March 17th Plan for a Nearly Perfect Day

  • Ok lets start this thing over again
    B-all bran1/2 cup No fat milk1/2cup
    s-snack bar
    L-grilled chicken san. Plain
    D-something good but the right thing what ever that will be eating out

  • Good morning!

    B - shredded wheat and skim milk
    S - mozarella string cheese
    l - grilled chicken sandwich, + unknown healthy side

    I'm giving my body a rest from lifting today, but I do plan to either hit the treadmill or go on a stroll outside with my girls this evening.
  • Ok hers MY plan for the day....
    B-Protein Shake
    S-Bananna (usually i don't eat a morning snack but i ate bfest 1 1/2 earlier)
    L- lean cusine of some sort
    S- 100 Cal. popcorn
    D- Tuna on light wheat bread and cottage cheese 100 cal pringles

    Grand total : 1,210 Calories

    Exercise -> 45 min Cardio...strenght training and a 2 mile walk!

  • I got wound up this morning straightening out the mess I've been in with the college of nurses.

    But now .... 1300 cals which is a nebulous notion in my head right now. I'll update. Cardio and weights (shoulders and abs today).

    I will sit down and be a better 3fc friend and confidante a little later this afternoon.
  • Change of plan for me.
    I went for a salad and 2 slices of pizza thin crust......(I could not stop myself)
  • B - 2 pieces of whole grain toast, natural peanut butter

    S - Horizons organic non fat yogurt - plain, 10 sliced strawberries, 1 tsp honey

    L - a friend of mine is coming over to fix the bathroom faucet. I told him I would treat him for lunch - have no idea where we are going or what I'm having for lunch!

    S - tall non fat sugar free latte

    S - orange

    S - cut up veggies - baby carrots, sugar snap peas, grape tomatoes, yellow pepper strips

    D - Meeting 2 friends at our favorite wine bar for dinner to celebrate. This is my traditional "enjoy meal" of the week. I am planning on splitting the baked goat cheese appetizer with crackers, having the blackened salmon salad with pine nuts, blue cheese, dressing on the side and splitting whatever dessert we decide on 3 ways.
  • OK. Today, I need to increase my protein intake and get NOT AS MUCH FAT!!!

    so, here's my plan:

    B - 9 cashews, 1 boiled egg white
    L - 3 oz baked chicken, 1/2 cup steamed broccoli/cauliflower
    D - 3 oz baked salmon w/lemon and dill, 1 cup steamed broccoli
    Snack - 3 oz tuna

    Yesterday didn't turn out exactly like I wanted it to, and today I'm feeling very sick... so hopefully I will be able to make it to the gym today. I really need to feel better.

    Happy St. Patty's Day, everyone!
  • Ok. Mine's got quite a bit more food in than everyone elses...

    B: Egg and slice wholegrain bread
    S: Jalapeno crisps (180 cals) apple, small banana
    L: Houmous and bread sticks snack pack (140 cals) fruit salad
    S: baby bel light cheese, 2 slices wholemeal bread
    D: steak, spinach, red pepper and onion, boiled potatoes, glass of red wine

    Drink- loads of green tea.

    Planned rest day today for exercise as a 9 mile walk in the morning. All the exercise I'm doing is making me constantly hungry and if I go too long without eating I get a blood sugar drop.

    I'm trying to concentrate on giving my body what it needs to train for a marathon and hopefully the scales will catch on....

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • B- Total and soy milk
    S-Grapes and 1/2 cup of chair soy milk
    Lunch-Easy last pack before cutting out 90% of animal products from my diet
    S- carrots and salsa
    D- broccoli in light soy cream sauce with 1/2 cup sauted tempeh
    S- Soy ice cream
  • okay, i've got you all beat on calories today. it started out healthy enough and just plummeted at lunch time.

    B- 2 eggs muffins and cafe latte
    L-hamburger, potato salad, noodle salad, baked beans, fudge brownie, blueberry surprize (made with cream cheese and whipped topping and blueberries and gragham cracker crust) and a slice of lemon filled birthday cake.

    S- banana after cardio class tonight
    D- probably nothing after all that food today. got to balance out the calories somehow.

    Now granted, some of this was just a taste, but not enough of it. i did only eat half of the hamburger. but i am feeling miserable now. at least i had water with my lunch. small miracles do continue to thrive.
  • Okay...
    B: Went out with Mom and I decided I wanted a salad I had a chicken caesar salad withOUT the croutons and all that!
    L: Not all that hungry. Probably going to grab some string cheese & slim jims for snacking.
    D: Not sure just yet. Might make a salad, or pick up something from the store to have while I'm out.

    Going to do my cardio dance dvd later, lift weights, and do some Pilates. Hoping for an hour tonight, if not more.
  • I'm on the run again. I should have gotten something to take for a potluck for tomorrow, the last time I was out. College boy wants my car later. So off I go again.
    I'd better go shove some protein in my face!
  • Ok, new to all this, but here goes
    B- I had a slim fast shake
    L- jr bacon cheeseburger, no condiments, and a baked potatoe from Wendy's
    ( I know it's bad, but I was starving and the girls at work make it hard!)
    D- The family will have a nice biscuit and gravy dinner while I will have a frozen Smart Ones dinner
    I did snack on a handful (center of palm) of peanuts, salted, very bad I know, so I am not sure how many calories all that is, but I don't think it was too's the sodium that's gonna ruin it for me!

    I'm at 265lbs and need to lose and lose fast as I have a horse that I need to ride, not look like it should be riding me....
  • B: Apple, Pomegranate Juice
    S: peeps, waste of calories but so yummy
    L: Cereal
    S: Crackers
    D: Potato soup with breadsticks

    Exercise was 45 minutes treadmill, didn't work out this week as much as I would have liked. Going to try and get a good workout tomorrow!