Strange question

  • Now that I can tolerate looking at myself in the while I'm naked a question popped into my mind. I know that the fat won't magically disappear, but my stomach is so hard. I wish the hardness were muscles, but sadly they aren't. Is all of that hardness fat? I'm sure it is, but I just feel the need to ask.
  • Hmmm, are you sure it's not muscle? How big is your waist now?

  • I don't know what your body is like, but on mine the fat is very squishy!! I can feel muscles on my tummy, but only if I squish through the fat first!!

    Darn I'm so attractive LOL Where did I put that bikini???
  • Yep... all of my fat is squishy, too. Soft and squishy, so my guess is, it ain't fat...

  • yeah, i'm gonna have to 3rd that. i was just looking at my belly yesterday. i can gather it all up into a nice little basket ball it's sooo squishy. if a doctor could just come in my bathroom and let me tie a big rubber band around it and he could cut it off....i'd have a much flatter stomach.. hahahahaha!!

    i can actually take my squishy stomach and fold it over and make my tummy look flat!!! hahahaha. can anyone else do this????

    is that TMI??? sorry.
  • Well when I "suck it in" I can feel squishiness.

    I doubt that it is all muscle. I have to remember that my body is freakish though. My appendix is located in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen and I've spent years living with IBS problems. IBS only rears it's ugly head at the onset of TOM, which I'm now finishing. Maybe TOM has something to do with it.

    I guess my mystery fat hardness will remain a mystery for awhile. I'll keep working to see what softens up and falls off though.
  • Quote: yeah, i'm gonna have to 3rd that. i was just looking at my belly yesterday. i can gather it all up into a nice little basket ball it's sooo squishy. if a doctor could just come in my bathroom and let me tie a big rubber band around it and he could cut it off....i'd have a much flatter stomach.. hahahahaha!!

    i can actually take my squishy stomach and fold it over and make my tummy look flat!!! hahahaha. can anyone else do this????

    is that TMI??? sorry.
    I know what you mean! My stomach is a lot flatter than it used to be, but if I move it round a bit I can make it look so much better. Shame I can't walk round like that all day though...
  • Could it be visceral fat?
  • My grandfather's stomach is hard as a rock and it is certainly not musle. It's shaped like a pregnant belly but bigger than most. There's not a fat role in site, just a huge, round, hard, pregnant belly. He doesnt have any serious health problems because of it, so whatever it is, should be no big deal.
  • Actually, BF, I think my stomach was like that also. In fact, I even went onto sites looking for before pictures to see if my stomach was really fat, lol. I was like 170 when I first started out. Now that I have been trying for three years (this is the magic year right), and am down to 155, my stomach is much more squishy, though I have only lost about 2 to 2 1/2 inches around my abdomen. I think I must still have great quantities of visceral fat (but don't know anything for fact). Keep at it and see if it doesn't change in nature over the next 20-25 pounds. (It also seemed higher up before and now, at least when I am sitting down it seems somewhat lower, if that makes sense)
  • Thanks Buddha. I'll keep at it and I'm sure it will eventually escape from my body.
  • My belly is squishy, the only time it feels hard is if I am constipated. Lol. I only wish it was muscle. 1 good trip to the bathroom and I'm back to squishy. I'm with Kykaree, where's my bikini.