Long term motivation

  • Ok....this is kind of a take off of the previous thread (obsessed) but here is my problem!

    I can eat well and work out for several days at a time (monday through friday); HOWEVER, once that weekend comes I just get SOOOO tempted by my cravings for soda & pizza!!! I've tried making myself busy, working out, sleeping, eating healthy but my cravings for those 2 specific things are driving me nuts! I gave in this weekend (again) and got Pizza Hut Pizza and instead of having soda I had water - so I guess that was good - I'm just worried about making this a habit -

    everyone says that people do not need to diet, they need to make lifestyle changes - I am having a really hard time making a lifestyle that dosn't include pizza and soda...any sugguestions? I've done a tremendous job staying away from chocolates, fried food and other things...but I just can't break this craving?!?! HELP!!!!

    Just out of curiousity, what are some of your foods you just can't stay away from & what do you guys do to cure the craving?

    Thanks for your help and support!!!!!!!
  • Can you make your own pizza, with veggies and lowfat cheese? Or can you order for pickup just a slice? Then you can satisfy your craving while controlling calories and portion sizes.

    Congrats on the water instead of soda.

    One more thing, if you are going to order pizza, is there anywhere local you can support? I think Pizza Hut pretty much has the greasiest pizza of all....plus they are owned by the same company that owns KFC, and there are a lot of good reasons to boycott them.
  • Hi.. Weekends are definately the worst for me too! Mon-Fri... Not a big deal :O) But for whatever reason I am sooo not able to keep my motivation and goals in sight.. I don't want to workout, I know if I'd at least keep up with my exercise it wouldn't be so terrible to indulge with a slice of pizza, but I feel like I've already cheated and ruined my weekend why should I go exercise?! Stupid thought I do know that Anyways , Pizza Hut has a Thin 'n Crispy crust that is not greasy and low in calories, I always request that they go light with the pizza sauce and I order ham and jalepenos as toppings. It's good and it's not a bad food choice so you won't feel like you've slipped on your diet while still being able to enjoy some pizza.. Now I need to learn how to stay away from the buffet, any ideas?? Good Health girls..
  • I have trouble with weekends, too. The only thing that helps is to really think about what I should eat before I eat, if that makes sense. If I'm going to a pizza place, for example, I will calculate ahead of time what I should be eating and make a firm decision to order just that. Once something's on my plate, I'm hopeless, so I never try to order something and eat only half of it. (It's easier somewhere like pizza hut, where you can find out exactly how many calories are in each slice and then just get one or two slices plus a salad and work it into your plan.)

    I also sometimes give myself permission to eat a little more on weekends. Not so much that I gain weight, but probably too much to lose weight that day.

    As for soda, why not drink diet? It's not as good as water, but it's a thousand times better than regular.
  • I firmly believe that whatever you do to lose weight is what you will have to do for the rest of your life to keep it off. Can you see yourself going your entire lifetime without Pizza Hut? It is also my favorite pizza and I have no intention of going my entire life without it. So.... what I do is to try to wait out the craving. Do I really want it? Sometimes I will wait several weeks and then if I still want it I will have it-in moderation. This rule applies to other cravings as well. A big part of my failure to lose weight in the past has been to just give up when I fall off the wagon. But now I realize that I am only human and this will happen so when I have a bad day I let it be just that-a bad day-not a bad week,month or year. I pull myself off and get back on the wagon and feel good about not letting that "bad day" get the best of me. Don't beat yourself up over some pizza!!!!
  • I think a lot of people have problems with weekends. No work/school so you're around food, lot's more fun stuff, socializing, etc

    What I would suggest is to not cut out the pizza. I think this deprivation is makes a lot of people quit. Goes something like this..."I haven't eaten pizza in 3 weeks and I GAINED a pound?!?!? Screw this diet, it doesn't work anyway..." Then all your efforts are out the window.

    I feel like if you plan for this treat and don't make yourself feel guilty about it, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. One meal of pizza and soda a week isn't going to make you gain weight (other than a little water retention perhaps). As long as you can control it and you aren't having pizza everyday you'll be fine. And like midwife said, try making your own or going to a local business. From my experience they take more pride in their food and make it with more quality ingredients. Specialty pizza places may even have whole grain crusts, low fat cheese, etc.

    My cravings are usually for a) restaurant/fast food or b) dessert. I still eat out a couple times a week. I plan for it. Work it into my schedule. No big deal. The dessert is a little harder because I don't plan on having it on a regular basis so it's a little unexpected. I usually give in, just trying to keep it reasonable. A favorite of mine is Costco's frozen yogurt from their food court. Nonfat and only about 200 calories in a big drink cup.
  • I agree with what has been said.
    For me, I don't tell myself I'm on a diet. In the past when I say I'm on a diet or I say that I can't have a certain food that is when I set myself up for failure. The past five weeks I have been counting calories. This allows me to still enjoy some of my favorite foods. I will try and plan ahead and if I know I'm going to eat pizza for dinner then I will have a very light and healthy breakfast and lunch.
    Don't give up. We all know how you feel. Besides no one said it would be easy.
    Forget about the pizza from this weekend. Today is a new day.

  • Is there some reason that you feel it is necessary to cut out pizza and soda all together? Pizza in and of itself isn't a terrible thing, it is theamount you eat that can make or break you. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for clean eating. But, in my opinion, the vast majority of us have to focus on eating clean MOST of the time. There are no foods I consider completely off limits. Although, there are some that I have to limit more than others.

    Also, I don't like the notion of "giving in" to food. Everything I eat is a choice. There is no battle between me and the food where I lose and the food wins. Every bite is an individual decision. Thinking of it this way helps me keep my percpective and control because, in the end, the only person who has to live with those decisions is me.
  • THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your support - In talking to some people and on the advice of midwife, I am going to try and make my own pizza....and I am going to even take it a step further....I am going to make it on thursday of this week....maybe if I have pizza during the week, maybe, JUST MAYBE, I will not have as bad of a craving!!!

    I know it's probably been said a zillion times in here, but I want you guys to all know that reading your responses and seeing all of your little weight meters really makes a huge difference to me - seeing all you guys who are making progress really gives me motivation to keep plugging away.

    Just curious, what motivates all of you? For me it's my 9 month old baby that I want to be active with. I want to be that dad that teaches her sports, gets right down on the ground to play with her....I can't do those things as well at 300 lbs -

  • Do you have Papa Murphey's Pizza there? They have these deLites that are so yummy - get the veggie delite it is to die for! And it is low carb and low calorie ... so you get the satisfaction of flavor without the "bad" of pizza hut. Then maybe you can slowly wing yourself off of it and onto something even more healthy.
  • on long term motivation and pizza
    Pizza First

    I too have had a life that revolved around pizza places.

    Pizza and Beer after after every rec league softball/volleyball game/big ski day.
    Order pizza when we are busy.
    Go out to pizza because the kids like it.

    What have I learned? Every pizza place I have been to sells great salads. I order a salad to be served before the pizza. I eat the whole salad, and also have a slice or two of pizza. If I order salad, but not pizza, there is always someone in the crowd who is a pain, "are you on a diet?", "come-one, one slice won't kill you", etc... I think other people feel guilty for eating the pizza themselves and then take it out on the person that is being good.

    But, If you order salad first. You can say, "I am really hungry and didn't want to wait for the pizza." You eat the salad. The pizza arrives. You eat 1 or two slices. When someone tries to pass you another slice you say, "oh, but I am stuffed... I just ate that huge salad."

    This way you can have your pizza and eat it too.

    Much better than the days where we would drink pitchers of beer, orders of bread sticks, and all the pizza.

    Long term motivation:

    Well - this will probably sound better if you check back with me 5 years from now to see if a) I lost weight b) I kept it off and c) I am still saying the same thing... but here is my take.

    Every time I have lost weight it was with a goal of how many lbs I had to lose.

    This time my goal is to go to WW for the rest of my life. Not until I lose 20 lbs or 70 lbs or whatever, but just from here to eternity.
  • I have also had my battle with Pizza. Last week, I gave in after nine months without a bite of pizza, and went with my daughter to have pizza. I ate a salad first and then ate only the toppings from 2 slices of pizza. This wasn't too awfully bad for me because i'm on low-carb dieting, but it still made me feel guilty. I was afraid that it undid all the work that I had achieved that week but it didn't. I can't imagine never having Pizza again, and plan to learn to make it myself at home with a low-carb crust. Good luck and remember that whatever works for you, is the right way to approach this lifestyle change.
  • I've been doing Atkins for a large percentage of my weight loss time. With Atkins you can eat the pizza toppings, just not the bread. You might consider trying low carb and doing it that way.

    It is really hard though to buy a pizza and throw away the bread. I have a really hard time doing it.

    For me my biggest craving is for chocolate. I can have it, just not the sugar in it, so I buy low carb chocolate and can still eat it.

    I think pizza once a week is not going to be good for your diet. If you can limit it to once every two or three weeks, it shouldn't be a bad problem.

    I've found that I've been pretty good on my diet for about 3 months and then I just had to have a weekend off. I figure if I can now go for another 3 months before taking another weekend off, I'll be able to drop some weight. Whatever we do, we must be able to live with it. I think treating ourselves once in awhile when we need to is ok, but we should really try and not do it every week. You can totally ruin your whole week's progress by just over eating badly one day a week. It is the cumulative results that matters in the long run.