writing papers- how to stop nibbling and start concentrating?

  • i am in grad school, so i should be used to writing papers by now, right?

    i really need to get these 2 papers written TODAY, but keep getting distracted by the urge to snack. i am trying so hard to stay around 1500 cal, and i know if i snack it will set that off.

    i also know this dillema is my way of avoiding writing the paper. i'm trying the hot tea thing... it's not really working right now. and i just ate lunch so i know i am not hungry.

    i can not wait until i graduate in may!
  • I knew a woman who always kept a bowl of diced veggies (celery, carrots, red pepper, etc.) on her desk at work. She was always nibbling, and she was about 120 lbs. and 5'9". She said it kept her metablosim burning consistently.

  • Would it be possible to handwrite your paper somewhere (or even better take a labtop if you have one), like outiside if it's nice there, or to a coffee house and treat yourself to a non-fat latte (or something else low cal) so it would get you out of the situation? If not I don't know, I am bad like that too, mostly I know it's just my way if procrastinating and avoiding thinking about the homework. I can't wait to graduate either, I still have a long way to go. Good luck!
  • I know you probably hear this alot, but try chewing gum or another low sugar hard candy..it helps me.
    Also..I agree with the change of scenery; sometimes it makes you feel alot better and reduces the urge to snack.
  • When I first started my weight loss effort, I was writing my master's thesis, so I know where you're coming from. I did three things that seemed to help. First, I switched to healthier snacks - baby carrots, sliced apple with cinnamon, popcorn, etc. This might sound odd, but I tried to avoid anything that couldn't sit out for a while, since I tried to eat slower. So, no ice cream while writing (previously, I would have a bowl of ice cream, eat it, and then want something else "snackier").

    Second, I started drinking a ton of water (instead of the three or four cans of Diet Coke I would drink during a typical writing session). I bought a big 64-ounce water bottle that I filled up everytime I sat down to write.

    Third, and probably most useful, I packaged my snacks in small ziploc bags and only brought one of the bags over the computer when I was writing. Previously, I would have a whole bag of chips next to me with the intention of only eating a few. Of course, I'd eat the whole bag. So, I just downsized the bag! It was kind of like my own version of the 100-calorie snack packs.
  • Quote: Third, and probably most useful, I packaged my snacks in small ziploc bags and only brought one of the bags over the computer when I was writing. Previously, I would have a whole bag of chips next to me with the intention of only eating a few. Of course, I'd eat the whole bag. So, I just downsized the bag! It was kind of like my own version of the 100-calorie snack packs.
    I do this with everything... it works wonders for me. I also recommend it.
  • I'm the ultimate procrastinator - i will do anything to avoid studying - eating, cleaning the house, exercising, checking out all the posts on 3FC like I'm doing now to avoi studying for a calculus test... for the food, I take 20 minutes before I know I'll be studying and cut up fruit and veggies and put out individual servings of healthier snacks, like 8 crispy minis, or a handful of nuts. I bring all the snacks into my office with me so I have NO reason to go near the fridge - doesn't stop me from procrastinating, but keeps me out of the kitchen cupboards!
  • Brush your teeth! Snacking would taste gross after that.
  • thanks for all your suggestions!

    i went to a cafe on Monday for 4 hours and got a lot of work done. a clean space with no distractions helps so much!