Btb Members Chat~game#2!!

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  • Hi! Still feeling poopy I'm limited myself to 40 mins of exercise today,I don't want to push it Not bad for a sicky sickerson!! See ya later!
  • Oh man!!! I'm the biggest dork ever. I purchased this 3-day diet on Ebay for $3.73. I was so jipped. And it's all my fault!!! 3 Fat Chicks posts the diet for FREE!!!! (in the diet review and it isn't a healthy way to lose weight, by the way) Oh my gosh. I can't believe I fell for it!!! I already know there isn't an easy way to lose weight. Dang it!! I'm so pissed off at myself!! Please tell me I'm not the only one who has fell for something like this and actually paid money for soemthing like this. Then I won't feel like such a jack a**!! Man, that's 4 dollars I'll never see again. Crap!! And I could've bought a pair of earrings from Forever 21!!! (I know I'm was only 4 dollars...but let me wallow in self-pity for just a little bit longer lol)

    PS Wendy-good job!! you're being a true soldier throughout your sicky time. Keep it up!
  • I know about that diet!!! A friend of mine gave me the same thing, only it was called the cardiac care diet.I did day 1 and that was it for me,I was starving!
    They actually do this diet in some of the hospitals here, for people that have to lose weight before they go for surgery.
    I would not recommend it to anyone! Yes you lose the weight but in most cases end up gaining it back and then some!
    Be careful!!! I don't want you to get sick

    Well,I'm off to bed ASAP,I'm just waiting for Ryan to tucker out then off to bed for both of us!I'm still feeling like crud so that's the best place for me.

    Goodnight all!
  • Rosario.....You are NOT a dork....repeat after me!!!.....Listen, it happens. Thankfully though, it was not $20 or worse....$50!! I guess if its too good to be true, then it really is. Don't be too hard on yourself, we all have skeletons in our closet of something or other.

    Wendy....WOW...sickies ROCK!! Excellent job on getting a workout in today, I would have just laid around if I was sick. Don't push yourself though, get some good rest.

    Ladyfirelyght....woohooo, that is an awesome job on the weightloss!!!
  • Morning gals, I'll be spinning again this morning! I can't wait for nice weather when I can get my bike OUT. Late last year I tried mountain biking for the first time, and I really want to get into that over the summer. We even have a trail about 10 miles from our house!!! Its a FLAT trail. We have no hills in our county except the expressway overpass, but its got lots of tight turns to try and master.

    Angel-eyes-YOU ROCK!! Congrats on your losses. I know you're working hard for them (you've got awesome point totals!) Have a blast enjoying your success.
  • Hi Brandy

    Wow we have plenty of hills in Seattle to share with you! <G> When I moved back here from Fort Lauderdale I had to get out my Seattle legs all over again... but I am pretty used to them by now.
  • Morrin all
    I am feeling good today I hope to do a repete of yesterday on my points....
  • Hi
    Hello All

    TOM is here and all I want is chocolate or something Salty so trying not to do that. TRYING really really hard
    I have kickboxing tonight SO not wanting to go but I guess I will pop some midols and go.

    Congrats to Rosario on the 11.5 you go girl

    Angel eyes congrats for losing those pounds

    Brandy I was going to start a spinning class but the class room was full maybe next time
  • Good morning, everyone! I hope you all are doing great so far.

    I'm feeling fabulous. I'm planning on taking a nice, long walk later, followed up with some calisthenics. I hate doing calisthenics, but I haven't done any in a couple weeks, so I need to get on the ball.
  • Hi girls! I'm feeling alot better today,although not 100% yet I'm going to get at least an hour of exercise in today though,along with some running around that I have to do today.
    Hope you are all having a great day!
  • Well look at all the chatter I missed our internet was down at work!! UGH. Well yesterday was a bad day, I had some sort of stomach bug and in my head it gave me reason to munch on sugary treats - DOH!

    TODAY however is SO much better! Yea I feel good and my eating is right on track. I plan to to do cardio during both 20 minute breaks at work, and Pilates at home. I have my boyfriend even doing this points game - cept we made it a money bet. I though he would just be kind and play along ... ohhh NOOOOO ... he is all competitive about it and kicked my butt yesterday in points. I have GOT TO WIN now LOL. He is great for support! We are even going to take weekly pictures to see visual progress.

    I forgot to ask or maybe I missed it in my reading. How long does this challange last?
  • Sassy-Lol..that's a good way to keep motivated and stick to it. Challenging your bf and all. I hope you beat his butt!!!

    Our challenge lasts 1 month (4 weeks) and we just start a new challenge when one is done. Girls, I hope we can keep this challenge going for a long time. It has really helped me with the whole diet experience. Especially with excercise. I'm always pushing myself to do 20 more minutes just to get 1 more point. It helps a lot and it also helps a lot to come here and share with people who are doing and going throught the same thing as me.

    I am so bored here at work. Good thing there is nothing to eat here (except a yogurt and some fruit) or else I'd be stuffing my face. I can't wait to go home and play some tennis. I finally beat my bf yesterday for the first time 6-5. Ha! He says I'm getting good and that's always good to here. I'm no Sharipova but I am way better than I used to be lol. <Sigh> 1 hour and 50 minutes left.....ho hum ho hum. Gotta just hang in there.

    Let's keep at it ladies!!!

    BTW-this might sound dumb and I'm sure I do them already....but what are calisthenics???

  • Sassy

    I made a bet with my man a month ago on who can lose more weight in a month gets something. Well he wanted tints for his car and I wanted to get highlights for my hair which I can't believe costs 75 and with cut I think is like 95 needless to say I need to make my hair appt soon...LOL
  • Rosario-Stop saying "this might sound dump" and "I was so stupid" No sincere question is dumb, and we have all spent money in not the most profitable manner. Calisthenics are good old fashioned exercise moves like push-ups and sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.

    Dance-I went to college in Michigan's upper peninsula and we had hills and I sure miss them. We are talking flat as can be here!

    Nikki-Hope you get to try a spinning class soon. My gym has a reservation list so as long as I remember to sign up, and dont miss any classes (they black list you for awhile if you do) I know I'll get a bike. Good thing, its a 1/2 hour drive to the gym!

    Wendy-glad your still headed in the right direction. Soon you'll have kicked it completely.

    Sassy-great job not letting 1 bad day turn into many.
    I'm sitting here trying to figure out what I want to do for my afternoon workout. My depression is flared up today, and I am bored so that is a bad sign that I may give in to the eating for no reason thing. BUT, because of all of you, I WILL NOT be unhealthy today. So, I'm gonna throw some kind of workout in the dvd and talk to all of you later.
  • Brandy-

    AWESOME! I just got back from our work gym doing 20 minutes on the ellipical - went a mile in that I might be slightly sweaty but co-workers haven't complained yet

    You guys are so right - it helps a lot to have him (my b/f) involved, because the 10 lbs we both put on over the last year of our relationship has a ton to do with that we don't see each other that often so when we do it is out to eat! He said the other night, "I say we cut down going out to eat only once a month" I said, "well I think that is a little harsh" he said, "okay once a week, but lets try to make it healthy like Wild Oats or Tomato Salad" ... I just smiled because that is exactly the kind of support system I need to make this lifestyle change.

    I actually two years ago Oct 2004 was out with my girlfriends for a girls-night-out at the latest hot club (hard to believe in Utah we have those LOL) and we were all standing outside waiting to get in the door. ALL my friends look like real life Barbie dolls and they are sweet and nice to boot, well these guys drive buy in the car and make the usuall "woo-woo" calls, and the one turns to me and says, "Girl if you dropped 20 pounds you would be FINE". Now I know that is harsh to shout out, but the truth of it is he was totally right. I decided that night to do something about it. At the time I stepped on the scale and was 198. That was higher than when I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter who was at the time 5 years old.

    I started the South Beach Diet and lost the 20 lbs within about 3-4 months, I was on cloud 9. I could fit into a size 10 and I was really getting fit, the healthy choices had become a lifestyle. The lowest I ever got was 171 - but that was due to being sick, I usually hoovered around 173. It was hard being carb-free as I am a former carb-junkie and over the next year I just sort of maintained, even though that wasn't my goal weight. I even went up 5 lbs but could usually drop it, then one day I just didn't.

    For about the next year I stayed at 178, but I have picked up another 5 lbs somewhere and getting on the scale and seeing 184 was rather sad for me, I thought gee another 10 lb gain and I will be back to where I started So I came back to this board and re-commited to getting back to my healthy lifestyle.

    This time, no trick diet, just good ole calorie counting .... burn more than I eat.

    Games like this really help me feel good about the mini-accomplishments it takes to getting to the goal. It is so hard to think about 'well someday I will be 30 lbs lighter' or whatever the long term goal is, but it is REALLY great to think about, "TODAY I ate well, I snacked well, I exercised, I drank water .... I DID IT".

    So thanks again for coming up with this great way to support one another and keep me focused!!