Tuesday Daily Thread

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View Poll Results: What type of car do you drive?
Super fast sportscar
No car, walking or public transportation all the way!
Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll
  • Good morning all! I hope I'm starting this thread right. I have been super busy at work recently, so not much time to post. I hope you all are doing well. I went to a HS reunion thing this weekend and I got the best compliment...everyone I talked to said that I look the same as I did back then! I was excited because its taken me a while to get back here. I still want to lose more once I make lifetime, but we'll see. I am still .6 above my goal and this week I don't think I've done too well. I know all I need is to get to the gym, but with the heat my motivation is lacking. I'm going to go ahead and post a poll. I'll check back in a bit! All newbies come and post. The bio thread is on fire so I know you're out there!

  • on the poll...
    I have a fast sportscar! I bought it for myself about a year after graduation as a treat. I figured that was the only time in my life I could justify that kind of splurge. The only problem is now I burn through tires quickly (I had to replace 2 this weekend after 26K miles, uhhh). Anyway...I'll chat more with ya'll later!
  • Good morning Kay and everyone one else about to post and those that are lurking!!

    Answer to the poll, I drive an SUV (so Kay is the one with the really fast sports car!) and we just bought a 2002 Toyota Corolla, so that must be a sedan.

    My next vehicle will be a new GMC Yukon.

    Doing really well today as far as points. Yesterday I had a total of 19 pts. Which is awesome for me. I am going to stick to this!!

    How is everyone else today? Boards sure have been quiet lately!!

    I'm here, don't want to work....waiting for my day off on Friday!

    It is going to be almost 100 degrees here today...glad I have air conditioning!

    Well, better look like I am busy...check back soon....
  • Quick Post
    Tonight is WI. keep your fingers crossed. I drive a SUV, but DH has a Corvette that we race but I couldn't vote twice.
    Work is busy. We liquidated a coffee shop that had roaches and now they are crawling around the office!!!!!! We've had an exterminator twice already!
    More later...
  • Hello all. Well. I did ok on food yesterday. That is always my battle, to eat enough but not too much (as I want to). Blah!

    On the poll, I have an SUV Jeep and my hubby drives a Mercedes sudan. But recently, I have been driving his car and he mine. His car seems very solid and safe to me. Our next car will not be for a while. The jeep is new and the other car is paid off and better run forever (LOL). Maybe a Volvo or an M Class. I don't know.

    Anyway, Kay: your reumnion sounds fun. I had mine a few years ago. It was strange to see everyone (I only keep in touch with one person from HS). You are right about the weather and it being hard to work out. I also just get so hot and tired.

    Tonya: I am sending you motivation for today your way. You are right about eating out. That can really pack on the weight...there is so much hidden cal in eatout food even when you try to be good. I have also been eating out too much. So hot I don't want to cook. I need to eat home more and eat not so many prepaired food. I am trying to be better about that. I think I will check-out t he recepie thread.

    Stacey: good luck at weigh-in. Yuck, bugs!!!! I no bugs are a vital part of our enviroment but I HATE them in my house. I lived in an appartment (really old city building) that had a bug issue. They were exterminating all the time. Borax seemed to help.

    Ok, I need to find a morning snack. I am hungry!

    Talk with you soon.

  • Good morning everyone.

    I feel like such a hypocrite posting to a weight-loss thread when I can't seem to lose any weight! Grrr. Another day, another attempt. Feeling good so far, it's almost noon and I'm not ravenous yet. That was my downfall yesterday... I was good all day but then when I got home I was so hungry that I ate everything in sight before I could manage to cook dinner... Trying to eliminate most carbs during breakfast and lunch, that seems to be working better for the today.

    Trish: How are you feeling? How many weeks along are you now? I'd say at around week 20 or so you should start to feel little kicks... so cool. I'm feeling nostalgic. Hubby wants to TTC #2, but I just can't get past the fact that we would be sooooo short on $$ if we had #2... that, and I'm too heavy right now. Would be bad to add MORE weight to my poor joints.

    Tonya: Obviously I sympathize with the lack of motivation. But you have shown time and time again that you CAN handle events and eating out and STILL stay on program. I've seen you do it, and I've been awed and amazed! You'll find your groove again soon, I'm certain of it.

    Well, I voted SUV on the poll but that's actually my DH's vehicle. I drive a station wagon. (Toyota Corolla SW).

    Gotta get to work... our performance reviews are in a few weeks so I want to make a good enough impression to get a nice big fat raise!
    I am in virgin fat territory!! 206!! Woo hoo!! I posted on the how are we doing thread this am, but I had to post it here as well. I was so pumped by it, its crazy!! Yee haw!!!

    I was out of commission yesterday (sick, it was so gross, but much better now, just acid tummy and fatigue left) so I have to catch up on everyone's posts still....

    BUT friday- I went out with b/f's coworkers, my old co-workers and 4 people commented on how much weight I lost and how I did it, and 2 guys hit on me. B/f was v. proud . I was too!! Hee hee.....and on the way home, he was drunk and guess what he said???

    THOSE THREE MAGIC WORDS! Okay, he was drunk, and couldn't remember in the morning, but he said it nonetheless, and I remember!!!!


    kay - congrats on teh compliment,that must have been awesome!!

    Tonya - 19points? Woohoo girl!! YOU GO

    Trish and Stacey - hello! Stacey, goodluck at WI!

    Janet - this is a site for those trying, so you're in the right spot!!

    Well, I gotta run again...I'll write more later!!

  • Congrats Belle!!!
    How awesome for you!!!
    Gotta get lunch now. A nice big salad (anyone watch Seinfeld) for me!
  • Yay Belle! On multiple counts!

    I didn't vote on the poll, because I don't have any of those. I guess it comes closest to a sedan, but it's not. I drive a little two-door 1994 Mitsubishi Mirage that I bought when I got my first job. It's starting to show its age, but I like not having any car payments! I think I'd like some kind of SUV for my next car, although I've always wanted a Jeep Wrangler for fun. Or a Volkswagon Cabriolet. But also, I'm on a reporter's salary.

    After my Mexican splurge last night I had a light dinner, and was doing fine until I got the munchies about midnight. I think I ate half a bag of low-fat, organic cheese puffs, and couldn't bear to figure out the points. The scale was down a little this morning at home so maybe I'm doing something right. I'm trying to figure out what to have for lunch now. B/f and I had plans for lunch but now he has to go in to work early. Grrr.

    Well, after a cold and rainy weekend, it's hot and muggy today. Was the same yesterday. It's really rather miserable out. I'd almost rather have the rain.

    OK, gotta find some lunch!
  • Hey GIRls
    BELLLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOWOOOOOOOOO!
    I voted pedestrian b/c i dont have a license yet
    on the nose front lol i dont have a broken nose just a soft tissue injury so i have a bunch of stuff to do to get the swelling down
    I weighed in and stayed the same
    Stacey all i want is a BIG SALAD elaine
    tonya 19 pts ur my hero
    i have to go make lunch
  • Kierie ~

    I wish you would post a pic of yourself. You are one person I don't even have an image of what you look like. Come on!!!!

    If you don't post a pic, I will just have to assume you look like Marilyn Monroe!

    And you are right, this is a place for people who are trying. So don't worry Janet. YOu are in the right spot.

    Keir: Ouch, hope your nose feels better soon.

    Kim: I had a mexican splurge today. Sorry b-friend had to work early. I hate that.

    Well, hello to everyone else.

  • Thank you thank you!!
    thanks everyone for all the cheers!! I am still on cloud #9 on all counts.

    The sienfeld thing....hee hee hee!!

    Kier - you sound like me - a clutz!! I wanna see a pic of you too!!! I hope your nose de-swells!

    Trish and Kim - mmmm...mexican!! I loveit. I don't think my tummy could handle it so I'll stick to plain steamed rice for today though.

    If you could have whatever you wanted for dinner tonite, points not considered, what would it be?

    Id have pierogies and kelbasa and holopchi (cabbage rolls) for dinner with lemon merangue pie for dessert!!! Of course, not only would that be 40 points right there, but I'd be ill with my uneasy tummy...oh well!!

    I voted sedan b/c I have a 2000 honda civic, which is the TOP CAR for THEFTS in Calgary this year . First 6 month had 180 civic thefts!! OUCH!!

    My dad has a corvette, cadillac and sebring, so I get to drive fast cars once in a while (thank good ness) and the funny part is, he never lets my stepmonster drive unless its very necessary, and she only gets teh sebring....hee hee hee.....

    Well, I better mosy again....

  • Ho, ho ... Belle, you have a stepmonster, too?