jealous of hubbys weight loss

  • Hey
    Been a while since I posted..
    I am still dieting I guess its been about 10 weeks now.
    I have lost between 33 and 34 lbs.. the scale floats.
    I still exercise when I can fit it in. I would say about 4 times a week.
    My weight loss has really slowed down..Which is a bummer... I can honestly say that I have not really cheated on my diet.
    ( I do struggle with the water intake)

    About 4 to 5 weeks ago my hubby starting dieting with me..
    For some strange reason I found it easy to diet before he started...
    I think I am jealous..
    He has lost 24 lbs.. ( SO FAST ).
    Everyone can tell he has really lost weight. While it will take me at least 20 to 30 more pounds for people to really tell.
    Even when I lose the weight I will be so flabby what's the point! It just makes me sick!
    I am not going to give up my weight loss journey.
    I just beed to vent..
  • Please try not to be discouraged - you are in the right place to vent. Believe me, we have been there, done that (I'm living with a man who has lost about 100 lbs since January 1 drinking only liquids 5 times a day) whereas I had a possible life-threatening surgery and have only lost about 80 lbs - in 2 years.

    Try to take your husband's victory as your own. I'm so darn proud of my hubby for losing weight - but when he comes home from his class with another 4 lbs weight loss, I praise him, even though I've only lost .2 - for the month! ARGG! For men, it's just so easy and we are not playing on the same field as they are. After all, we are women - and that makes us unique and very special. Our bodies are made so that two (or more) can survive at some point in our lives. Men's bodies just are not as sophisticated.

    Chin up - before you know it, you'll be where you want to be in your weight loss, and the hard struggle will lead to a doubly (is that a word?) sweet victory.

    Nothing that comes easy is worth having...
  • Please everyone do not get me wrong..
    I am my hubbys BIGGEST cheerleader..
    I tell him how proud I am all the time.
    I cant help but tell him how good he looks..
    Which I think is giving him the big HEAD..
    It Just get frustrating sometimes.
  • Does he compliment you? I know I have to sometimes force compliments out of my boyfriend "wow, I'm proud I did that run today even though I wasn't totally into it at first, aren't you proud of me too?". I think sometimes it's hard for him to understand how hard this is for me, and how much support I need.. especially when it comes so easy for him. You need to be YOUR biggest cheerleader, toot your own horn.. what you are doing is GREAT, so brag a little!


    PS - 33 pounds in 10 weeks? WOWSERS!!! I'm on week 6 of really working at it and I've only lost 6.5! 33 is BEYOND impressive!
  • My husband loses weight so damn fast! When he tries that is. Must be that male metabolism!

    I really do understand how you feel. I've been jealous before of anyone I knew that lost any significant amount of weight. One friend lost like 80lbs in 4 months while on a drug! Another lost 20lbs and it's like she's a whole new person, 20lbs on her was so drastic. On me, 20lbs is nothing. No one even starts to notice until I've lost 40 or 50lbs unless I ASK.. and then who knows if they're telling the truth! LOL. Truly drastic on me would be 100lbs or more.

    It sucks to watch them succeed so well when I'm fighting an uphill battle where I take two steps forward and one back and where my loss is so slow while their body just melts away like Pam Anderson standing next to a radiator.

    The thing about my husband is that, he has about 40lbs he needs to lose and he's apple body type so he's got an increased potential for heart disease, etc. and diabetes runs in his family and he's a total sugar-aholic and he wants his diet to consist of typical american "meat and potatoes." I'm not sure he could even pick a vegetable from a police lineup! His stats are really not good either. But I have 140+ to lose, am pear shaped and have no history of anything in my family (that I know of, we're all scattered to the wind and not so tight-knit) and my stats are good. So, I REALLY want him to lose weight almost more than I want myself to and even though it sucks for my own ego to see him lose 5lbs a week by simply walking while still pigging out, it's good that I'll have him around longer. I joked with him and told him that when I'm skinny, I ain't having a fat husband so he better get slim with me!
  • My husband lost 80 pounds in the last six months, and he lost it like it was nothing. The whole time I've been struggling to even get started! So I definately know how you feel! It's rather discouraging at times! But just stick to it, you have entirely different metabolisms so that makes a HUGE difference!
  • At first my hubby did tell me how good I was doing.
    But since he started dieting he is kind of focused on himself.
    Which is really ok with me. I am very proud of him.
    He looks good and feels good. Its exciting for him.
    I just do not want to live with the food police which he can be that from time to time!
  • Grrr. Men! Why IS it so much easier for them? Muscle. That is the reason. They have more muscle than we do which keeps them burning calories at a much faster rate.

    So is there ANYTHING we can do? Yeah. We can work on building more muscle for ourselves. DO we? Ummmm welll.... I HAVE before. But not currently.

    Not that we will ever be like them. Maybe if we took testosterone injections. But then that might have some unpleasant side effects for us women. So we just have to live with it and do the best we can. Lift weights. work on building muscle. And try not to let our emotions get in the way of what should be simple and straight forward and "logical". Eat less, move more and try not to get discouraged.
  • Men are annoying. Period.

    I can understand how your feeling, and we hear you. It's ok to be jealous! But let that feeling inspire you to keep going, at least you can wear pretty dresses when your done and he can't Clothes for men don't change that much whether your an XXL or an S, but we have so many nice things to look forward to!!! He just has smaller shirts and jeans!!!

    Seriously though, when you are both working as hard, and he's getting the results so quickly, it's bound to be annoying. Keep going kiddo!!!
  • Be very thankful that your husband is losing too, which means he is eating healthier and that should make it easier for you to lose as well. My husband, on the other hand, sits in front of me and eats junk food and bags of M & M's and huge ice cream sundaes. I have developed a whole new attitude about that and look at it this way - he has had the heart attack (8 years ago) and if he continues to eat in this fashion, he'll have another one. He does not have a weight problem so he thinks he can eat whatever he wants. He doesn't like to hear my concerns about his health, so he's totally on his own about that. I cook healthier because I am eating healthier, so he does benefit from that. But since he continues to self-destruct with his unhealthy eating, I can't control that.

    So, be happy for your husband's loss and use it to your advantage to continue on your weight loss journey.

  • Sherry is exactly right on the men's muscle mass making it easier for them to lose weight. A lb of muscle can burn up to 50 calories at rest per day compared to only 2 or 3 calories by fat. So start hefting some small hand weights or even cans of vegetables while you're standing in the kitchen waiting for something in the microwave. We know you're supportive of your hubby, but heck, it's only natural to be a little envious. We've all been there-BJF
  • grrrrr. I know how you feel. Just this morning my hubby said to me "I don't know what I'm doing differently, but I'm losing more weight". He only weighs about 188lbs and doesn't need to lose anything. He recently lost about 10 pounds and he did it with such ease. Very frustrating. It makes me feel like such crap.
  • My best friend and I have weighed the same since we were 15. As I gained weight, he gained weight (probably because we eat a good portion of our meals together!) When I started dieting it was very rough on him because I would no longer enable him to eat all the bad stuff we had been eating together. Now that I am down 50 pounds, it has inspired him to start working out and though he's only lost about 10 pounds, he is putting on muscle rapidly. He has already gained 2 inches in his arms and lost 4 in his waist. It is very frustrating for me since I have been working at this so hard and it takes soooo long for me to see actual changes in my body. I understand your pain!!!
  • Quote: Be very thankful that your husband is losing too, which means he is eating healthier and that should make it easier for you to lose as well. My husband, on the other hand, sits in front of me and eats junk food and bags of M & M's and huge ice cream sundaes. I have developed a whole new attitude about that and look at it this way - he has had the heart attack (8 years ago) and if he continues to eat in this fashion, he'll have another one. He does not have a weight problem so he thinks he can eat whatever he wants. He doesn't like to hear my concerns about his health, so he's totally on his own about that. I cook healthier because I am eating healthier, so he does benefit from that. But since he continues to self-destruct with his unhealthy eating, I can't control that.

    So, be happy for your husband's loss and use it to your advantage to continue on your weight loss journey.


    Great post, DNR.

    Weight loss and getting healthy is not a competition. Just focus on yourself and stop comparing yourself to him. The more you compare his loss to yours, the more you are losing for the wrong reason and it is only a matter of time until you put the weight back on. Be pround of your choices, your hard work and your loss...and be pround of him. Just don't keep a scorecard. We can all gain weight together, but it is up to each of us individually to do the hard work to lose it. Utilize your husband as a positive role model and create a healthy household that you can both thrive in.