Just a little extra help...

  • ... an idea for those of you who are finding it hard.

    I usually sit at my desk and surf the net - any gems and tiny quotes, recipes, things like that I usually write down on some scrap paper.

    Well I thought I'd treat myself to a pretty notebook and it's small enough so that I can carry it everywhere! I've transferred all the notes I can find on the scrap paper into this notebook. It includes recipes from the LWL forum, quotes from the Chicks In Control forum, quotes and ideas from Dr Phil, things from John Hussman and some things that I don't want to blog, but that I need to remember. I've also put things like "what food I have left to eat today" so I make a list of the planned food, and tick it off as I go along. It's got some workout routines and some achievements in there too. It's just an all in one jumble of health, fitness, dieting, eating and motivation.

    I thought it would be nice to share the idea - it's good to look at when the going gets tough and it's good to have something with you ALL THE TIME, so you can make a note of those fleeting thoughts that really are important.
  • Hey! I do that too! I have a notebook in which I write quotes that I like and I keep it in my purse. When I'm out, if I'm feeling tempted to eat when I know I shouldn't, I can go through the quotes as a reminder to keep my goal the top priority.