Need help with fat calorie intake

  • Hey I was wondering if any of you knew how many of your calories should be fat? I heard somewhere that your fat cal. should be kept under 20% of your calorie intake, is this true? Does it really matter? Im confused
  • We all know that it comes down to calories in vs calories out in the end, but aiming for a reasonable amount of fat is a good thing. Fats are very rich in calories comparative to the other macronutrients (1g of fat = 9 calories, 1g of protein or carbohydrate = 4 calories). So if you are getting a lot of calories from fat, you will be eating a considerably smaller bulk of food if you are still to lose weight, and that will leave you awfully hungry. I think anywhere from 20-30% calories from fat is fine, but I wouldn’t go much higher than that. That leaves plenty of room for foods rich in protein and fiber which will help you feel fuller on fewer calories.
  • "The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that approximately 50% of your calories come from carbohydrates, about 30% from fats, and approximately 20% from protein sources. 1 gram of protein has about 4 calories, 1 gram of fat has about 9 calories, and 1 gram of carbohydrate has about 4 calories. "

    go here:
  • most people average 40% carbs/30% fat/30% protein. But it is not only fat but you want to use good fats (low saturated and transfats).

    I don't count fat grams or % I just ensure that I have 2 tsp of healthy fat a day....