
  • hey everyone!
    i discovered this site a few days ago and have been browsing the forums and everyone looks so motivated and motivational so i figured i'd post since i'm thinkin i need that extra kick in the tush lol...
    i've been doing WW from home on and off for a couple of years and have lost close to 50 pounds. my brothers are both getting married this summer so i figured i better get crackin on losing those last 10-15 pounds. but the more i lose, the harder it's getting. it takes a lot more to make that number budge than it did before. i've been working out 4-5 days a week, drinking lots of water, staying OP, etc... and slowly but surely it's working.
    anyways, was just wondering if you all minded me hangin out here to keep motivated
  • WELCOME Lana!!! I'm so glad you found us. FABULOUS job on your loss to date!!!!! You will meet some other ladies who are eitehr at goal or very close to it here. Steph and Elana are both life time I think so they may have soem ideas for those last few pounds

    Welcome, jump on in to our weekly thread or post something of your own if you'd like
  • hi Lana! So glad you found us! Congrats on your loss! That is great!