Pick a goal, any goal...

  • It seems that most of you here have a goal and I want one!

    How do I go about picking a ultimate goal that is attainable and reasonable? I can't remember the last time I was thin, so I have no idea where I should be. I am 5'3 and medium-boned. I figured 140 was good, but I think that still makes me overweight on the "BMI chart". I have a horrible tummy that, even when I lose weight, it stays round... and thighs to match. They just never seem to shrink!

    I just thought that I would get started and pick a goal when I got a better idea, but now I am afraid that I will fail without a goal set; though I do have mini-goals.

    Any thoughts?
  • Sassybuscuit, I also have no idea about where I should set my weight. I am 5'7" and very large framed. Family, friends, and medical charts all tell me something different. There were only two brief moments in my life when I thought my weight was not too unreasonable.

    Losing mass and measuring it on the scale is also defeating to me. I would want to get on the scale 7 times a day if I did that. So I decided to go with a size goal instead. I figure that a size 12 would be just about right and estimate that I would probably be about 170 for size 12. Once I get there I know my body will probably tell me to go down a little farther. Maybe to 160... but beyond that I don't know.. Basically my minimum goal is NEVER to be heavier I am now. I can achieve that.

    I do exercise goals. It is something I have control over (where I don't with the scale), and it is fun to do.

    Ultimately my goal is to be healthy and take care of myself. I am doing that now and reaping the benefits every day. In that respect I am maintaining my lifestyle already.
  • sassy 140 on the bmi charts for your height would not be overweight.. And you wont fail I look at it this way,, do you believe you can maintain your ultimate goal weight? Ive changed my goal so many times I cant even remember what my goal originally was when I started. And Ive got the same problem with my belly, Im very thick wasted so it just sits there no matter what I weigh. Just take baby steps set smaller acheivable goals and you'll get there sooner than you think just dont give up.
  • I've been struggling with the same thoughts. I set a goal weight of 165 that is just slightly overweight by the BMI guidelines. But I think my bones are big and I know I carry a lot of muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so really keep that in mind.
    Anyway you might set your goals in 10 pound increments are a little more or less. Might feel more successfull that way. I'm trying that because I really want to feel successfull.
  • Go ahead and set your goal at whatever seems reasonable. Goals aren't carved in stone, so you can always re-evaluate it later on if you need to.

    My own goal (140) is a little on the high side for my very small frame, but I deliberately set it a bit high so it would seem achievable. If I reach my goal and decide to go lower, there's nothing to stop me from setting a brand new goal. On the other hand, if I get to 150 or 160 and decide that's good enough (considering I'm not as young as I used to be, and my metabolism is slowing down), then I'm free to stop there.

    For now, 140 doesn't sound like an unreasonable goal for you. You can always fine-tune the number as you get closer.
  • well, just go on ahead as if you haven't accomplished your goal, and then when you finally are happy with it, you start maintaining!
  • You are all so helpful! I was thinking the same kinds of things, though I never really know exactly what I am doing.

    Jayde – I do exercise goals too! I hadn’t looked at it that way, but it is one of the few things I have control over! I started this with the intention of taking better care of myself and increasing my self-esteem, no matter my weight. I'm not paying too much attention to food or calories, just trying to eat better and see where that gets me (and what I learn along the way!). I have done so many diets and lost both the weight and the battle!

    Lady Jackyl – I am focused on “easy” maintenance. I don’t want to eat 3 carrot sticks a day to stay there! I do, however, want to look at charts and not be in the overweight category for once. I created an excel spreadsheet that tracks my weight, exercise and water consumption. I have 10 pound goals set at reasonable intervals (based on a loss of 2 pounds per week). It definatly helps me see progress, even though sometimes I don’t feel it.

    Margarita – I think that you are absolutely right! Last time I lost weight on a “diet”, I got to 160 and never could get to 159 or less. I tried and tried, eventually getting discouraged (and here I am today). To tell the truth, I felt good at 160! I shouldn’t have put so much pressure on myself.

    veggielover – AHHHH, maintenance. What a concept! I’ll get there!

    Thank you all for your quick replies, this place is awesome!
  • Ciarra - I missed you in my last post! I am so sorry!

    I think it's a great idea to make a goal a bit high; just might be the thing we need to go further! It sounds like to know yourself and you have realistic expectations. Could you rub off on me???
  • It depends on your build! The TOP of the BMI chart for me would be stick thin -- to the point of looking unhealthy (let alone the bottom of it). LOL my BONES alone probably weigh more than that. A tiny little thing I will never be but at my height -- 5'9" -- I can look really good and at lowest I should be at about 10 pounds over the maximum on the BMI chart.

    Our society wants us all to be beanpoles but in the real world many of us are just not built or designed to be them.

    But Sassy, as to your question... one thing I find helpful is to set short term goals... like I am not on my third mini goal of losing ten pounds... with a bunch more to go of course, but it is nice to be able to update my ticker and change the "second" to "third" etc., and I can SEE progress.
  • Short term goals are definitely great - mostly because you can achieve them a lot faster than big ones, so you get the feeling of accomplishment to keep you going for your next mini-goal. As for your overall weight, use thte BMI charts as a guideline, but remember that there are a lot of things they can't take into consideration - I personally think that each of us has a weight our bodies are comfortable with, and going below that weight is not only really really hard but unhealthy. I know for myself that 125 is a weight I can stay at without a lot of effort (once I get there!), but I tried getting down to 115 once and i literally had to starve myself for it (this was all long ago, in pre-"freshman 55" days!). I'd suggest sticking to 140 as your goal - reaching that would be a great achievement in itself. Then once you get there, you can see how you feel, and if you're comfortable and happy and healthy, then don't worry about what some government produced weight chart says and enjoy your new shape!
  • Quote: I'd suggest sticking to 140 as your goal - reaching that would be a great achievement in itself. Then once you get there, you can see how you feel, and if you're comfortable and happy and healthy, then don't worry about what some government produced weight chart says and enjoy your new shape!
    Wish I had said that!!! GREAT advice!!!
  • I goals changed during my weight loss journey. When I started at 5'7" close to 200 lbs, my goal was 150 lbs and a size 14. I had managed to maintain 150 for about 4 years in my life and it seemed like a doable, manageable weight.

    When I hit 150, the weight was still coming off, so I revised my goal to 140 and a size 10. The weight was still coming off, and after consulting various charts, I revised the goal to 135.

    Of course, then I plateaued at 140 for months starting in March, so I figured I was done at 140 and started maintaining. I was pretty happy, I looked good, I wore a size 10. Started eating a little more and imagine my surprise when the scale started moving again (when I wasn't even trying to lose weight!).

    I ended up at 127 and a size 6/8. I would DEFINITELY never have imagined at the beginning I would weigh 127 lbs.

    You just never know, plan to be healthy and keep your goals flexible
  • Short term goals.... I'm with you!
  • THANK YOU ALL! I feel much better now! 140 it is, at least for now!