Feisty & Sexy 50-60 year olds #78

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  • G'day all,
    That was great news Glenda re your daughter in law.
    So many years ago when there were many girls that gave up their babies for adoption, at the time it seemd the best thing to do.
    Never really thought of the repercussions in years to come. Glad this one seems to have a good conclusion.
    Hopen all went well with your dh's test.

    Very sad to get Slavika's email with her latest news.

    Peggy who would you think would do the cooking on these trips? MOI!!!! DH has good intentions but.......
    Peyton sounds a delight but boy are they a lot of work now. I had Matilda yesterday and I am just exhausted, she is now into EVERYTHING and you cannot keep your eye off her for a minute.

    Trudy I hope your dh and yourself are on the mend.

    Karen hope life is getting better for you as well. The death of a parent, expected or not, certainly takes the wind out of your sail for a little while.
    I am experiencing traits in my sister in law that I sort of knew were always there, coming very much to the fore. I feel disappointed and let down. I will be glad when the estate etc. is all settled and we can go back to a very superficial footing!

    Gloria I take delivery of my new bed towards the end of next week
    I have bought some lovely new linen, look forward to seeing it all in my bedroom!

    Ann what is your next singing project? My sister belongs to a choir and is getting so much joy out of her involvement with the choir.

    DH left for New Zealand yesterday and will be there this week.
    We got a touch of winter today, cold, rain and windy. I love this sort of weather after a long summer. I will have to enjoy it while I can, it will be warm to hot for the three months we are on our trip.

  • Hi..
    Slavika's news was so upsetting. It must be so depressing to have to go through all this again. I feel so bad for the both of them.
    Glenda Who do you mean is the "wonderful lady".. the birth mother or the mother? I am confused.. (not the first time) A lot of women are trying to make contact with children they put up for adoption years ago. It doesn't always work out. I hope your DH got through his medical test and the results will be good.
    My Dh sees his doctor on Thursday. Who knows...?? He doesn't feel very good these days. It is always something. I have gained weight, and he is losing weight.
    Maria It always amazes me what happens after a death in the family. My brother and I were agreeable on everything, but that wasn't the case in my DH's family after his Mom died. Like you said, you have to wait for everything to be settled to get back on the "superficial footing".

    My DD and kiddies came over today. MC is 16 lbs already. He is so long, looks like he will take after his daddy. He is just over 3 months and wearing to 6 - 9 month clothes. He is such a cheerful little fellow, always smiling and laughing. The 3 of them are such a tonic for us. Just what we needed!

    Hi Ann, Peggy, Gloria and Karen talk to you all later...
  • Trudy, the wonderful woman I talked about is her adoptive mother. We just call her the mother. She has just been so terrified of losing her daughter because she is so much older and they are sick and not just a lot of fun. Her biomother is younger and just has more energy, but as she told her mother, "You are my mom and always will be, #1." Anyway, it was a good conversation finally. It always surprises me when people do not say what is on their minds in a family. You know, my joke is that I get on the elevator and by the 6th floor everyone knows I have 3 boys, have had cancer, and one boy is married to his third wife. Big exaggeration, but you get my drift. I just wish people who are close would be more open with their feelings.

    Trudy, I am so sorry that you and your hubby are having such a miserable time. I hope he gets some relief soon. Mine is at home right now, "preparing." I am so glad I am at work. Ha.

    All, I am not losing weight at all, but I am so happy with my diet. I pretty much stay the same (not good), but I so enjoy my food. I guess having been a closet vegetarian all these years has not been nearly as easy as just coming out and being an open one. I love eating everything organic and not gagging at all on meat. I just have never enjoyed meat of any kind. This is great. Just wish I could lose, but....

    We got a new clothes washer today. At least DH was able to open the door to the deliveryman. It is no fun to buy something so necessary, is it?
  • I had to go back and read Glenda's post on the old thread. I was confused and that doesn't take much. Looking for the birth parents can cause a lot of stress. Hope it all works out for her. A new washing machine-now that is an exciting purchase. NOT-I hate to buy appliances.

    Trudy so sorry to hear that your dh is still not feeling well. I hope you get good results from the dr today. Your little grandson is really growing fast.

    Maria you did a super job on the photos of Slavika and her dh. I like her name for what you did-Maria's Magic. I know how tired you feel after watching Matilda. I am ready for nap when I watch Peyton. His birthday is Saturday. Time has really gone fast. When I was getting my haircut this afternoon someone brought a new baby in. I forgot how little they are.

    I liked Slavikas haircut in her picture to I got mine all chopped off today. It feels so good. I don't know why I let it grow a little sometimes since I can't get it to look the way I want.

    Lily it was nice to hear from you. I wish you well and we will miss you.
  • G'day all,

    Peggy I do exactly what you do...decide to grow my hair a bit but in reality it only ever looks OK when it is short. I have gotten over the dream (finally!) of having long flowing hair that I can casually throw over my shoulders!

    Glenda so you are not loosing the weight you want to, you are happy and enjoy your vegetarian food, who knows one day it may happen again.
    I think the good thing is that we are all very much aware and whilst we are not loosing weight like we might like to, it is never very far from our minds. In my case that really just jolts me to make better choices.
    Whilst dh is in New Zealand he asked if he should bring home a couple of bottles of Baileys Irish Cream (duty free) As much as I love the stuff, I know it is the most fattening thing. The last time he brought some back we finished the bottle in no time. We don't drink it as a liqueur but have it in a tumbler on ice so this time I said NO, I thougth that was very strong of me!

    Glenda your new washing machine is it a front loading or toploading one???? I probably need a new machine soon and my dd says that they only make toploading machines for the likes of me who refuse to go to the front loading variety I have used them in the different apartments we have stayed at but I am still not convinced.

    House cleaning today, I have done NOTHING since dh left for New Zealand, I had better make a bit of an effort before he comes home tonight

  • Hi Everybody: GLENDA...I should have read the posts on our board first then I would have known that DH was having THAT procedure done. I'm very happy that all is well!!
    My brother's wife had a child when she was 15 or 16 years old and got in touch with him about 5 years ago. He was nice to her but really didn't want to have a relationship with her or to meet her two other boys. At Christmas he sends her flowers (he lives in another province) but that is the extent of it. His Mother and Father are truly his PARENTS. Often, children get hurt or the birth mother gets hurt because their expectations are just too high. Geez gals I'm not loosing weight either. One of my friends is thinking of going back to WW and I am thinking I should join her. I don't know how many appts David will have but I'm sure I could make most of the meetings. I did some serious cleaning around here yesterday because my cleaning lady is coming on Wed. and I don't want her to know how truly MESSY I am I have not had her clean slince before we left for Maui so it's time. KAREN how are you doing these days? How's sweet little SPROUT? PEGGY, I told grandson that was going to send you his picture so that you could see what a good looking boy he is....hee hee, he blushed. MARIA really does do MAGIC with photo's. What a great talent and knowledge she has. PEGGY I get my hair cut usually every 4 weeks and that's all I have her do....just cut it. When I get home I rub a little bit gel in my hands and sort of spike the hair up and then with my fingers smooth the hair to come forward around my face. That's the extent of me doing my hair....and it just dries on it's own. My hair is absolutely straight, not a bend in it and I just got tired of using the hair dryer and then the curling iron. TRUDY's hair has a natural soft curl to it and always looks PERFECT!!!!! No word yet as to when treatment will start for DH. I will give the hospital a call on Monday and see if they can hurry things along as I know it's stressful to David and to me too. The waiting just kills you. Nothing else new, talk to you all soon.
  • MARIA.....I forgot to mention one more thing. Years ago at the lake when David and my friend's husband were out of town my friend and I each bought a bottle Bailey's. We used play a lot of Scrabble in those days. We each poured a BIG glass of Bailey's with ice in it and started a game. By the time we finished playing a few games we each had polished off our entire bottles of Irish Creme. LOL LOL boy did we sleep good!!!
  • Hi All:
    We have had a busy weekend. Some old friends came to see us. We hadn't seen them in about three years. we had all had health problems that kept us from visiting in those in-between years. DH and friend went to Lakeland to the Sun and Fun Airshow on friday. And Roxanne and I did girl stuff. Late breakfast, and then lunch at a fun place, then shopping and finally home. Since yesterday was DH birthday, we all went our for dinner.

    Before their visit, I had to really clean our guest room, more than usual, since friend Bill sometimes has shown an allergy to cats, and our Smokey thinks the guest room is her private place. So i had to really clean and wash all the bed linen, etc. and then when all was done keep the door closed so Smokey couldn't get in there. She was not a happy kitty.

    Glenda: Interesting that your DIL has made contact with her birth mother. It is strange how different people react. One of my granddaughters is adopted, and she has known it right from early on as my DD made it a point to tell her the story of how they got her. She has never had any interest at all in finding her birth mother. But my other granddaughter was adopted by her mothers husband when she was very little, and then after she grew up she needed to find her birth father. She called him her biological sponsor. Once she made contact then she was satisfied. Hope your DH made out okay with his test. I talked my friend into getting one when she gets back home. She has never had a colonoscopy and after I told her aabout my experience, she decided that she better get one.

    Peggy: I agree with you about leaving the time alone. It takes me a good week at least to get on the new time schedule. Nothing seems quite right and I sure do hate to lose that hour of regular sleep when we 'spring ahead'.

    Trudy: I'm still looking for muffin recipes, but now that company is gone will get back to my search. Hope you and DH are feeling better.

    Slavika: Loved the pictures of you. Magic Maria! Hope the regimen your David has to go through this time won't be so bad. At least he knows a bit more what to expect. Our friend that was just here is taking some sort of Chemo. He gets a shot once a month. He had prostate cancer, which was treated vigorously with seeding and radiation, but now they have found lesions on his spine. Hence the chemo.

    Maria: I have continued to go with the short hair too, but I did get a perm and I told her I wanted it short and curly. And I have really liked it. Just put some gel in my hands rub it through my hair let it dry and then fluff if up a bit. So far I have had 3 haircuts and it still has plenty of curl. I suppose that I will need a new perm by the time the next appointment comes around. Sorry that your FIL death has caused the worst to come out in your SIL. It is too bad that stuff like that happens with some people. Hope things can soon get back to normal for you.

    Right now I am beginning to plan the Christmas show for next year. This time the gal that directs the Kitchen Band and I will be doing our shows together. Lets everyone only have one night out instead of two. Things get so busy during the Christmas season. I think it is going to be a fun kind of show. Of course time will tell.

    Hi Karen: HOpe things are looking up for you. Feeling better.

    Gloria: Do all Catholic churches refuse to let non-Catholics receive communion? Or is it just that one has to be a member of a particular church?Being a Baptist, I have never run into that situation. Are you getting into spring now, tulips and daffodils. Love that paart of spring in the North.

    Lily: Nice to hear from you and hope you will drop in when you have a minute or two.

    Just looked at the clock and realize that it is time to go to bed. Still am not totally on Daylight Savings. Ann
  • Good Evening All!

    It has been a beautiful day here. Cool, but the Sun was out and it was dry. They say it will warm up by mid week....that will be nice.

    Ann: To answer your question I believe all Catholic churches have the same guidelines. If you are a member of the Greek Orthodox, or Eastern Rites churches you may receive Communion but although we welcome everyone to our churches Communion is restricted to Catholics.

    Maria & Slavika: As the taking of drink. I love Baileys but I have gotten to the stage that my limit is a glass of wine at meal time or you will see me sleeping in the nearest chair.

    Glenda: That is nice that DIL has found her birth mother and that her adopted mother has come to realize she still is most important in her daughter's life.

    Trudy: I hope you and DH are feeling better these days. I feel you new recipies will be a help in this regard. I remember when DS had what we thought was Crone's Desease when he was 16 my method of cooking made a 180 deg turn. Had to learn all new recipies, Yikes! He is fine now at 45 and the last dr. said it wasn't Chrone's at all but severe colitis. He was hospitalized twice and I often wonder why it wasn't rediagnosed at that time. OH, well....all's well that ends well. I hope you and DH will have such luck.

    Karen: Yes, we haven't heard about Sprout for a while....hope he is well as are you and the family.

    Yesterday was eldest granddaughter's 12th BD. She is growing into a lovely young lady. I got her a shirt and pair of capri pants and really was hard pressed to get the right size. I finally got her a junior top, medium and a junior pant size 3. I didn't do too badly but the pants will need to be exchanged for the next size larger. DD invited us over for a a birthday dinner and we had a grand time.
    Earlier her older, 14, brother came here to interview DH with 2 of his classmates. They are doing a project on WWII and DH is a real military buff. Although he told them he was only 13 at the time of Pearl Harbor and his actual military time was during the 'Cold War' he was delighted to talk to them. They came just before lunch with cam corder and notes and DH had a grand time talking to them. I made pizza for the kids to have before they left. I think they like that. DH has been invited to go to school when they make their presentation the end of may. I want to be a fly on the wall for that.

    The other day DD#1 was by and her 12 yr old, Cam, is in the midst of rehearsals for the school musical....Annie. He is Daddy Warbucks #1 servant. He has great stage presence but I am anxious to see the production. The last play he was in he was just a spear carrier.

    TTFN Gloria
  • G'day everyone,

    Nice to see your long post Ann, sounds like you had a nice time with your friends. At this stage of my life I really enjoy the company of old friends, they are a bit like a comfortable old shoe, no pretense no nothing.
    As a 'lapsed' catholic and one that has read a lot about different religions, I was surprised to hear from Gloria that members of the Greek Orthodox or Eastern Rites churches are able to receive holy communion in a catholic church.
    Gloria is quite right that the catholic church laws are the same the world over however in my experience they are interpreted a little different in different countries.
    Up until the time I was a teenager, we were not allowed to even enter a non-catholic church
    I think the ecumenical services of bringing all christian religions together is a very important part of being tolerant of all different religions.
    Off my soapbox!

    Gloria how great to have your grandson interview your husband. History is another big interest of mine. Has your husband ever been to the American War cemetery in Manilla? It is a very moving place, we spent the best part of a day there and learnt a lot about America's role in that part of the world during World War II.
    You have some very enterprising grandchildren, The Annie musical sounds like fun.

    I am having my new bed delivered today. Yesterday we moved our 'old' bed to the spare room and slept there last night.
    I am glad we have a couple of weeks in the new bed before setting off on our camping trip.

    Have a great day all,

  • Hi All ,I am trying to get back into life before My Dad Passed away. The last months have been just too much. Need to have some organization in my life or I feel like I am fumbling around.

    Mom left on the train last Tuesday. Spent Wednesday getting my house changed around . Moved all my craft stuff into the guest room. Got my hair cut. Then went to do some food shopping. Tuesday night I joined Weight Watchers again. I have been thinking about it for some time. Then a couple of weeks ago I was out walking Sprout and met a new lady in the neighbor hood and we began talking weight. When I confessed to being a former Weight Watchers Leader. She Laughed and admitted to being the same. So the 2 of us went to a meeting together. The walk of shame you know. Have those same 16 pounds to lose. Will update you if there is any progress made. Have been on program for a week tomorrow and do feel better and less bloated. Not looking for a lot off at the scale tomorrow as I have always lost very slow. Have begun to walk again. Sprout loves the longer walks too and I'm sure it's just as good for him as it is for me. DH is also along for the ride.

    Went back to crafts this morning. Haven't done much of any thing in the last week. Did a painting of a Bule Fairy on paper just to see if I could get the face painted right. It looked pretty good so am now going to put it on a box. Anyway got the box base coat done except for the bottom. Then by Wednesdays craft day I can begin on the fairy.

    We went out to the Lakeland airport to the fly-in cafe for dinner Saturday evening and were treated to part of the air show that was going on out there on the other side of the airport. Got to see tha new Military jet do it's stuff. DH was thilled. That jet was passing so close you could the red/orange glow of the jet engine.

    Mom loved her train ride back to Minnesota. She said it was long and didn't want to do it again right away but would if she has the chance again. She and my nephew left Tuesday at about 4:00 pm and it was Friday at about 1:30 am when they arrived home. She was glad to be home and as I thought the whole family was there to greet them even at 1:30 am. So I think she was missed.

    Found some nice flower pots at the Goodwill the other day and have repotted some begonia's and Impatients . Then I have to put My GD orange tree in a larger pot. That thing is really growing great. I need to take a picture of it to send so she can see the fruits of her labor.

    My youngest son is working in Texas so for spring break DIL and 3 kids drove down to spend the week. She is alot braver than I ever was. She stayed one night on the road. The kids were so excited to see Daddy and he is a good Dad. When we talked to him yesterday they were at the Zoo . Today he had to work but the rest of the week hill will be off. So it will be a nice vacation for them all. I had to laugh He booked the motel room over the phone some place he found on the internet. Any way he asked the gal on the phone some questions about the place, He said now keep in mind that if I get there and find a dump we won't be staying.So don't even lie to me, it turned out to be a nice family run place. So they stayed.

    Well I need to get some lunch so I'll shut up for now. Thanks for all the e-mail jokes an stuff there are days when I really need to laugh.

  • Ann, regarding your granddaughter who is adopted, my sister has two adopted daughters. One has met her birth mother and one is totally uninterested. I think it is just an individual thing. With Shanna, it was some kind of yearning. I have no idea why she always felt that she was abandoned and that her mother would leave her too if she did something wrong. She is working out that problem that she has of being too much a people pleaser. I hope she gets to the point where she can say something or do something unpopular and still believe she is loved.

    Trudy, did I miss a post regarding your husband's diagnosis? Does he have Chrone's disease?

    My hubby goes to his neurosurgeon tomorrow to find out if he should change his epilepsy medicine which has shown to be a true success at preventing seizures, but has caused the problem with his bones. This terrifies me. Will see what he has to say.

    Gloria, you have such an interesting family. The fact that you came so close to matching the size of your granddaughter is amazing to me. Before long, I would hesitate to buy anything for her because they get so particular and peculiar about their clothes. Enjoy the time right now. I always feel that mothers have a moral obligation to approve the clothes they wear, but sometimes they just have very strong likes and dislikes. I hope you and your DH do get to visit some of the places he has heard of in his study of WWII. Wouldn't that be fantastic?

    Maria, I have a nice BIL who is from a Catholic family that was stricter than strict. Because he married my sister, he has become somewhat less, I hesitate to say strict, more tolerant. Now he believes the only way to heaven is not necessarily through his church.

    Over the weekend we helped our son who has Makenzie. He has 4 absolutely huge trees in his backyard, one of which recently died. He can't get anybody to take it down so he rented a cherry picker and cut off some limbs to keep them falling on his children. Anyway, wouldn't you know, one limb came off and went completely through his roof. You take two steps forward and three back.

    Have a great day!
  • Hi All,

    Glenda what a nightmare with the tree limb. A few years ago a big oak fell on the house across the street and cut it in half. With this being tornado season I cringe when the wind blows since I have big old oaks also.

    Wish they could get their act together when the wind blows. They let sirens go off now for thunderstorms. You don't know if it is real serious or not. It seem like they are calling wolf. That happened the other day. The weathermen take over the tv channels with relish.

    It is interesting to hear about churches. My youngest went to Catholic high school. One of his teachers was a married priest. He was already married when he decided to become a priest. Before that he was agnostic. They used to call him Fr. Dad. He was a great guy unlike our pastor. It is his way or the highway and he wonders why everyone is leaving and the collection is down over $5000 a week. We attend a neighboring parish. Well enough of that.

    Ann you do seem to keep busy. Planning Christmas already.

    Karen it is good to hear from you. Nice that you found a fellow WW leader to attend classes with. Just saw an article about losing weight and walking your dog.

    Gloria that is neat that your grandson is interviewing your dh. That makes history more interesting when you know someone who has gone through it.
    Plus good bonding between them. My son's dog played Sandy in school version of Annie a few years ago.

    Maria how are you liking your new bed?

    We had the big one year old birthday party Saturday. I think they need a bigger house for all the toys. They are going to put some away for later. It was to a sports theme. She had 4 cakes decorated with baseball, soccer, football and [my mind just went blank]. He had his own little tiny cake made in the shape of a pennant, iced in orange with UT on it for Tennessee. He will probably grow up and not want to go there. LOL We babysat again Sunday while they golfed. I was exhausted by the end of the day and so was the dog.

    Got to go think about dinner.
  • G'day everyone,

    It has been a disastrous few days for me.

    I have been quite unwell, went to the doctors and found out yesterday I have something wrong with my liver. First and foremost NO ALCOHOL and then I have to have further tests in 10 days time.

    My computer has also crashed and I now have to reload all my programs

    I am feeling a bit better today and will make a start at reloading everything.
    Tomorrow I am having a tooth out under twilight sedation, another fun day

    Talk to you all later....

  • Oh my goodness..
    Maria What is up with your liver? I am so sorry that you have been feeling unwell. Do you have to prepare for the liver tests? I hope every thing is going to be alright. Top it off you have computer and tooth problems. By now you must have your tooth out. Keep us posted.