I ate like crap today.. Confession

  • ack.. I had a poor day of eatting.. but Im ok with it. I seriously doubt I went over cals today and if I did.. nothing major..BUT.. this was my day

    B: 1c oatmeal w. raisins, honey and smart balance
    L: brown rice w. snow peas sauteed in olive oil
    S: 5 Tortilla Chips with some salsa, 3 very small pieces of 88% coco organic chocolate

    Some where along the line I also ate a whole pint of low fat frozen yogurt, but it wasnt all in one sitting.. just eventually ate it all. So thats 680 cals, and 12grams of fat.. aye aye aye.. its ok though. I actually dont feel too bad about it.. just because I havent been eatting enough the last few days, been having a bad week and really havent felt up to eatting.. but got all my exercise in ( and then some)

    I know what happened, almost no protein, and very little fiber. I knew what I was doing when I was eatting the yogurt..I enjoyed every minute of it. Im not worried because I eat good like 90% of the time. Today being the other 10%. I have had more 100% weeks than 90% weeks. I just wanted to put it out there though.. just cuz. Makes me feel better to let everyone know that.. TODAY! I SUCKED!

    Heres to me building a bridge! IM OVER IT!
  • Ummmmm... Ready.... please reread your message and THINK about what you would think if someone else posted this. LOL this is NOT all that bad! Bad would be "I ate a half gallon of death by chocolate premium ice cream and a bag of tortilla chips with a pint of sour cream and 1/2 pint of salsa."

    You're doing GREAT! Remind yourself that it is wonderful when you think like this!!!!
  • Hey, good for you! you have the right attitude. Whenever I go off the diet, I find it sooooo hard getting back on the next day! It's selfdefeating.
  • I just love your attitude! Everyone has one of those days and I wish one of my bad days was as GOOD as yours!
  • A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

    A really good friend will help you hide the body!
  • LOL yah her "bad" days are pretty darn good, aren't they?
  • You didn't do all that bad. For some reason, I stay on my program all week long and then eat more than I should on the weekend. I know I have extra people here on weekends and try to be good, but ususally I have to rethink every Monday about my ultimate goal. I don't grab for sweets just too much of the right foods. Good luck and tomorrows a new day. I slack on exercise on the weekends too, then feel guilty.
  • i have the same problems on the weekends. i also work on the weekends and i eat at work, which contributes to my calories increasing. i do try to stick ot healthy items, but even then, it always seems to add up! the weekends seems to be when i drink the most soda as well.
  • Quote: A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

    A really good friend will help you hide the body!
    You have a point there, that is a REALLY true friend.
  • Quote: LOL yah her "bad" days are pretty darn good, aren't they?
    That is what I was thinking. I like her bad days.
  • Crisco1 - Aint that the truth!!!!

    Yeah I know it *could* have been worse. Thats why I wasnt really too upset about it. It was just NOT the most nutritionally sound day. AT ALL.

    It helped me to post to kinda assess the situation. For the days prior I hadnt been eatting much at all, and then that day I had little to no protein or fiber. These are the things that cause me to make the wrong choices time and time again. I didnt lose any weight this past week. Ok.. 1/2 a lb. Still good, I'll take it. I know its because I should have ate more. I dont think I could have ate less and got away with it. I mean I ate, just not stuf with alot of calories for some reason. Thanks everyone.. I knew that posting here I wouldnt feel as though I was like porky or something. I mean I *knew* that already but it helps when its reassured!!
  • How about a bad food week...
    Yesterday I had a subway sandwich with all the works, a brownie and pack of peanuts, fried chicken and rice for dinner.
    Today for lunch I had a personal sausage pizza.

    The sad part about it is - I don't feel so bad about it. I have had a stressful week and I think I deserved it!!!!

    Your food day was not that bad. Sometimes we fall off the wagon but as long as we get back up - we are ok!