I'm going to freaking cry.

  • Before I dropped out of school to do homeschooling and everything.. I weighed about 170 lbs. This was like a year ago. I now weigh 221 lbs. My boyfriend just called me... everyone thinks I'm pregnant and are saying that I am around school. I feel so hurt... I feel like I'm so huge. I don't even know what to say to those kinds of comments. It's just like... yeah I know I've gained alot of weight in less than a year.... but I'm deffinately not pregnant. I've been with my boyfriend for more than a year and we don't even do anything sexual. Not because I have low self esteem or anything like that. It's because I want to wait until I'm married. But no one believes me when I tell them that.

    I'm so freaking hurt I just want to cry and cry and cry.
  • Sweetie, I am so sorry. There is nothing worse than being accused of being pregnant when you are not. Morons will talk. I am glad that you are sharing your feelings about this and I hope you will feel better soon. I would say to ignore them, but I know it is hard.
  • Melissa---people can be very hurtful, it's really only because they're so insecure in themselves that they look to hurt others. You know who you are and what you do, it really doesn't matter what everyone else thinks of you. I know that's easy for me to say, but, i've also been asked if I was preg. when I wasn't...and you'll never guess what I did..lol A lady in an elevator asked "so when is your baby due" I said..."in a few months" and left it at that...I knew I could care less what she thought of me and did not feel I needed to justify anything to her by explaining that i'm not preg..i'm just chubby. You just hang in there and keep on doing what you're doing...you're on the right track and then you can tell them all to kiss your skinny booty ;-)

  • Instead of letting it get you down and depressed use that "hurt" and energy towards changing things. Everytime you think about it do something positive, whether it be exercise or even a few sit ups - whatever it is, just use it as MOTIVATION to change.

    You should read my story here:
    (last post I think)

    I know how painfull it can be to be humiliated, but instead of letting it get me down further, I just thought, 'I am SOOOO going to prove you wrong, and when I do you won't know what to say, and I will feel great!' --- it was just the shove I needed to make sure I was going to do something in the right direction.

    I just hope you can find the strength to do the same