My House Vrs Tree and Storm

  • Here in Missouri, we got hit by the Sunday storm pretty good. When it blew past, I got to take this pic!

    The house is supposed to be there. The cat is supposed to be there too. The big o'hunk o'tree on the roof, not so much. At least I didn't calm myself by pounding down a package of oreos...
  • Wow! I'm glad everyone made it through safely. It looks like the cat is enjoying the new arrangement. And good job for not coping with food in what must have been a really stressful day.
  • At least it was a smallish tree? Wow! Glad everyone is okay.

    Actually, my first read-through of your post I read that the house wasn't supposed to be there... visions of The Wizard of Oz were in my head! Ha-ha, and news flash... house falls on tree, cat okay...

    Hmmm... I think I need more coffee... anyway, glad you're okay and congrats on not self-medicating away the stress!
