Over 50 -- March Chat

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  • Just me again . . . wow it's quiet in here, we slipped off to the second page.

    Donna . . . congratulations on the loss and it sounds like you had a really fun weekend. Gail . . . sounds like you are going to have a fun time at that high school play.

    See you soon, gang.
  • A HUGE hug to all of you You just don't know how much your words of support meant to me today as I had my day one of tests - tommorrow AM there's one more and then I'm done until I see an Endocrinologist in mid-April.

    The first tech of the day was just simply not nice so I just said "whoa" and asked for someone else. That sucked, but everyone else was great for the rest of the day.

    Kept on my program altho tonight I had a BIG hunger for food!! Probably stress. But I ate my approved food for Atkins Induction and nothing else.

    Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers - please keep me in them for tomorrow too and then I'll let you all off duty for a few days!!

  • Hey Hy....much of the stress is almost over for you, Girl...hang in there with the positive thoughts! Good for you for standing up and asking for another tech.

    Woke up feeling a little "thinner" this morning, so weighed myself to see.
    YES!!!! Another ugly pound gone! Don't know how, but I'll TAKE IT!

    Now.....I have a Gazelle date with Tony.....so see ya'll later Make it a great day!
  • Yay Jill... good for you!! I knocked off a pound yesterday too, yippee
  • hi
    Hi Everyone,

    To everyone one that lost weight, Meow, Donna, Jill, Misty, Gail, And for the rest of us too, for keeping on keepin on!

    Jill, Loved the pictures! That's about as close as I'll ever get to the tropics! And nice pedicure too! It's going to be warm enough here soon for the toe bearing shoes to come out of the closet! Can't wait to paint my toenails a bright, springy color!

    Gail, You have such will-power! Must be all that will power dust we're getting. To make such good choices for dinner, at a buffet, Yet! I'm hoping I follow in your footsteps and my BP lowers. It wasn't high enough for BP meds but it was getting there fast!

    Its for me, Plateaus happen! Don't get too discouraged, just think of it as your body regrouping before it starts losing weight again! You still have lots of time to lose before the wedding!

    It was such a beautiful day today! I took the dog for a LONG walk. Just wore a sweat shirt! I can take a lot of days of this. My eating is under controle again. Just fell off the wagon and bounced back on! Can't stay down, that is admitting defeat!

    Have a great day everyone, Freda
  • Good morning you gorgeous group of ladies! It's Friday, the sun will be shining and I'm going to MAKE it a good day if it kills me! lol

    Beginning to feel results from the weights and stability ball I've incorporated. Hoping to see more toning as I continue to lose (?) Well, it's my plan anyways.

    I found the most gorgeous "Mother of the Groom" dress ever! One slight problem...it accentuates the waistline...my biggest problem area! So, hopefully a few more pounds and a girdle or a corset and I'll get the guts to try it on ( lol ) Trouble is...my future-daughter-in-law saw it and fell in love with it...I'd love to be able to wear it for her. Wish me luck!

    Keep moving forward ladies cuz we're awesome!
  • hi
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,
    It's another beautiful day here in Michigan! I guess the doggie will get another long walk today. It is supposed to rain later so I have to get out ther and go before it starts. April weather! Almost time to start out April thread!

    It's for me, You have plenty of time to lose some more weight and surprise your DIL to be with that dress! What color? That exercise and weight lifting will kick in and you WILL see results.

    To everyone, Go make it a good day! It's all in the attitude! Freda
  • Thanks for the reminder, Freda! Exactly... since I feel so cruddy with major allergies I am having to remind myself about attitude and trying to be NICE to people even though I feel lousy!!!
  • A great big HI for everyone.

    Just got back from the doctors . . . all my regular tests came back with decent numbers . . . so the poor man had nothing nasty to talk about. If only he knew that I was so delighted I decided on a major pig-out on ice cream (at least it was 'no sugar-added') and carrot muffins). I don't even regret it -- well not too much, anyway. The first time in 3 months I've had a day I'm refusing to count. Not only is tomorrow another day, it's another month and I will get right back into my 'good-girl' groove.

    Congratulations to Jill and Misti for their SV's, and to Freda for getting back in control. Here is Mr. for you Hy as you face the last of your tests, and for you Itsforme,for going for that gorgeous dress.

    Have a great day, all. Keep moving and shaking, and I'll see you all tomorrow - - - and I'll start a new April thread in the morning.
  • Hi remember me? I am back, but trust me I have tried and tired to come back but can NEVER get into these darn boards. Is anyone else having lots and lots of problems for the past several months?

    Well, of course I gained back all my weight that I lost in January AFTER the cruise, then was in sort of a I don't care mode but here it is 5 weeks from tomorrow we go back on another cruise and I have to loose weight so I fit back into those new dresses. I actually started back at this a week ago this past Monday. I weighed 167 and for the past 3 days in a row I have weighed 163 so I guess I am down 3 pounds. I really want to try to get to 155 in 5 weeks. I don't think 8 pounds is an impossible goal.

    I have not had a chance to read to see how you are all doing because the pages just do not want to load. Plus I cannot get the smiles to work. I knew how to manually type in the one I have above. Is there some new secret here I am really confused?????????

    Oh Well, I Everyone, hopefully I can return if I can get back in here.
  • Lisa! Glad you found your way back. I haven't had any trouble getting here. I always add this page to my favorites (I have windows explorer), then after a few days, when I have to click on several pages forward, I just add the latest page to my favorites, and delete the old page. I never had a bit of trouble when 3FC changed servers, and I don't have to go to the main support groups page to find our thread.

    Don't know if that makes sense, but I'm glad you're back anyway...it seems like we've lost a lot of people, including Joan who started this whole thread in the first place I think! You need to stay with us, because I cruise vicariously through you!
  • Good Morning . . . the sun has risen in the east once again . . . here is a link to our April thread . . .
