300+ And Ready To Try Again...#850

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  • Brenda - woohoo on the 1 lb lost any amount lost is always a bonus because it's far better than a gain!! And, like you said, far better than that +14 lbs gain you saw last time you got on the scales. I bet you are so glad you didn't see those numbers again

    Crock - yes it will sink in one day, and while it does there is no harm in carrying on losing the weight you are doing. I bet with every lb that you lose the confidence will come with it too. Hope we can chat soon. Seems like forever since our last talk.

    Having a nice cup of melon and aloe vera herbal tea, YUM. Bye for now,


  • Kayley – I hope your car repairs weren’t too expensive. I need to take mine in for an oil change and some new belts, and I just know they are going to tell me I need new tires. It has been 50K miles, but that is money that I just hate having to shell out.

    Amber – I have the Veena and Neena set Bellydance Fitness for Beginners. It is a four tape boxed set that I got awhile ago. I also got this other one which is a mixture or tribal bellydance and other stuff called the Woman Power Workout from a dance troupe called Fat Chance Belly Dance (www.fcbd.com), which I really like. In fact I think I will do that one today. It is quite long (over an hour) so it is best done on the weekend.

    Whenever I feel like I have too much going on in my life to do X or Y, I will just think of you and all you have to do – the kids, your job, your extra job, sharing a car, etc. and stop my complaining!

    Garnet – You can’t see the change, but can you feel the change at all?

    Julee – That is so cool that you found a dress! It is also good that you aren’t stressing too much over the points. Do you have any pictures of the dress? We want to see!

    Zelma – that sounds fantastic that you have relaxed and found joy in your current situation. Who knows? Maybe without the stress the extra weight you are holding onto will come off on its own. Some people say that stress is one of the causes of weight gain.

    Ammi – I am thinking my little binge was hormonal. I started taking this new BC pill called Seasonale that makes it so you only get your period once every 3 months, but it seems it doesn’t entirely stop that hormonal swing. (darn!) Even at my highest weight I have always had my period like clockwork.

    The beer festival was actually a barleywine festival, which meant that all of the beer had alcohol content of 8% up to 18% (beer normally has something like 5%). It was very good and we were able to try a lot of stuff that I had never heard of, but boy was I glad we had taken the subway.

    The thing that was difficult for me was that the walking around was still quite tough. There are lots of stairs in the NYC subway system and I did a lot of climbing and walking. As we were making our way back through a park I was complaining to my boyfriend about how I didn’t see that my time on the treadmill was really translating into real life. He reminded me that on a walk like we did, before I would have either needed a rest halfway or I would have been complaining about it much more than I was. He reminded me of the fact that I actually have come quite a ways and that I didn’t realize it because it was gradual. That was really sweet of him and I felt a lot better, however I am really looking forward to when it gets warm out again and I can start doing some walking outside.

    Today I am relaxing at home, catching up on email and things, plus trying to import all of my CD’s into iTunes so that I have my entire music collection available on my iPod. I will also go and try and get a trim – my bangs are out of control, and I will head over to Target to pick up a few more tank tops to wear while working out at the gym. I was getting very self conscious because the T-shirts that I wear ride up a bit when I do over the head stretches, and I am just not ready to show the world (even the small little world of my gym) my midsection with all of its stretch marks. Wearing the tank top under the T-shirt was a little hotter, but it made me feel more comfortable.
  • Nancy - we must have been posting at the same time. I know what you mean about hormones and still having them despite being on the pill that doesn't let you have a period for 3 months. I am on a contraceptive that doesn't allow me a period at all, but I still seem to have more pimples one week in the month, and seem moodier (if that is possible lol) I am going to write in my diary when I notice any changes and see if it could be linked to when I would normally be having a period.

    Good for you for doing all that walking, I am sure it was all worth it to enjoy that barley wine festival. With that alcohol content I BET you were glad to take the subway instead of the car. Big hugs to your boyfriend for saying just the right thing when you were feeling down about your working out seeming not to do much in terms of real life walking. It some times takes a gentle reminder to make us see we REALLY are doing well.

    Have fun with the music, you have more patience than me. Doesn't it take forever to put all that music on your Ipod? Take care and have fun


  • Amber - Woohoo! I love buying smaller clothes!!! Glad you had a good time, and I hope you are able to get your workout in!

    Julee - Ooooh! Congrats on getting the dress!!! Sounds like you were just BEAMING! Are you getting really really excited?

    Zelma - It's so wonderful to hear about all of your success, and I'm glad that you are deciding to maintain...sounds like you've got the perfect mindset for it, and I wish you all the luck in the world!!!!! I've gotten one of the dreadfalls done...there are two in a set, though...and possibly this evening, I'll take a pic, so I can show you all. I still have to buy some rexlace, though, and Hobby Lobby is closed on Sundays, so they won't REALLY be finished until I can get my hands on some rexlace. As for my car, I just got my oil changed, put some fuel injector cleaner in it, and took it through the car wash...it hadn't been washed in MONTHS! lol. I have an appointment tomorrow to see about getting 3 new tires, and getting the spark plugs checked/replaced. I'm going to need to do my brakes soon, but Andrew SHOULD be able to do it for me, so I don't have to go to a shop.

    Brenda - I love buy one get one half off...on top of having a shoe fetish...it really helps! LOL!

    Ammi - So great about you working out everyday!!! I'm sure your weigh-in will go splendidly!!!

    Nancy - I hate giving away my money for car repairs, too...so many more FUN things I could be buying! LOL

    Weighed in, and I'm down 2 more pounds, for a total loss of 43 since December 12th. I've gotta lose another 8 pounds for my St. Patty's Day goal...but you can't say I haven't been trying! lol...I've worked out everyday for the past 16 days, I believe is my count. Andrew and I wanted to rent "Walk the Line", as we didn't get a chance to see it in the theaters, but every place we went to didn't even HAVE a copy, as they were all rented out. So we are going to go to the Dollar Theater this evening, and see it. Going out for dinner as well. When we get back, I'll work out, and work on my falls some more.

    Kinda an odd NSV for me, but I liked it! When I was working out last night...doing my weights, I also did some stretches, and I could sit, and touch my head to my toes again! I haven't been able to bend down that far in like 8 years!!!!!!!!!!! (You know, sitting Indian-style, but with your feet touching...it's a yoga move). So that was fun.

    TOM decided to show up for the second month in a row. I've never had a period back to back....EVER.
  • Hiya Chickies!!
    It has been just before Valentine's since I posted but I have dropped in just to read and catch up. I did meet my Valentine's goal of reaching 299, and then I crashed I went on a major eating binge for a week, BUT I got back on track and I am now 293 That makes my total at -35 lbs since Jan 2/06. A person works soooooooo hard to lose a few pounds but can put it right back on at a blink of an eye. I guess that is why we have to make it a "lifestyle change"

    I have started to exercise and my knees are in sooo much pain, They grind and clunk....I feel like an old car...lol I had surgery on my right knee when I was 12 and about 5 years ago I fell HARD on my left knee. I have a DR appointment in 2 weeks for a refill but I will ask her also about the knees. Just to see if it is safe to continue the exercising dispite the knee pain.

    I just wanted to say hello to everyone and I will make it a point to post more!! Take care...Muahhhhhhhhh
  • Butterflyns - So nice to see you again, and congrats on getting under 300 pounds!!!! That's so great! I can't wait to join you there!
  • Well, I think I'm going to go ahead, and hop off the computer, and maybe work on my falls a little bit, and get ready for us to go out this afternoon. Hope you all have a great rest of your Sunday!
  • Kayley - thanks for the encouragement let's hope you are right about my WI, I will be here some time tomorrow to report.

    Well done on another 2 lbs lost that is wonderful news, you are doing so brilliantly. Also woohoo on the NSV, touching your head to your toes, amazing. I can't ever remember doing that even when I was a skinny young thing.

    That's funny how you are talking about not being able to get the DVD of Walking the Line because it is so popular. It's only recently hit the cinemas here! It will be a fair while until we get chance to get it on DVD. I hope you enjoy it when you do get to see it, a friend of mine was a bit disappointed with it because there wasn't much music in it.

    Butterflyns - lovely to see you posting, have I told you how lovely you look in your photo? If not, well I am telling you now

    35 lbs lost since January is awesome, and getting under 300 lbs must have felt amazing. I can't wait to get there myself. I have been over for way too long.

    If you are having problems with your knees perhaps you could go swimming or use a Gazelle Rider or an elypitical machine, stuff that won't put so much strain on your knees. I hope the doc can give you some good pain killers if you do find that all exercise causes you pain.


  • Good afternoon everyone

    Kayley ~ Congrats on the 2lb loss this week. You are doing wonderful! I also have a bit of a shoe fetish...sneakers in particular!!!!! Enjoy the movie. I thought it was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!

    Nancy ~ Glad to hear that you had a good time at your beer festival....i havent drank beer in years but I can only imagine what 18% would be like, marvelous! You would only have to drink a couple *L* Men can be so stunned yet so sweet sometimes. Nice to hear that you got in a lot of exercise though!!!!

    Is anyone else noticing that as the weight comes off that sex is better/easier? All i am going to say is that I certainly as finding a difference!

    There's a topic for discussion!

  • Aggrivation has set in,,,

    I have a test Monday and Tuesday,, I feel like I have forgotten how to study, I have been looking over the required material. on and off today, then I spent time REALLY looking over the things,, It seems I just cant get my head clear enough to focus.. I just am not Retaining.. and I am scared as **** that I am gonna flunk the tests...............................ughhhhhhhhhhh. ......
  • Crock ~ Go for a walk and clear your head.... It always helps me I hope it helps. I am sure you are retaining more than you think you are.
  • Hi Everyone,
    I had my son's and husband's birthday party today and I ate cake and ice cream so bad I know it was just to hard not too. I stayed up till 4 am decorating so that it would be a surprise party turned out very well. We played pin the tail on the donkey and it was so funny!But I am very tired.
    I weighed this morning I always weigh in on Sundays and I lost 3 pounds for the week. So that is good. I hope I didn't gain any back after the cake .
    I am off to clean up the party mess now.
    Have a good Sunday
  • Brenda - it's your fault mentioning sex like that has got Crock's mind all in a muddle. Seriously though I have always been big since I met Daren and most of the time we haven't been able to have relations due to my surgeries etc. I like to think the thinner him and I both get the more adventurous we might be

    Crock - sorry to hear you aren't retaining any of the info you need for your tests. You know what I did in highschool, which worked. I recorded what I needed to learn and went to sleep listening to it. I swear that the next day I knew that stuff word for word!! It's worth a try if it isn't too boring to read and record.

    Blondie - that is so awesome that you stayed up so late to make the surprise party just that. Sounds like everyone must have had a great time, and so what that you had a bit of cake and icecream. We don't have to give up all our treats purely because we are dieting.

    Well done on another 3 lbs lost you are doing so well. Are you going to wait another week, or will it be two like you mentioned, before you get on the scales again?


  • crock = nope have not watched Let's make a deal yet. Was it on Sat, I thought someone said it was on THur. But I dont know what time. Probably isnt the same without monty hall anyway. I used to enjoy him he reminded me of Paul Lynde (sp?)

    Brenda - Yay for the 1 pound down...now for his brothers and sisters..

    Ammi - how did you meet daren, if i may ask?

    Nancy - Hey I have the Veena and Neena set Bellydance Fitness set too but I have not played them yet, are they good? Easy to do?

    Yes, I can tell I have lost weight because I have better indurance with the exercise and stuff. Plus my BMI came down too so that shows something. But at this size I mostly notice how much I still need to lose...you know?

    Kayle - wow, THAT is a really GREAT NSV! You are getting your flexibility back and that is really helping with your workouts or vice versa. I am impressed. I am very flexible but I cant touch my head to my toes anymore. going to have to work on that one.

    Congratulations on the loss and for coming back from the binge butterflyns!!

    Brenda - do you have to go there???some of us are destined to be single for the remainder of life...but I am glad for you that sex is getting better. I would say that qualifies as a NSV!

    Oh Crock - positive energy out to you for your tests. You CAN do it!! You are intelligent and bright and have done so well so far...I am sure it will work out for you on the tests!

    Blondie - Glad to hear the party was a success! and congrats on the 3 pound loss! Maybe if you are supergood the rest of the week you can keep the cake and ice cream from showing up on the scale!
  • Butterflynns and Kayley ~ You guys are doing so well. Congratulations on your total losses!

    Blondie ~ What's a birthday party without cake and ice cream? You'll get back on track. What's most important is that everyone enjoyed themselves (...and that birthday opportunities to indulge only come once a year). P.S.: That cake sounds good to me!


    Well, I'm afraid to speak too soon, but I think the little red haired girl has packed up and gone home!