everyone??? nice to here from u mr ken good sl too mine was up abit this am 111.. probably cuz i slept poorly..mewowee whats on your agenda going to make amy hubby a 5 star breakfast for fathers day and then finish my sewing project..hope you all have agreat day((((hugs))) rosey