question of the day

  • if you were a superhero - what would your super strenght skill be?
    Now - I don't want it to be something like - flying, seeing thru things like an exray - etc, but more like, a silly super human strenght. Like always have a bottle opener when anyone needed one. Or spread yawns a mile away. or provide directions to the nearest public restroom when someone was in desparate need (and they may not even have to ask!) - I'll think of mine while sleeping - good luck!
  • Ok, I would really want the ability to read minds and stop evil plans... but I suppose if we're going for novelty super-girl stuff ... okay its early and I'm not feeling creative yet... but perhaps always knowing the time (I never remember to wear my watch) or always having exact change (for myself, and when for anyone says "Does anyone have a quarter?"... )
  • Hmmm how about the ability to always have my school work magically done.
  • that sounds like a good one to me

    You know... I'm just generally a curious person.... I would love the ability to know what people are listening to when they're plugged into their iPods/mp3 players/discmen. Whenever I see someone on a bus or walking or running with music on, I always wonder what they're listening to!

    Maybe my superpower would allow me to just see people's playlists running above their heads or something
  • I would like to be able to sew....and of course be good at it, good enough that I could make curtains, and most importantly a cute wardrobe....

    but, I wouldn't want them to look like I made them...

    ps.Britomart: I wonder the same thing!! plus, I think no one would ever believe half of the stuff on my Ipod!
  • I know!! I have such a weird selection of music, and I know a lot of it doesn't fit what people perceive as "my kind" of music. I'm always up for hearing new things, which is why knowing the random things everyone else listens to would be cool...
  • The ability to stretch time, so that I could get everything I wanted to do done (said while looking at my messy apartment, when I'm about to head out the door to the libraray)
  • The ability to snap and have the gym in my room.
    Also i would like to have people surrounded by a bubble of music, sort of like having your own soundtrack to life, but with a click of a button you wouldn't HAVE to hear everyone elses.
  • I would be able to make peoples tongues swell up to ten times their original size everytime they were about to say something mean or nasty about somebody else .