sick on diet

  • Has anyone had issues with...sorry to say, diarrhea and cramping? My husband was only on it for a day and a half and is having major issues!!
  • Sorry to hear DH isn't feeling well, but I think you'll need to provide just a bit more info. What plan are you two following? If it's only been a day and a half, my uneducated guess would be that it's just an unfortunate coincidence, unless you're taking some sort of "diet aid"...
  • If it is a drastic switch from normal, it may be his body adjusting. Actually, I used to have problems with fibrous foods, then my bf pointed out that he didn't think I was chewing my food properly. It was a funny comment and I really never noticed, but my stomach is a bit sensitive and if I make it do a lot of work, it'll cause cramps. I ended up making sure fibrous foods are well chewed before swallowing.
  • I am assuming from your user name that it is the Sonoma diet, right? I think this is a low-carb type diet (sorry I haven't tried it to know for sure), but if it is then YES your body will do some pretty weird stuff the first few days as you shock it from no carbs or sugar. If it doesn't get back to normal by the third day, I would suggest a visit to your Dr. When I did no carb it felt like a full blown fever, sweaty and all, I was so sick. Lasted for about a day. Then I was fine. I had shocked my system by saying no to something I ate my whole life. In the end, it is was worth it for me.
  • That can happen after just a day and a half of no/low carbs? Wow, that's sensitive. I did Atkins a couple of years ago and nothing like that happened, ever. I must have a cast-iron tummy!

    Could it also be he ate something bad or something specific that just disagreed with him? Maybe an off egg or something? Something he doesn't usually eat?
  • thx for your input! my Hub is still sick, but improving. The MD thinks it's a virus, but I'm still not sure. Of course, he's lost 10lbs this week, while I struggled to stay on the Sonoma Diet my first week! Time will tell once he gets back on the horse!