My baby's sick :(

  • She has been vomitting since last night and today she has a fever. I'm keeping her from pre-school and she's laying in my bad with dry toast and my poor baby. So, I won't be on much today.
  • Poor thing! Push that pedialyte, and hope she feels better. Hope you don't get it too!
  • Awwww so sorry your baby is sick. I am saying a prayer for her, and you too
  • OH I am so sorry give her lots of love and tlc! and a great big ol' kiss from all of us here! I hate it when my kids get sick feel so helpless. and then they look at you with those help eyes!! I will also say a prayer for your baby! hope tomorrow is better.
  • I just got a call from my childcare provider. I had to leave work early to pick her up cuz she's got a high fever again....I sure hope she gets better.
  • Oh no! Take good care of her... I am sure you will! This must be hard for you as a parent having your baby sick!!
  • My baby's sick ~ UPDATED
    I might have to take her to ER tonight. She has severe dehydration and hasn't been keeping anything down...not even ginger ale. She hasn't peed in 2 days. She sort of did #2 but it was more of a *wet fart* (sorry if it's too graphic). So, I have to keep an eye on her for the next few hours and if she STILL doesn't go pee, then I have to take her in.
  • Hi Shawna - If she literally has had no urine out put in the last two days I would not wait. She needs to go up to the hospital. I know you posted this last night so I hope you already took her or she started tolerating fluids. Let us know how it's going.....
  • shawna i hope your baby is getting better...
    i'm sending you my best good vibes!
  • Shawna, as dehydrated as she already is, I don't think you should wait. Please take her to the doctor right now.
  • Ya..I took her in. I didn't like the fact that the doctor told me to wait. So at ER they checked her over and said she was fine Actually, he said she has a virus and it will *run its course* Told me to take her home and keep offering liquids. If, after 48-72 hours her symptoms haven't changed then I am to take her in again. I think not. Her pediatrician's office opens bright and early tomorrow and I'm taking her to HIM and see what he thinks.

    On a side note...she HAS kept some fluids down today.