beach babes?

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  • Well, today so far has been a good day. However, I gained 2 lbs this weekend. I really need to get on track on weekends! I am bit concerned about dinner. That is my other downfall. So far I have consumed about 572 calories and dinner is only a few hours away so that leaves me with plenty. I also walked 2 miles this morning. I just have to keep telling myself that I can do this and that May 30 (my goal date) is not that far away. I just love food!!!

    Tomorrow is another day. Wish me luck!
  • I am doing well.

    9 lbs gone so far.... 4 this month so I have 6 more to meet my goal for the month.

    As much as I want to eat a burger and a piece of cake- I want to feel healthy & sexy more. I guess that is what is different this time. I've always wanted it but it's about what do I want more.

    Have a wonderful week.
  • wtg losing!
    welcome moby!
  • I have had a great day!! I think I have told myself for so many years that I can't do this. I love food too much and I will be unsatified with what I can eat. I am so proud of myself!

    Calories for the day - 1312
  • Adaem

    I am so proud of you today! You keep telling yourself you are worth this effort, worth this journey, worth all the hard work. You deserve this.

    Keep shining!!!
  • adaem- I think we all LOVe food thats why we are here...We just have to remember our goals and how badly we what to reach them. New summer clothes shopping too
  • I can't wait to enjoy shopping again!!!
  • Me too on the shopping! Of course, my shopping will be the smaller sized clothes I've got stored away.

    I went to WW last night and my start weight was less than my home scales - 217.5 lbs. so my goal of being below 200 by the end of May is achievable. Our WW leader made a really good point last night that struck home with me. First, she asked us if we could only have 1 car for our entire lives, what would it be? Then, we talked about how we'd take care of it - regular oil changes, check-ups, good fuel, cleaning, etc. You probably see where this is leading as she then compared it to our bodies (which we only get one of for life) and how we should take care of it. It encouraged me a lot - I came home and walked another mile with DH so I got in 4 miles of walking yesterday!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone - onward and downward!
  • Dee- Yeah me too ....I have a closet full of clothes I wished I could fit into and still breath....looking forward to wearing all that stuff again YEAH!
  • hi ladies!
    pooh i love that analogy!
    2 more days til ww!
  • Hey everybody what's up.... my scale didn't budge one iota... oh well.... we'll see what comes of me next week. Good luck everyone!!!
  • I was having such a good day yesterday and today has been very bad. I had MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) today and they always have snacks. I am so weak! I know that today is just one of seven but I feel like a loser! I do't even want to log my calories on fitday. It doesn't help that the sun has not been out for almost a week.

    Well, tomorrow is another day.
  • I agree ladies, I cannot wait to shop for smaller sizes! I've got smaller sizes in my closet, many with tags still on them. I better hurry up and lose this weight, or by the time I do, all the stuff I've got hangin in there will be outta style!

    Aleigh, I love your attitude! Keep on keepin on sweetie, you'll see a loss very soon!

    Adaem, aw hon, so you had a rough portion of your day. You are still doing great! I hope you feel better this afternoon and are willing to forgive yourself.

    Ladies, I hope you are all doing fantastic today! I am off to a pretty good start, altho' those darn girl scout cookies keep staring at me still. Aside from being headachey(sp?) I feel pretty good reducing my Rx. I pray, pray, pray that this works and I'll be rewarded for my efforts soon. Scale don't fail me now!
  • hey adeam im sorry the scale didnt budge....maybe you could keep some fruit around w mops group or baked chips or something? im still eating badly but im goin to ww thur so ill be startin on fri.
    hi to everyone else!
  • adaem -- it is okay, honestly... don't ever ever feel like a loser. Keep ur spirits up because I have heard a lot about mind having a lot to do with weight. Stress does cause us to retain weight and our bodies to slow down. So make it a point to tell yourself every morning when you look in the mirror that you are awesome.. beautiful and deserving of every wonderful thing this world has to offer. One day you will see your reflection in the mirror and it will seem different to you and you will see how beautiful you are. I promise... on my off days if I look into a mirror my sadness or stress clouds my face and I notice I am looking "rough" ... and on my really really good days I look into the mirror and smile and play that whole part of checking myself out. My weight didn't change, and it is still the same face, but our moods and feelings really affect us.

    But don't ever ever ever feel weak or like a loser. Next time you see those snacks you might indulge in one, two or a few, but those snacks won't break you.... make that your reward day for yourself. If its once a month - then make that day each week your reward day. People think losing weight means no guilty pleasures, rather I THINK that diet is eating healthy and as intended to fuel our bodies with proper nutrients and then those tasty yums are good once in a while... I have a day when I reward myself with something yummy like sugary cereal or sunchips and during TOM, I know my reward is at the beginning and is made of chocolate LMBO...

    HI ANDREA - have fun at WW thursday.... tomorrow is wednesday... I don't know what you're planning to do but I can tell you for every diet (LOL yes there have been plenty attempts) I always have a farewell party the day before... ya know one last day for all the good stuff... TEE HEE, yup I think I gained 4 pounds when I started this diet because of my farewell to carb party LOL!!!
    desertdreamer - I hope the reduction in Rx helps you. And mmmmmmmmm.... girl scout cookies... I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it... I'd be ripping them open LOL!!! I love cookies. I had a battle with my box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and finally my will came crashing in and I had ham & cheese on wheat (I don't know if that was more healthy really, but I know it was more protein ) I threw my frosted flakes away because I love cereal and I am saving that Cinnamon Toast Crunch for this weekend as my reward, lol and then chocolate on Sunday because it is almost time for my TOM and I am hoping that this week it appears as I didn't lose because my body always retains massive water the week before and I hope that is what I am seeing... ooooo wouldn't that be exciting!!

    MMMMMKay guys, I ramble way too much... exercising makes you talk a lot LOL and no wonder most people think those who are exercise junkies are on drugs because the hyper factor is way up there ..... Yeah I got 10,000+ steps in todya with long walk up town, 25 min cardio & pilates session.... yeah I am wired.

    Hi EVERYONE!!!!!!!