Over 50 -- March Chat

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  • Here we are.

    Thanks for the compliment about my willpower, Laurie. It was really just a one-day, lucky fluke. I'm not usually that strong. But, hey, never challenge the good stuff.

    Have a good morning, gang. See you soon.
  • Good morning everyone, I think this is a good ideal. I was wondering how long you could continue to post on the other linc. Ours was getting really long (a good thing).

    Hope everyone is having a good morning. Make it a good day. We all have that decision to make every morning. How will I spend this day? Today I will make good decisions for my health.

    Hope to see eveyone here later on! Freda
  • Me too, I made it here. Whew!!! After I said it was a good idea (and it IS meowee) I started thinking 'Oh no! What if I can't find them again???' LOL!!

    I'm heading out to go buy groceries - my Atkins keeps me busy with the meal-planning and keeping things on hand. Grocery shopping on a Saturday AM is NOT something I consider a fun way to spend the morning, but I didn't go yesterday, so there you go...nobody to blame except for me

  • Just pulling this up so any lost lambs will be able to find it more easily.

    Glad you made it Hy and you too, SlimMe (the lost lamb I found on the old thread mentioned your name).
  • WOW! I found you, I was getting worried for a moment, but knew I would evenually find you or throw a big in the process.

    I've done good food wise, made wise choices and have plenty of points left if I want a snack tonight. Have kept my hands busy sewing on my quilt this morning and drinking plenty of water. Will see what the scales have to say on Monday.

    Make it a good weekend and I'll check back in later.

  • Hi everyone.

    LOL not only over 50 but pushing 59 VERY closely! I was doing soooooo well and had lost of my weight; then got a huge thyroid tumor, surgery, hypothyroid, etc., and kind of also gave up... and all of a sudden yikes there I was at an all time high weight! We never ever give up though so here I am again at it!!!

  • Oh, I just want to say that I'm VERY OK with having lost 7 pounds on Atkins Induction in 30 days. I'm following the program and that is my big accomplishment, IMO Maybe to others that's not that impressive of a loss, but I feel it's heading in the right direction towards my ultimate goal of losing 38 lbs.

    I wouldn't be comfortable going lower than the allowed 20 g carbs per day - I want to eat the small amount of veggies that contributes to the 20 g total allowed daily just for health reasons.

    I'm exercising with my trainer, but I have had to do more stretching and weight-training the past 3 weeks because I injured my heel - so can't do a lot of cardio right now until that heals. (That's not meant to be a pun -heel/heal - but I guess it is - lol!)

    Anyway, this is life and stuff happens- my focus is to continue on my program, keep my "contract" with myself and be happy for any weight loss I see as a result of my efforts

  • Quote: Hi everyone.

    LOL not only over 50 but pushing 59 VERY closely! I was doing soooooo well and had lost of my weight; then got a huge thyroid tumor, surgery, hypothyroid, etc., and kind of also gave up... and all of a sudden yikes there I was at an all time high weight! We never ever give up though so here I am again at it!!!


    Welcome Dance

    I just was diagnosed with a thyroid tumor last week

    Yea for you to not give in - I like your fighting spirit!!! Glad to have you join us here.

  • Found You!
    Hi, everyone, and a big to Dance4joy. I don't have a thyroid tumor but have nodules and Hashimoto's Disease. Went through the whole biopsy thing about a year ago and am not quite bad enough for meds which, I guess, is good news, though it's certainly not doing much for my metabolism.

    Would you believe I am STILL really sick? It's been a whole week now, and I'm really starting to get fed up and bored. I've had to spend a couple afternoons pretty much in bed sleeping and have had many sleepless nights due to sinuses and coughing fits, even with meds. Freda, can you mix up another batch of your hot toddiess, please?

    Needless to say I haven't exercised a lick. With vacation only about two weeks away, this isn't good!

    I hope you all have good days tomorrow. I'm going to try my best.
  • Hello Hy... Sorry to hear about your thyroid tumor... are you having surgery soon? Well I have to say mine was not nearly as bad as I expected... I never even had to take pain pills. Mine was huge and appeared to be malignant but the final biopsy during surgery came back benign so they only had to remove half the thyroid instead of all of it.

    Marsha, sorry you are sick. As to the meds, I was really happy when they increased my small dose by 50% as I was just exhausted all the time, etc. I would prefer being on the meds to not feeling well all the time!! Hope you can get your metabolism regulated!!!

  • (wandering around, scratching head, trying desperately to find her way back to the group! ) Well, here we are! (LOL) I'm still too new and trying to find my way around the endless threads at this site, so moving these posts really threw me for a loop! Glad someone posted a link.

    Dance, sorry about the hypothyroid stuff. Been living with it myself for 15 years or so now. Just diagnosed with Insulin Resistance...finally a reason for no weightloss despite all my diet and exercising! Spent the last 2 years fighting that battle and having doctors blame me instead of investigating a cause. Oh well, I'm going to spare you the conversation about my experiences with missed diagnosis's with both my thyroid disease and insulin resistance.

    I also quit smoking 4 years ago ( yippee! ) after a 30 year addiction. After quitting, I seemed to spiral downward fairly quickly. Seems everything went haywire. My thyroid went wacky and I ended up going severly hypo again despite medication. I ballooned up to my highest of 198 pounds ( 5'2" ) and it took me all of these years to finally get that straightned out. It's one of those "which came first the chicken or the egg" scenario's, ya know? Mix quitting, thyroid disease and Insulin Resistance, together and what did I get? A big mess! lol

    So, here I am, like you, moving forward trying to get everything back into balance. My Hashimoto's is being successfully managed with Levoxyl and Cytomel. My Insulin Resistance is being controlled with low carb
    ( South Beach ) diet, exercise ( at least 1 hour per day ) and medical supplementation. I've just celebrated my 4 year anniversary choosing to live a smokefree life, and haven't regretted that decision at all. Thankful for all of the above forementioned.

    If you don't know already, there are alot of awesome thyroid support forums. Learned most everything I know about my disease from them ( unfortunately not the doctors ) I highly recommend them.

    So glad you're biopsy was negative. Years ago I did undergo a needle biopsy. Not fun. Not again. Not enough tissue to come to a conclusion. Still have my thyroid. Changed doctors. lol

    Well, here's to our continued success!

  • Hi Susan

    Wow, what a time you have had! Congratulations on sticking with the stopping smoking!!!

    Yah the biopsy was definitely not fun, nor was the surgery. But it was not that bad either! I had an excellent surgeon. Strange... I had a HUGE lump on the side of my neck and no one (including self) had even noticed it. I just attributed the swallowing difficulty to my allergies. I went to this surgeon for another small surgical procedure and he noticed it immediately!! The thing was huge!!!

    As to the support forums, to be honest I pretty much stay away from them as I find them all to be so negative and "anti-doctor" -- and while I very much agree that most doctors in this country are FAR behind in diagnosing and treating thyroid disease, I also have a doctor whom I trust a lot. She monitors my meds and it seems to work pretty well for the most part. So while I DID learn most of my facts about hypothyroid via the Internet and try to be responsible myself to do my best for treatment, I also don't want to let what I read online drag me down... and the "support" forums could very easily do that if I let them! Unfortunate but true.

  • A great, big, welcoming for you Dance. Glad to have you with us. Also glad to see everyone finding their way over here. You have to thank Suzanne for the link. I had to beg for help to overcome my technical challenges when I discovered a couple of people were lost.

    Have a great day, everybody. Hopefully by Monday everyone will have found us again. Keep on doing the good stuff, gang.
  • Thank you on the congrats! I am proud as punch to be sure!

    As far as support forums, I agree Dance, and luckily for you you've found a doctor that you trust and listens to you. But I've also found great success in forums while quitting smoking and such as this new journey...

    Unfortunately, I didn't have the luxury of a doctor that listened or trusted and the internet ( along with all of it's flaws ) was a Godsend. (Yes, they can "doctor bash"
    especially Endo's ) and I suppose if one believe's everything they read, they could easily get caught up in it all. It can get rather confusing, can't it?

    I've learned, as with everything in my life, that balance is key. I learned the hard way, that Doctors aren't God's and I also know that some annonymous person on the other end of the keyboard might be a nut! ( lol ) So in that, I've learned to gather information from the internet ( thank God we can use it as a tool for information, right at our fingertips ) and work along with the doctor as we partnership in my healthcare.

    Balance...I no longer believe what all doctors say... nor do I believe all that I read on the internet. We must all take responsibility for our own health, as you and I have done, and continue to do...

    Wishing you much success on this journey also!

  • Quote: Hello Hy... Sorry to hear about your thyroid tumor... are you having surgery soon? Well I have to say mine was not nearly as bad as I expected... I never even had to take pain pills. Mine was huge and appeared to be malignant but the final biopsy during surgery came back benign so they only had to remove half the thyroid instead of all of it.

    Once again, Welcome Dance

    I just found out about my thyroid last week, so am in the beginning of this journey. I have a nuke med thryoid uptake scan at end of month and then an appointment a few days later with an Endocrinologist that specializes in nuclear medicine and the thyroid. I'll hear what he has to say, but I have my NMD and an MD, both that I really like, so that gives me some support to do what *I* think is best for me.

    It was interesting to read your thoughts on some of the online thyroid groups. I did join an online group and was pretty STUNNED at the hostility of just a few members about how others were managing their thyroid issues. Maybe once I get a definite diagnosis (cancer or not cancer) then I'll search out groups, but I don't think this group I joined is very helpful right now. Kind of more like watching a train wreck happen

    Well, this group is great as I'm sure you know. From what I've read, everyone is "coming back" from having lost weight in the past and then because of life events, finds themselves back to square one. For me it was the death of a close friend and another death of a family member and then my husband being diagnosed with cancer last year. My exhaustion led to almost a 40 lb gain in about 6 months...speaking of a train wreck - I was one myself!!

    Atkins is my diet of choice and I'm doing it just fine. I've been weighing myself every Monday and Thurs - so far I've lost 7 pounds since I began Feb 01. Maybe not all that impressive but I'm happy. I had to stop my thyroid meds for this upcoming test, so under the circumstances, I'll just be happy if I don't GAIN -lol!!

    Best wishes with your diet - which one are you doing?