The Weekend Cluck - March 4 & 5

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  • Good morning, SleepyChicks! The Girls and I have been up for a while. It looks like we have some snow coming so I need to rustle in some wood. I have breakfast quiche thingies in the oven in my new silicone muffin pans. Would you believe I've never made that recipe?

    It's the weekend! What are your plans? Here's a so you can sit and chat a bit!
  • Good morning, Ruth and all you sleepy chickies! I make my own type of quiche thing. My bf named it the L ydia's special. I just chop tons of fresh spinach, 2 eggwhites, 1 egg, 2% montery jack cheese, mix and pop in the oven for 20 min. IT's really good.

    Today I'll be in the woods and the next 2 as well. I should be back around 3 or so...just in time to analyze data! I'm getting sick of going in the woods but getting data and writing up a thesis is the whole reason I'm in grads chool so it must be done. On the plus side, it looks like it will be a beautiful day. The sun is shining and it's crystal clear out.

    Well, have a great saturday, chickies! Catch ya later!
  • Morning Ruth,

    I love sleeping in on Saturday!!!! My niece slept over last night and they got up this morning and allowed me to sleep until 7:20 am. Going to have some coffee and relax for a bit, feed the children and then do a workout. Have several odds and ends to go like grocery shopping and house work but no major plans for the day. I am thninking about taking Royce to that Eight Below movie tomorrow so that should be a nice treat.

    What's up with the rest of you chicks???
  • Pear = we posted at the same time, have a greeat day!
  • Good Morning Chickes
    My tow oldest boys are at Nana's so I only have my yougest and he let me sleep in. IT felt great. Now I am a little behind on my workout. (I usally do it while he sleeps.) I will try to get it in a little while. I have to work today- ugh. I am on call and have 4 reports to go out on already and it is only morning. grrrrr Oh well at least I will get out and hopefully get a haircut. I am looking a little rady lately.
    I am so proud of myself. Quinn wanted chocalte chip pancakes this morning. I made him his and did not eat any!!! I wanted to chat so bad but I didn't so proud of myself. Thsi dieting thing is sooooo hard, but I know it is worth it in the long run. Right ladies. We can do this. ( I am trying to convince myself, hehehe).

    Ruth- your up so early, good for you! Have a great day.

    PEarsy- enjoy the day outside. I am jealous, it is freezing here, but have a great day!

    Freaky- have a great day with Royce, you deserve it.

    I'll be back later, talk to you all soon.
  • good morning~!

    I went for my consult with a personal trainer at my gym yesterday...started out great him saying well you don't look overweight so i'm assuming you just want to tone up, yeah!! But then after my measurement he got out the calipers and EEEEKKKK I've got 33.1% body fat??? now there are many factors that can affect that blah, blah, blah and basically I should just use that as a bench mark so next time I check if it's lower then i know I'm doing good but still...anyway so Vinny is now my trainer and he said he'll whip me into shape, lol

    Glad you guys got to sleep in, in makes me nervous to get on here and see 4:30AM for the time
  • Hi Ladies

    Oh Happy Day the scale : moved down 1-lb this morning. Yipee!!! It must be the low carb of the SB my doctor suggested. Doing a Phase 1.5 no grain/bread/flour except once a day along with fruit.

    Have to go, waiting for the doc to call for the result of my cholestrol blood work.

    Will post alter, Hugs BB
  • Good Morining Ladies

    Mamahulk~`Good on you for not eating the chocolate pancakes,

    Freaky ~ That is a good idea about going to the movies, I am wanting to see eight below as well...... let me know how it is.

    Beach Bum~~ Happy Day,, on your loss congratulations....

    Ruth~~ Hope the snow isnt too bad, but I hear ya on "Gettin Wood in"

    As for me another OP day yesterday,, The spaghetti thing? well I won,, had nothing,, It is just not worth it ,,, So I gotta run to the store, I am out of Oatmeal and that is my breakfast...........

    Take Care All
  • Morning!!! Wow I slept very late this morning! And it's thrown me off kilter I think my brain had to work too hard with these interviews..

    BB: on that pound!!!

    Batmom: Good luck with Vinny!!!!

    Freaky: I would love to see that movie.. but when you have a DH who really only likes Sci Fi, Spy and Action movies, a story about dogs is a hard sell!

    have a great day traipsing about in the woods..

    Mama: hope you get time in for a always makes me feel brand new!Good job on resisting those pancakes!

    Ruth: Morning dear!!!!!

    Today I think I will just putter about the house... lots to keep me busy but first yes goils CAWFEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm about a half tank low and gotta muster up some energy
  • Hey chickies. Happy weekend! I am excited because tonite me and my DH are going to a sort of reunion with some of my old buddies from a job I had almost 9 years ago. They closed my office wneh I was on maternity leave and I havn't seen most of my working friends since then. Kept in touch with a few but am looking forward to catching up with them. Some are even flying in from MN where some of them transferred to. Looking forward to having a good time. The rest of the weekend I will be working and spending time with the kiddies. Got in a workout this morning and trying to stay OP to day. I have been struggling and over snacking and not being as beachy as I should and the scale has been showing it. I'm not even enjoying the things that I am eaating, just eating to eat. Bad habits sneaking back in. Hope today is a good day. Have a beachy day!
  • Hey everyone...quick drive by, gotta get to work. I went to Curves this morning (love it!) except for one gal trying to sell me AVON. AT first I was polite then I looked at her & told her I was a rep, so if I wanted the AVON I can buy at a discount. So after that she was a little standoffish...oh well.
    Batmom - I know how you feel....I felt terrible yesterday after being told I had 42.5% body fat - YIKES!!
    See ya later - off to the land of retail!
  • Mornin' ladies - I slept in late this morning too! YAAAY! Finally got up cause the puppies had been sitting at the back door for a while and I felt bad for them. My tummy is feeling so much better but my poor BF! Off with his boyz in Dallas and he messaged me that he thinks he's got what I got..

    I'm sipping a cup of green tea, eating a SB breakfast bar and thinking about my day... didn't help my friend move yesterday cause of my tummy stuff but I DID get together with my dear friend last night and watch Elizabethtown and In Her Shoes, both VERY CUTE movies... today I AM helping that friend move and then celebrating a friend's birthday at a Tex-Mex restaurant tonight... gonna hop on their web site and figure out what I'm going to eat...

    Ruth - I am jealous of your snow, I'm sure it gets old but so do 70 degree days year round... I wish we could have just a month of snow

    Pearshape - That sounds delicious spending the day in the woods, how does one get a job like that? ; )

    Morning Freaky - I CAN'T BELIEVE how early you get up normally so YAAAY that you got sleep in!!!

    Mamahulk - I'm proud of you too! Each little mini-goal you successfully complete (resisting something delicious but BAD) makes you that much stronger! So YAAAY!

    Batmom - Good job taking the initiative and hooking up with a trainer, hopefully your experience will be more successful than mine as we spent the first month in the "corrective" phase and it's like "I'm paying you to kick my butt into shape not teach me how to stretch!!!"

    Morning Beachbum - for the pound loss! Each pound down feels so delicious!

    Mamahulk - And same to you! Congrats on resisting! Another mini-goal towards your ultimate goal of healthiness!

    Schatzi - enjoy your coffee and puttering!

    Lindy - I LOVE getting together with old friends so that should be great! I hear ya on eating just to eat... "emotional eating" - I'm doing pretty well staying OP but I have that occasional binge of "eating my feelings" that will throw me off

    Soon - We posted at the same time, sorry you have to work on a Saturday! Just take it 1% at a time...

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • Good morning!!

    Haven't had a chance to check in since Thursday- things just got busy around here!! The good news is that we have 9 "stay at home" days as my daughter calls them. SPRING BREAK!!! Woohoo!! We don't have much money this week, so it will be some good quality time with my girls. DH is actually off tomorrow and Monday, so I am looking forward to time with my family.

    We had a surprise date last night- one of the vendors at my husband's hotel and a Skybox at the Dallas Mavericks game. Everything was free- fit right into our budget. I was not at all OP, but enjoyed the food and beer and am back on track today! We don't get an opportunity to go out often, so the fact that it didn't cost us a dime was fantastic.

    Freaky Enjoy your weekend with your son!! :

    Ruth I have wanted to try those muffin pans. Let us know how they work.

    Pear You are always cooking up something yummy!

    Mama Yea for sleeping in!! My kids actually slept until 7:30- that was a beautiful thing.

    Gotta love it when that scale is moving down!!!!!

    Schatzi Morning!! Hope that your interviews are going well. I have been teaching at the same school for 11 years and the thought of ever having to go on another interview scares me!!

    Lindy Snacking is always my downfall. You can do this girl!!

    Weezle I am so sorry to hear you are down and discouraged. You know we all love you and are here for you. Vent away when you need to!

    I need to go feed the baby as she is starting to complain! My mom is coming over in a bit to help me go through the girls' clothes and get organized for spring. The woman should be a professional oraganizer. I let her come over, boss me around for a few hours and my house is always in better shape!!
  • Morning Soon, Bat, Sarah, and Crock!! have a super Saturday.
  • Good Morning Chicks....

    I am still a Newbie because it has been about a month since I posted my intro. I was in Texas at the time at our daughters house. But I'm home now and going to try and make it a habit to get on here daily!!
    I went food shopping for our house yesterday..I trew out all the "Bad" stuff and bought all the "Good"!!
    So now we are on the right track..I hope. I lost another lb. since being home.... !
    As for this husband drives school bus and he has a trip today so I am meeting him there and we are going to "hang-out"!
    Tomorrow we are going to a Home & garden show. I love time for Fanny-sitting!!!

    Have a Great weekend everyone!!!